Rose G. Good



1 month, 1 day ago


Rose Grey Good-Eclypsa

NameRose Grey
SpeciesClockwork Doll

The youngest sibling of the three Good siblings born to John and June, and definitely the bubbliest even compared to her older brother - Jack! Her motto is to live your life as freely as you want and holding onto those you love tightly.

Her body is detailed like a ball jointed doll and works very similarly except for the three layers that make up her frame; the brass underframe that makes up the 'skeletal' structure, the middle layer that acts much like a soft porcelain and is as smooth and fragile much like the skin of a person, and the top layer that is a smooth polymer textured like a peach for realism.

As the least magical of her family line, Rose's special ability is her extreme flexibility! On par with that of a contortionist, Rose is capable of bending her joints and twisting her limbs into wild positions to wow crowds and show off!

Gardens & nature
Soft/bubbly pop music
Her husband and child
Wearing pretty things
Rude people
Seeing injuries/gore
Being misgendered
Upsetting others
Has no magic capability!
Realized she was trans in her 20s
Youngest of 3!
Was an acrobat!

It's almost incredibly easy to tell that Rose was raised as the youngest! She and her siblings did in fact have the same rules to abide by and their parents were not more or less forgiving with any of their children with the exception of Jack, as he was the heir, but they were all raised the same. Still she got into a lot more mischief since there was always a lot going on in the Good family's lives!

She's very easy going and forgiving of others and believes in second (and third and fourth and fifth) chances! Rose sees the best in people and is always the optimist while Freddy is the pessimist and Jack is the most balanced perceptionally. It makes the three a very good balance overall.

Even grown up she can be mischievous and pull pranks on people, a past time she and her husband - Octavius - have always partaken in ever since they met in their youth. But she's good natured with her pranks and goes by the saying "confuse don't abuse". After all, a prank that hurts someone in some way is not a prank but an act of malice in her eyes!

Raised alongside her siblings Jack and Freddy in the world of show-business. Her father and mother, John and June Good, ran a circus by the name of Cirque de Lumiere that traveled all over and performed at low costs to bring joy and entertainment to their crowds around the world.

As the only one of the siblings with little to no magical affinity apparent, Rose instead worked with her natural abilities such as her extensive flexibility and her aptitude for daring stunts like tight-rope walking and trapeze work. She found incredible joy in it and loved to perform alongside the clowns and other stunt-artists, seen as a 'young man' who wore flashy and pretty outfits.

As they grew older, they met a noble family by the house name of Eclypsa with plenty of children for the Good siblings to get along with. The friendship was a longtime relationship between the parents and children and lasted until the eldest children were just in their 20s. Right before the visiting night of the cirque's visit in the town that the Eclypsas lived in, the tragedy of the noble family struck without the Good family ever knowing. Shortly after, the two families fell out contact as the Goods went into their own troubling times with John's ailing health and the decline in business.

With the family working together and finally stepping back from show business, John's health improved and Jack began properly taking over business for the family while the parents leaned into retirement. The rest of the time spent with their parents was filled with joy and love up until the days John and June passed, leaving behind their three grieving children.

Jack's work as a creator and running the show business also took up much of his time and Rose and Freddy were often both worried and impressed for their brother's diligence. It was only when the threat of illness and old age struck the three that Jack researched a way to elongate their lives and created three new bodies for the siblings.

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