


1 month, 20 days ago



Called Lhys, Mime683

Gender Male

Pronouns he/him

Age 23

Race Mime (Middle)

Role Destroying things and stuff...


Mime speciality Offensive


Lhysander is an Offensive Mime, whose whole purpose in life is to destroy buildings in order to retrive more Weapons from them, and then create new Mimes with those Weapons. This is how he has seen himself whole life. However, the life of the Mime isn't that easy. You really thought that it's only "destroy this and that" and then they die? Maybe! Maybe that was his whole purpose. But Lhysander is a quite rulebreaker who doesn't ever listen to anyone even if his nice smile and solf character can tell you othervise.

Lhysander is well known in country as a most murderous and dangerous being in many years. Being able to use powerful Weapon named Josephine, which parst itself into 20 blades, he's the cause of many disasters in the capitol of his country. Highly emotional and powerless against the hunger of his Weapon - Lhys can be seen as machine, not human. His full name among the members of the Order of Mimes is "Lhysander, the Josephine's property" which refers to him being the servant of his Weapon.

However, his Mime self isn't his true self. In person he's kind and good spirited. Maybe Lhys have tendency to be quiet and non-assertive, but he has a heart of gold. Mime loves his friends and family dearly and is able to do anything for their happiness. This is really artistic soul - Lhys notices beauty of the world and is able to capture it on a canvas. The love for art in him is almost as strong as his adoration towards friends and religion. Lhysander is in fact very religious. As a Mime, he believes in Galileo, the almighty Weapon. Spirituality is really important in his life, mostly because he's not as happy as he seems to be.


Height 174

Build almost skeleton

Eyes dark brown, but appears to be black

Skin Tone uhealthy pale

Hair Color black

Hair Style thin, straight hair

Demeanor depends - mostly soft


  • Well, his demeanor depends because he has his normal self and Mime self. Don't get me wrong, he's always a Mime, but when he loses control and take his Weapon, he's much different. He can appear sweet and warm but also cold and bloodthirsty - that really depends of the situation.
  • Lhys has a little hump on his nose and a lot of freckles.
  • Lhys doesn't like highlighting his body so he wears only big, comfy clothes. And mostly, those clothes are sweaters, pullovers, wide pants and pretty coats. He likes wearing good clothes and can be considered as really trendy.
  • Lhys is not just slim. He has a skeleton built body. It's caused by his Weapon, by the way.
  • Moreover, the Order made him operation of removing ribs. That's why his body is so weird. That's why he has this really thin, unnatural waist. And he's really ashamed of that fact.
  • Lhys has maloclussion - his central incisors are wide and a bit directed onwards.
  • He used to have long hair when he was younger but in some point of life, Lhys cut them short and since that time, he has been wearing it short..
  • He despises wearing black.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

The most important fact abut Lhysander is that he's really warm, kind and social person - he adores spending time with his narrow friend group but also has no tendency to isolate himself from stangers. It's quite opposite in his case, Lhys is one of the most kind and friendly Offensive Mimes and is always trying to maintain posivite relationships with everyone. He is hardly ever gossiping and is always trying to find the best traits in people. Maybe thats why he often seems to be quite naive and is really easy to manipulate. But Lhysander really cannot turn himself againt the others.

However, he's not as positive as he appears to be. Under his surficially cheerful personality he hides a lot of saddness and self-recriminations. Lhys is really insecure and has a lot of complexes and is rather used to blame himself for every problem. His delicacy and sensitivity can be seen in the way that he talks and move, which made him the target of bullying in the past. Especially considerating that he do not look like Offensive Mime, which he is. He really can't get over this type of situations and is not able to defend himself, so Lhys almost always withdraws into himself and gets quiet. Although his face is expressive, he holds his emotions and his friends are very aware of that fact and always notice when Lhysander is not alright.

They also say that it's rather rare to see Lhysander angry. He prefers to express saddness which is also caused by the depresion, from which he has suffered for many years. Also, Lhysander is extremaly spiritual and not only dearly believes in Galileo (who is the core fundament of being a Mime), but also loves everything which involves art. Adoring the beauty of the world and painting beautiful landscapes are something that Lhys is fond of.

But in Lhysander's inside - there a lot of suppresed rage. Rage and the feeling of unjustice. Some Mimes notice that Lhys is patient and delicate up to the point. To the point when his negative emotions take control over him and Josephine makes them much stronger. Then Lhys turns into monster. Mime683, that's the name of this monster, cannot control himself and is a great danger for himself and other people. Lhysander is ready to destroy everything around himself and nothing is able to stop him up to the point where he himself notices what has been done.


Painting and sketching

He adores any kind of art but especially drawing and painting is in his heart. Lhysander love painting landscapes and sketching humans. He has his own, maybe a bit gloomy, artstyle and is capable of cathcing the most breathtaking scenery.

Reading books

He didn't care about reading until he met his fiance. Beacuse of him, he learned that it's really relaxing to him. Especially when the author describes nature - he loves long and detailed descriptions of evironment!.

Training with blades

Lhysander is a Mime - the talented one, moreover. It's obvious that he really enjoys training. He really likes to train with the use of eye-hand coordination and aiming at the target. He's also fluent with all types of blades.


Clean environment, clean mind. (That's what Salvatore said to make him clean their flat, but he really enjoys that nevertheless.).

Fresh fruits and veggies

Lhys likes to eat fresh and healthy meals but absolutely cannot cook. But he would kill for sandwich with tomato (literally kill).


