


5 years, 7 months ago


  • Amica

  • Age 13
  • Gender Male
  • Race High-class demon
  • Class Sorcerer
  • Alignment Chaotic Good

"I couldn't ask for a better father... I really tried but people kept telling me I couldn't do that."

Amica!! A little demon kid of the highest class. This brings a lot of trouble, as it means hes most closely related to the seven deadly sins, his own being Wrath. People dont really like this, due to the trouble the 7 deadly sins caused in the past, and decided to take down Amica while hes still young and powerless. They locked him up in a hanging cage, and crushed his jaw to make sure he wouldnt eat any souls from people walking under. He was left to die here, but managed to convince a traveller, Clinton, that he knew where the treasure chest the sins were locked up in was and how to get through the mythical challenges!! He really didnt have a single clue but Clinton believed him and bailed him out. Usually Amica wouldve long died by now due to dehydration and infections but demons are very sturdy, esp higher classes! They stitched up his jaw and started walking. After a few days Clinton found out Amica didnt know and, being the old drunk man he was, got mad. He tried to sell off Amica but started feeling guilty and went back to save him. Mightve killed someone in the progress but what else is new, Amica had food atleast?? Amica really didnt have anywhere else to go so he stayed with Clinton.

Clintons nevertheless reluctant of taking care of Amica but managed to develop a soft spot!! They got him a metal jaw and Clinton may or may not have threatened someone into making it, but the guys already wanted by the cops for a life time jail, might as well just keep going. Amica still has bad eating habits and doesnt eat much tho. Clinton doesnt trust Amica when he says he doesnt need veggies, which is true, so theyre often found stumbling around the ground on top of eachother as Clinton tries to force open Amicas metal jaw and shove in spinach, its all in good fun tho. Aside from that Clinton isnt the best father figure, as hes broken out of a jail he was in for murder and theft, and probably has asked Amica if hed like a gulp of his whisky. When it comes to it he does care about Amica tho, and would give him life for the dumb little kid. Amica tends to act very cat like, sitting on your luggage or hitting shit off your table, give him attention or die. His temper is horrible and hes very easily irritated, and just wont drop a vengance out of spite. Hell remember you ate his cake at 3 april 1342 and get back at you 60 years later by eating YOUR cake. Hes still very weak physically tho n u can just grab the nape of his neck and leave him kicking in the air, its the magical abilities the people were afraid of.



Pronouns: He/Him
Bday: 25 December
Origin: "Medieval" World
Height: 150cm/4.9ft
Build: VERY scrawny and thin
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Orientation: N/A
Voice: voice name
  • Sweets
  • Climbing
  • Alcohol
  • Books/Learning
  • Being told what to do
  • Oiling




• Hes only got 3 toes on each feet!! this isnt a stylistic choice!!

• Hes like really malnourished and skinny, please keep this in mind when drawing him !!



[ Parent Figure/Mentor ] "Dickhead."


The 6 Deadly Sins

[ Bound ] "They're... something alright."



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
