[CS - Dainty] Karda



5 years, 7 months ago




Dainty - MYO #1945


FULL NAME : Karda Jacobs
AGE : 19
HEIGHT : 5'8" [173 cm]
BUILD : Tall and thin, a bit willowy

HAIR : Lavender
EYES : Rich Pink
GENDER : Female

name meaning

'Karda' is an old German diminutive of the name 'Richard,' which means 'brave and powerful.' I wanted to pick a name that would be a callback to her original name, Cardamon.


SPECIES : Dainty
EARS : Bat-type
STOCKING MATERIALS : Patterned silk, and buttery soft white and black leather.
SALIVA FLAVOUR : Boysenberry Syrup, sweet and a little tangy.


  • Classic [especially gothic] literature
  • Horror [especially gothic] cinema
  • Judo
  • Bats
  • Getting good grades


  • Group work assignments
  • Being told to be quiet
  • Action films [especially when you go in expecting a modern take on a classic & instead you get I, Frankenstein]


Having been adopted by human parents when she was still an infant, Karda grew up in an area where Dainties were a rarity, and therefore not necessarily understood or well liked. As such, she was bullied a fair bit when she was young. However, with the help of her supportive parents, she was able to react to that bullying by defiantly embracing the things that made her 'weird' - and indeed, 'defiantly confident' is a great way of describing Karda in general. Having always excelled in school, particularly when it came to history and creative writing classes, Karda had little trouble racking up scholarships and grants that would allow her to pursue a Sociology degree [that she hopes to apply towards the study and intellectual dissection of both classic and modern horror media]. Much to her parents' surprise, the university that she chose happened to be located within the sprawl of Laniford- a city that has achieved some dark, unfortunate infamy in recent years for having been the scene of one of the largest Dainty trafficking ring busts in history. She hasn't had any trouble making new human friends at the University of Laniford since she started attending last year, but she yearns to expand her social circle and to get to know other Dainties for the first time in her life.


  • Passionate about the stuff that she enjoys. Horror films and literature are things that she absolutely loves, and she'd really have a blast talking to you about them!
  • Really friendly! She's never had a hard time making friends, even when she was very small and getting bullied a lot.
  • VERY studious. She's always been an honour student and she has no intention of getting anything less than a 4.0 [or maybe a 3.8, if she needs to make that sacrifice for a healthier social life].
  • Impressively fit & skilled in self defense. Her parents started taking her to Judo classes as a kid, so that she could learn how to defend herself against physical aggression by bullies. She keeps up her exercises and has held onto her Judo lessons well.


  • Strongly opinionated and loudly contrarian. Her defiance has set her apart as a strong personality and helped her to cope with bullying and Dainty-based prejudice, but sometimes she'll speak up or talk back even if that will cause an already tense situation to escalate, and she'll end up whipping things up into a fight.
  • Quick to fight. She will throw down, even if her opponent is realistically much bigger and more dangerous than she is. Although she was trained in Judo, she's incorporated a lot of kicking techniques into her repertoire specifically for use in emergencies, since her hooves have always given her a uniquely dangerous advantage when facing human opponents.
  • A little on the 'aggressively friendly' side. She really wants to make friends, and can sometimes come on a little too strong. She's aware of this habit, and a little self-conscious about it.



little sister

Karda's little sister. The two of them are thick as thieves, though Karda sort of hopes that her sister's planning on forging her own independent identity now that she's getting ready for college.



A short, quiet Dainty that lives in the same relatively cheap apartment housing that Karda occupies as an off-campus student. Karda doesn't know a lot about her yet, but makes sure to greet her warmly whenever they cross paths. Although she really wants to invite her over to join with her friends for a Movie Night some time, she's also kinda worried that she'll come across as over-eager and end up being disliked for it.


Has a beauty mark to the lower-left of her left eye. ALSO, don't forget that the skin on her palms is lighter!


MYO Design traded from @/asheds [art trade]
► ESTIMATED WORTH: Original Design + Commissioned Art = $50
► ESTIMATED WORTH when my personal art is included = $150