
18 days, 19 hours ago



Called Nikkie

Gender Female

Pronouns she/her

Age 23 (when died)

Race Mime (North)

Role being dead

Theme cardigan



Looks can be deceiving and that can be said about Nicole. She looks really sweet and innocent with her high-pitched voice, pigtails and granny styled clothes. But under that adorable and awkward facade hides the volcano of raw emotions. There is no one as emotional and passionate like Nicole. There is no one who can love as strong as she do. There is no one who can hate as strong as she can. Her emotions are uncontrollable no matter how hard she could try to stop them. And everybody around Nicole knows that. Her reputation in the Order of Mimes was horrible, even if she was almost always really calm. Her renown was far worse than her bully friends and the answer for that was simple - she was just the silence before storm. Terribly talented and powerful Offensive Mime with strong Troupe - Nicole had potential to become one of the best in her proffesion.

But sickness isn't easy to live with. And Nicole knew it better than anyone else. Because of it she lost her lover, she lost her friends nad when she realised that it was time to change - she lost everything. Especially life.

Nowadays, Nicole is widely known as one of the few Mimes who died because of humans. And no one remeberst how brave she was, how passionate she was and how her Troupe could always count on her and her Weapon. She was one of the most powerful Mimes on the continent but her fall was moree spectacular than her full career. And her past friends are avoiding mantioning her, as she had became a taboo subject among them.

For the majority of Mimes Nicole was a really strong Mime with extremaly powerful Weapon. But to some of them she was a friend. She was a lover. She was everything. And for some reason, those Mimes are keeping their mouths shut.


Height 178

Build thin stick built

Eyes chocolate brown

Skin Tone warm ivory

Hair Color mousy blonde

Hair Style Wavy hair, took in pigtails

Demeanor Gloomy and beautiful


  • Nicole isn't the most women-ly shaped person. She rather has stick built with really thin legs, arms and neck.
  • Her style isn't cottagecore. She likes granny-like clothes and in really keen on any sweaters with long skirts. This girl is always caring about her looks.
  • She rarely smiles..
  • Among all Mime OC's on that profile, she's the second tallest, just after Weiss and the thinnest.
  • Sometimes she looks tired and others have tendency to interpret that as her being irritated.
  • She has freckles and almost dark eyes. Her curls are kinda messy, those are this type of hair which always seem to be a bit dry. But she really cares albout her hair and that's just how they look naturally.
  • Nicole most of the time prefers not to wear any make up.
  • She's one of the most beautiful Mimes - hundred times more pretty than Adele or Leonette.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Nicole is really calm and delicate on the outside. She rarely speaks without proper invitation to conversation and is reserved when it comes to meet any people. She prefers to stick to her small circle of friends and even with them, Nicole seems to be rather mysterious because how quiet she is. Often lost in her thoughts, Nicole is happy to be in the shadows. She doesn't enjoy being in spotlight, merely because of how shy she is in front of strangers. However, her attitude towards her friends is much different - in this case she demands attention and love, and is very, very unpleased when someone is more important than her. She bonds to people she decide to trust extremaly easily and strong and is almost impossible to drive her away from her loved ones. Maybe she can became really obsessive when she cares about people but her love towards them is true and solid, even if others struggle to believe in that.

She has problems with properly exposing her emotions, mainly because she has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. But that had place almost at the end of her life and for the most of it, she was compleletely unaware that her behaviour was something more than being weird. Because Nicole always thought that she was weird and unlikable. Her low self-esteem was caused by her disorder, past traumas and exceptionally delicate emotions. She was furious in one secord, depressed in another and then she became euphoric and there was nothing what could explain that fast change in feelings. And Nicole was so soft and so sensitive that she couldn't think when her emotions has been changing in any second. That was the reason why she struggled with maintaining relationships - all her friends had problems with keeping up with her mood and moreover, with withstanding her behaviour.
And Nicole's behaviour wasn't easy to ignore. She loved her fiends dearly and she was always afraid that they will find someone better than her. Someone smarter. Someone who would love them more. And she would go crazy about it to the point of being absolutely unbearable. Her friends didn't understand that and will quickly get tired of reassuring her and keeping up with her mood swings. That's why Nicole does not trust anybody in full. She's afraid of getting hurt and cannot understand what is wrong with her behaviour and because of it, she's aching even more.
And Nicole's behaviour wasn't easy to ignore. She loved her friends dearly and she was always afraid that they would find someone better than her. Someone smarter. Someone who would love them more. And she would go crazy about it to the point of being absolutely unbearable. Her friends didn't understand that and will quickly get tired of reassuring her and keeping up with her mood swings. That's why Nicole does not trust anybody in full. She's afraid of getting hurt and cannot understand what is wrong with her behaviour and because of it, she's aching even more.
With that low self-esteem and fear of abandonment, Nicole is even more quiet and shy but this is only a facade. Under that facade is a volcano of raw emotions, ready to blow up in any second. Only close friends know how her behaviour is unpredictable and how easily she can be hurt. Nicole doesn’t know what is a proper way of showing love and affection. She never received healthy and pure love and now is unable to understand the concepts of love, trust and care, always assuming that love is something which should hurt. And is something that she should enforce on others. Her behaviour can jump from unpleasant to strictly abusive in the right circumstances because she is not able to recognise her wrongdoings. She thinks that limiting and controlling her close ones is a good thing to do and influencing them with sabotage and gaslight is something normal. Nicole cannot control herself and the way she’s treating others because in her mind there are no other way of being in relationship.



This greatly relaxes her and allow Nicole to create her own sweaters which she loves dearly.


She always wanted to make her own scarfs mostly in order to replace Leonette's scarf with something that she has made. But that changed into full blown hobby, which also relaxes her.


This is the way for her to relieve emotions. Nicole likes physical effort, mostly when it comes to fighting. She loves sparring with others (but they do not like it just like her...)


Maybe her abilities in that field are limited to couple comfort dishes, but she likes it anyway, especially baking.



Nicole would die, rather than be alone again. She would do anything to stay with her lved ones because the fear of being alone is so powerful, that she would not survive if it would became truth.

Friends of her friends

It's not something that is depending from her, really. Nicole often feels endangered by other people and thinks that they would stole the people that she loves.


With few exceptions, Nicole absolutely hates when someone tries to touch her. It's not comfortable for her and she avoids that with all costs.



Strategy in combat


Weapon characteristic

Iris was an offensive Weapon with great strenght. Reaching almost 5,4 in strenght, was one of the most dangerous Weapons on the continent. It has been taking the form of giant blade which lavitated just above user's arm and was able to destroy many levels of buildings at once. It had horrible feeling attached to itself - feeling of rage and lack of security. Its property was feeling like they was always watched and judged. Iris also was pushing its property to violent actions that were explained that "searching for security".




Nicole, as well as having the same health problems as other Offensive Mimes (anemia, the risk of heart attack), was suffering from PTSD and had BPD (borderline personality disorder).




Education in the Cental Order









Salvatore acotev


He's talking like Salvatore! Do you really think that he didn't do that on purpose? You know exactly that when I hear Acotev, I want to destroy something! He tries to set us apart and present me as a monster!


Lhysander, Josephine's property


Are you that insecure, Nicole? So everytime Leonette is talking with anyone, you say that they are cheating on you? How the fuck undervalued are you feeling? How little respect to your partner have you got?




He will stop one day when I kill him..


Leonette, Crave's property


Everyone left you, don't you remember? Your parents even didn't know you name. They are not different from them. But you have me, Nettie. I know everything about you. I remember everything about you.