Frederick Good



1 month, 9 hours ago


Freddy Good


NAME Frederick Good


AGE 20s

SPECIES Clockwork Doll

GENDER Non-binary



The middle child of the Good siblings, Freddy is the most rational and scholarly with his love of reading and exploring the why's and how's of the world.

He may not live and breathe the circus like his siblings do but he still enjoys showing off party tricks and the likes to impress people :]


  • Knifes & daggers
  • Fresh notebooks
  • Libraries
  • Creepy crawlies


  • Animal cruelty
  • Distractions
  • Lack of time
  • Destroying knowledge


  • Best suited for knife-throwing and animal taming.
  • Had a best friend named Lucky.
  • Loves frogs the most 🐸
  • The middle child.


  • Has the wildest curly hair of the siblings
  • Eyes are mismatched! Seem to always be shifting in color.
  • Pupils are swirls
  • Usually neutral in expression
  • Prefers funny patterns or bright colors on dark; think arcade floor.


The most calm and collected of his siblings. As such, he's more logical and level-headed when approaching things compared to his more impulsive and emotion-driven siblings. Doesn't lash out or jump to conclusions and prefers to gather all the details of a situation before making a move.

It's behavior that stems from an upbringing of forced patience and control ever since the discovery of his magical prowess next to Jack. He treats everything he does with as much precision and careful thought-out orienting as he does his knife throwing.

Freddy is somewhat awkward and stand-offish with others without meaning to be, finding it hard to connect never quite sure what to say or how to keep conversation going if it's not about something he's passionate about. It has made him rather easy to pick apart from his siblings, but he ultimately doesn't care, as the company of others isn't something he prefers anyways.


Youth - Young Adulthood

Raised alongside his siblings into the Cirque de Lumière, run by John and June Good. As the middle child his magic-enhanced abilities were quickly brought to light once he was of an acceptable age to begin properly playing with knives and such, as well as performing for crowds.

Most of the time when he was not praticing his performance or with his siblings or friends, the Eclypsa family children, Freddy could be found on his own in nature somewhere. Most likely in a tree or sources of water to try and catch frogs and look at fish.

As they grew older and the love for shows began to fade, John and a business partner had an unfortunate falling out that led to John's ailing health and the decline of the circus. The family put their lives as performers on hold in order to finally get the ringmaster of the circus to back down from his duties and prioritize his health over chasing old success.

Adulthood - Current

After Jack took over in place of their parents, Freddy became more freelance in his duties and began studying and traveling abroad while their parents retired and rehabilitated. Years went by with Freddy occasionally returning every few months with new knowledge and souveniers of his travels. Making his room and the library of the large manor a showcase of exciting other lands.

It was only after John and June finally passed of old age, ailments, and general broken hearts that the siblings reformed themselves with the help of Jack's amazing abilities of creation and research into new clockwork beings that could carry on the Cirque's grandiose life like a play that would never end.


Jack Good Older Brother

As his older brother and general role model growing up, the two may not always get along but Freddy holds great respect for Jack. They are able to have informed discussions on lots of things and Jack has often gone to Freddy in the past for advice on how to manage estate affairs.

They squabble more like normal siblings should but still care deeply for each other even if Freddy is incredibly awkward about expressing it. He would fight anyone who was terrible to his siblings.

Rose Good Younger Sister

With Rose being the baby of the family, Freddy has learned a lot about themself through her discoveries with gender and sexuality. It was her open-minded way of viewing the world that allowed Freddy the ability to finally feel comfortable in their own skin and expressing themself truthfully. She helped him learn how to let go and have a little more fun, encouraging him to be more mischievous.

They don't argue much and when they do the situation is resolved very quickly, there's hardly ever any reason for them not to get along.

NAME relationship

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