Miriam Lin



25 days, 34 minutes ago


Miriam Lin

This is just what it means to be an adult, I guess...

Gender Some Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Age 27 (May 3)
Sexuality Demisexual Lesbian
Ethnicity Chinese, White
Nationality American
Sizes 6'3" / 201lbs
Blood Type A+
Talent Cultural Anthropologist
Role Homeless
This is a pretty big opportunity for me, so it'll be a while before I can see you again. I just want to be transparent about that.
Yeah, that's fine. I figured. You don't have to worry, hah.
... You'll text, right?
Of course. You didn't even have to ask.
I'll miss you.
... I'll miss you too.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Major Arcana The Hanged Man
Minor Arcana Ace of Cups
Mindset Realist
Alignment Chaotic Good

Design notes

  • Miriam's body is large and broad. She tends to keep her limbs close to herself.
  • She's farsighted, and tends to be seen wearing her half-rim glasses.
  • Her hair is shoulder-length, with bangs that fall between her eyes.
  • She usually just has light mascara and red eyeliner as makeup.
  • Miriam has a preference for clothes that cover her legs.


And so, the little bird decided to flap her wings and leave everything behind.

... Or not. In actuality, she had been caged up long ago - her wings were clipped, her freedom was taken. But even so, the little bird did have a vivid imagination, and thus her dreams were filled with stories of travel and love.

Cultural Anthropologist

Soaring high in the sky, the little bird was finally released - for now. Even if she would always know to fly home at the turn of night, and even if she would miss those that she came to love so much. It didn't matter.

She could feel the autumn breeze against her feathers, and the beautiful sun shone itself brightly on the path before her, and so the little bird felt that she understood true freedom just a bit better on that day.

Hometown Chicago, IL
Zodiac ??? / Taurus
Trope Honesty Is the Best Policy

Animal Pigeon
Flower Iris
Season Autumn

Ship ?
Playlist ♪♫♪

Fave Food Wonton noodle soup
Fave Drink Hard seltzer

Various Trivia

  • Miriam was made as a lore character for Ezekiel, and because of that she's been through a few different rewrites and concepts. A concept that originally had her design was going to be a social worker that helped him as a teenager, for example, but I scrapped that because it felt random. She became her own character eventually, and I began really liking her as one.
  • She is sick of eating bread and pastries after constantly tasting them her entire childhood. Because of this, whenever she gets dessert, she prefers regular fruit.
  • Naming things isn't really her strongest suit, but she likes doing it. A lot of random things that she owns have names.
  • Frozen Yogurt
  • Ladybugs
  • Cold Showers
  • Art Museums
  • Humidity
  • Coffee
  • Strong Herbal Scents
  • Goodbyes
  • Social Drinking
  • Gardening
  • Picture Books
  • Hiking