Healthy body, healthy mind. (those are also Salvatore's words. But this time he tried to draw Lhys out of his room and Lhys gladly came with him because he was in love).



Although Lhysander is a killing machine, he cannot defend himself in case of regular, verbal attacks. He was a victim of bullying and is almost scared of being one again..

His body

Lhysander is so insecure and full of self hatred that he could choke with that. He hates his face, body, teeth - almost everything..


Maybe it's not a straight up hatred but Josephine awakes so many negative, destructive emotions in Lhysander that he really doesn't like being with it. His Weapon is his greatest enemy and also the most beloved friend.

Junk and oily food

His stomach really cannot handle those type of food and he avoid it with any costs..




Lhysander mostly depends on his Weapon - Josephine. It's a splitting, levitating Weapon so Lhys needs to increase the distance between him and the target before he starts attack. He's rather aggresive in fight and hardly ever retreats. His best environment are open spaces and big room, where he can encounter some obstacles. It's reasoned by the fact that Lhysander almost always fights with his blades, which he throw at the oponents while he's jumping above them. Still in the jump, he summons those blades and after they dig into the ground, so they are they pierce right through opponents. Twice. Moreover, Lhysander is suited to have more opponents and fighting against the groups of people.

Weapon Characteristic

Josephine is a long-range, levitating and splitting weapon. It splits from the single palm-sized plate to 20 forearm-sized blades. It's really energy hungry and needs three energy sources to fully turn on. The blades are capable to move independently of each other and have really strong ability to leveling themselves, improving their abilities, strenght and form. Josephine's strenght is 5,5. However, in the plot it was able to pierce through steel with hardness of 5,7.
Feelings of wielding it can be described as unstoppable, frightening hunger. This is the reason behind her full name: Josephine Worldeater.


Lhysander in his Troupe is an Offensive Mime. His role is to ensure that the external distractors and oppontents won't harm the rest of his team and don't interrupt their mission. Maybe he's not the most listened Mime, but his Troupe can always count on him. His Strategist is Leonette, the Crave's property; and his Supportive Mime is Eris, the Hanna's property


As an Offensive Mime, Lhysander suffers from many afflictions which are bond to his Weapon. As an example, he has chronic anemia, problems with iron and protein in blood. He hardly ever gains any weight and is more likely to lose some of it because of the energetic demands of Josephine. To add salt to wound, he had one heart attack and is still in danger of another one. His psychological state is also described as unstable - he has chronic depression and wrong attachment style.



Lhys was born as a son of the lawyer and his stay-at-home wife. He was his second child and his brother, Oleander, was 8 years older than him. In their house there were good material conditions and the family was used to going at vacation every year. But the atmosphere was tense and the family was ruled by the cold and despotic father. Mother was subordinated to him and seemed to manifest some emotional unstability. Despite of the fact that Lhys never experienced any physical violence from his family, he was numerously a witness of heated arguments between his brother and father which almost always were anding by them thtowing their fist at each other. Lhysander himself sometimes were victim of mental abuse from both parents and was rather neglected and omited child. He was made into studying for hours because of his poor concentration and low grades.
Lhysander's relationship with brother was unpleasant and his frustrated brother sometimes used force to make him quiet. The cumulation of their conflict had place on the family vacations. On the train station, boys got into fight and 8 year old Lhysander accidentaly pushed his brother under a train, killing him. He ran away after that and was taken to emeregency care. That night, before his parents could even report his missing - he was taken to the Order of Mimes.

The West Order

He was taken to the West Order which was placed in Middle. Scared child met Adele - the girl who quickly became his sister. He always dreamt about having a sister. He quickly adopted to new home, desperately in need of attention and care. He was ready to go anywhere just to get some love. Adele wasn't like him. She had a really hard time fitting in with Mimes. However, Lhysander wasn't popular at all. He was mildly liked and most of the future Mimes was afraid of training with him. Quickly one thing was clear - Lhysander was wildly talented and ready to do anything to receive appreciation from the Order. He das been chosen by the Jospehine to became it's property and shortly after that, his sister decided to run away

His sister decided to run with her friend and Lhysander couldn't find anything to stop her. Her escape was also the end of his life in the West Order. Adele, aswell as her friend, were killed during the escape and Lhysander after being diagnosed with depression and mourning, was sent to North.

The Central Order

He's known as the most dangerous Mimes at the continent but in private - he's known as the member of Leonette's Troupe, being really close to Salvatore who is one of the members of the Council of the Order and... being a psycho. Really, despite his really sweet personality and calm behaviour, Mimes whose knowledge about medications and mental health care is poor, are calling him like that. However, Lhysander is rather positively associated. Although his mental state is rather popular subject among Mimes, he's liked by his collegoues, especially Supportive Mimes. He's living with his fiance (and this is top secret information okay) in the small flat and is rather happy with his life.





Salvatore acotev


The feelings you aroused in me. Because this is indescribable. This is not a concept for anyone but me. I loved you dearly. And how important you are to me shows the fact that I still love you.


Adele Celinova


You allowed me to escape. You and Tate sacraficed yourselves for me. What is happening with you now? Why do you desire only the destruction?


Leonette, the Crave's property

friend; Strategist

Give yourself some time. You don't have to pick yourself up right now. You gave me plenty of time to recover, right? And was it good? It was. You have me and Eris right now, we believe in you and won't leave you alone with that.


Eris, the Hanna's property


They've made a psycho from you although you've never been one. I know you and this is not what you are deserving. You are made for something more..