


27 days, 8 hours ago


Leader | He/They/It | Aroace | 152 Moons

Heron’Star was born to his parents on a particularly cold Leaffall night, named after their white pelt and lanky build. Throughout its kithood, he found themselves separating itself from both the other kits and the other queens, often entertaining himself by playing and often tearing apart their prey that it was given, a habit that followed him throughout their entire life.

When he was made an apprentice, they often didn’t do its duties around camp and apprentice training, instead opting to sneaking into the medicine den and trying to learn more about herbs, despite claiming that he didn’t want to be a medicine cat apprentice. Despite their lack of apprentice training, it still managed to pass his warrior’s assessment, gaining the suffix ‘Crest’ after their remaining fur lingering around its chest.

When Heron’Crest was around 21 moons, the current leader at the time had decided it was time for him to get their first apprentice. It was ecstatic about this, and he made sure to do their best mentoring the apprentice despite its strange demeanour and behaviour. During the 6 moons he mentored their apprentice, it found the power of being able to command his apprentice without them disobeying quite endearing…

Heron’Crest proved himself to be an exceptional mentor, successfully mentoring 3 more apprentices before being chosen as Ridge’Clans deputy at 52 moons old, after the old deputy had passed away protecting the clan. Heron’Crest was absolutely elated and happily took the position, however their mind was quick to wander… When the leader passed, it would become the leader of RidgeClan. That would be fun, ordering the cats around without them disobeying… What if he could get the entire valley to obey them? Oh, how much fun that would be! It wasn’t long before the leader mysteriously lost their final life, seemingly by choking on their prey.

Now receiving his 9 lives and gaining the name Heron’Star, their mental state took a turn for the worst. It became extremely power-hungry and wasn’t afraid to show it, using his newfound power to drive RidgeClan into a state of fear so that they would obey their every command. It was quick to start threatening the other clans, wanting to take their territory so he could rule over it as well. The other leaders weren’t so fond of Heron’Star wanting to take over the other clans and rule over the entire valley, so constant territory disputes and battles were quick to ensue.

During his now tyrannical rule, RidgeClan found a large and bulky loner, which went by the name Taiga who wanted to join. Interested in this loner and wanting to know what kind of power he possessed, Heron’Star challenged him to pass a particularly hard warrior assessment, which Taiga passed with flying colours. Impressed, Heron’Star accepted Taiga into RidgeClan, renaming him Taiga’Pounce. He would make the perfect heir Heron’Star thought, and so he began to manipulate him in order to take on that exact role.

During this time of dark, Heron’Star was slowly losing his lives in the constant territorial battles against the other clans, but he didn’t mind it one bit- they didn’t expect the journey of ruling over the valley to be easy after all, especially when it’s body couldn’t keep up with his desires as time went on. Despite countless moons of effort, they never reached that goal and ultimately lost it’s final life in the heat of battle with a deep slash to his chest.


Taiga’Pounce - Enemy (Friends)
“You were going to be my perfect heir… You traitor…!”

Puma’Star - Dislikes (Neutral)
“I see you were chosen to be the next leader by the traitor… Even younger than when I was chosen.”

Copper’Star - Hates
“How were you even chosen as the next leader? You’re pathetic.”

Red’Star - Neutral (Friends)
“If I were still alive and if Taiga never came to RidgeClan, then I would’ve loved to make you my heir…”

Obsidian’Paw - Doesn’t know (Neutral)
“I can see you’re closely connected to the afterlife… I wonder if I can make you see the joys of this dark forest…?”