
Manette Berti

DoB September 28th, 1998 (Pre Stasis)

Gender & Pronouns AFAB (She/Her)

Race Divine Balance Dragon

Descent Japanese/Welsh/French

Sexuality Straight

Residence Aveuglant City, Nash

Inheritance See One, See All

Voice Claim TBD

Playlist Manette Berti

HTML Pinky


Eldest daughter of Finnian Masayoshi and Allura Berti—Manette is her mother’s heir to the throne. As the eldest Princess, keeping up appearances is crucial and Manette knows this all too well. The wandering eyes of her people all fall on her and not only because she is the future Queen of Candor. She received the Seer Inheritance from her mother, after all…

Forever burdened with the knowledge of future events she isn’t able to directly interfere with.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Where as Nanette is both unpredictable and basically uncontrollable at times, Manette is extremely docile in comparison. As the older sister, she tends to be the voice of reason consistently, but is simultaneously too quiet for her own good about most things. She’s the type of person who tends to keep things to herself a majority of the time, not wanting to bother others while also wanting to try and avoid conflict at all costs. This however is to her detriment a large portion of the time. Especially when she was still rather young.

In fact, Manette was the type to be easily taken advantage of for the longest of times. Not only did she hang out with the wrong sort of crowd, but tended to be a follower in a majority of social situations. This trait is something Allura is still trying to shake out of her till this very day not only for her own good, but for the good of their Kingdom in the future. Yes, Manette is extremely stressed out by the situation. If she had a choice in the matter, Hiroshi would be next in line for the throne—not her. Alas, it is always the first born daughter that rules in Candor because that is where their lineage’s Inheritance ends up next. So all she can do is bite her tongue, try her best, and learn when she can.

It’s not like she’s a complete and utter pushover, though. If provoked enough Manette does have the potential to reach a boiling point and snap. When this does happen, it’s very hard for her to control herself. She becomes a bit too much like Nanette in those moments, and Kenneth sort of has to take the wheel and calm her down. He’s actually the only one who really can. Even Finnian and Allura can do nothing when this happens, no matter how hard either of them try. Regardless, Manette’s younger sister is impressed by her in those moments—Nanette trying her best to cheer her up once the storm has passed. Anger is a perfectly normal emotion after all, she doesn’t have feel bad about letting it out sometimes. Especially when she rarely lets herself do so in the first place.

All in all, Manette has always just been a good person. She’s just severely lacking in confidence. However, all the kindness in the world along with her status as heir to the throne didn’t really matter much to a majority of her classmates growing up. Most of them sort of saw her as this wet blanket being molded into the next Queen of Candor. In reality, she is just a gentle soul trying her best to be a better, stronger willed person.


Soap Operas

Watching drama without experiencing yourself is quite nice. She does so with her father.

Green Tea

It's her go to drink.

Hot Baths

They're comforting, especially when she's stressed and in desperate need of some R&R.

Flower Pressing

A hobby she picked up during middle school. She spends a lot of time in the castle gardens.

Dragon Lore

She finds it interesting is all.


Being Next In Line

You know, for the throne? She swears all the preparing is giving her gray hairs.

The Smell of the Ocean

It gets pretty bad near the blacklight district.


Mostly because she's pretty allergic to the stuff. She breaks into hives and swells up bad.


They scare her right out of her skin till this very day. She would hide under her bed.


These creepy crawlies give her the ick.



Inheritance related. An ability only gained by the first woman born into the next generation of the royal line. It quite literally means Manette is a seer, being able to acquire impossible knowledge on future events through sudden visions. That’s right, sudden. It happens to her at random and when it does, she usually passes out from the strain of the vision. Manette can will these visions to come to her through meditation, but it takes a lot of concentration and a tremendous toll on her body—so it’s generally unadvised. Additionally, she is only able to see the destiny or outcome in her visions, not what led to the situation.

Balance Manipulation

Race related. A descendant of whats known to the masses as Divine Dragons, Manette is a fifth generation Balance Dragon. Being a Balance Dragon means that the person is able to achieve perfect balance and harmony with themself and the fundamental forces of the realm—wielding control over them at will. What does that mean exactly? Well, Balance Dragons possess the ability to manipulate opposing forces simultaneously—darkness and light, creation and destruction, etc. They quite literally can bend reality and create illusions, making opposing forces coexist in perfect harmony, this making them compatible beyond conventional limits. Manette however can't do most of this. A shame, I'm aware. She is a fifth generation Balance Dragon after all, so her dragon blood is heavily diluted. As a result, she can’t really do all of what some earlier generations of her family can. Instead, her powers are limited to the most basic aspect of alchemy—equivalent exchange. She can create things but cannot make something from nothing, having to give up something of equal value in exchange. Unlike Nanette, she is perfectly okay with this outcome.

Dragon Form

Race related. Usually, Dragons with heavily diluted blood can no longer shift between forms like previous generations of their family. However considering the fact that Manette is a Divine Dragon, it doesn’t apply to her. At least, for the most part. Dragons without diluted blood inherently know how to shift between their two forms right from birth with ease. For diluted Balance Dragons, it is instead an ability learned once of proper age and requires a lot of meditation and training.





Blessing In Disguise (AGE TBA)


Soldier, Poet, King (AGE TBA)





Kenneth Montoya

Childhood Best Friend, Future Partner



Regina Tsillah

Close Family Friend



Hecate Tsillah

Family Friend



Anthony Tekin Graham

Family Friend




Allura Berti




Hiroshi Berti

Cousin, Older Adoptive Brother



Nanette Berti

Younger Sister



Maeve Masayoshi




Kiyoshi Sugimori




Gwen Sugimori




Eira Steel





Hemera Berti




Ismene Berti
