


5 years, 7 months ago


Trainer Card
PokéLab Rescuer
"Hello, can I help you?"
Bennet Grey
Dec 12th 1995 (24 y/o)
Native of
Johto, Olivine City
Current Home
Kanto, Cinnabar Island
Code Template
Game Freak Official Art, edits by Mafia

Bennet spent his childhood in Olivine City, Johto, as the second son to the Grey family. The Greys own a shipping company and as such chose this location to make good use of the major port of the city - after all it prides itself being 'the port town closest to distant foreign lands'. During his free time, Bennet would often hang out in the southern district and enjoy himself at the seaside tourist attractions such as the Glitter Lighthouse and the Olivine Café. In the latter, he would always amazedly listen to sailors tell their stories of the distant regions and their various landscapes and Pokemon.

There was always something to do when working in shipping, so soon Bennet and his older brother would join in on as part time workers. Though Bennet wasn't set to gain a leadership position in the company, he liked working with loading containers and wondering where their shipped items would end up. One day a larger shipment of technical equipment was returned halfway to its destination of Cinnabar Island, Kanto. Curious, Bennet hung around the huffing and grumpy sailors, most of them old friends of his by now. When he learned about the volcano eruption on the island, his curiousity at such a magnificent display of nature's strength grew and he decided to set out on his delayed Pokemon journey.

At 17 now, his father took him to fish his first Pokemon battle companion, which turned out to be a lovely and curious Shellder. Shortly thereafter Bennet set out to explore some of mainland Jotho, eager to train his Pokemon before boarding a freighter to Kanto and specifically the famed Cinnabar Island. Over time he unintentionally developed a reputation for breaking up unethical or illegal PokéLaboratories and rescuing or taking in all kinds of peculiar Pokémon. It was on that volcanic island that Bennet would eventually meet his first fateful Pokemon companion, Jaari.

As he continued to travel from port to seaside town to island all across the world, Bennet picked up a preference for Electric and Fire types. But he's open to any type of Pokemon that may want to accompany him, which some of his rescues are happy to do. Most of the time he now lives on Cinnabar Island and uses it as his home base.



[ companion ] Jaari was the first special Pokémon Bennet bonded with. They have a very close relationship and Jaari is always a permanent member on Bennet's team. He gifted Jaari his goggles.



[ companion ] Following a lab accident Daliq lost his fire powers. Bennet originally was to only bring the Pokémon to a bigger lab, but he ended up bonding too much with it to leave it there. It is happy to be in a safe environment with him.


Krysta & Pyrra

[ companions ] Krysta and Pyrra are a rescue Bennet picked up in a lab in the Alola region. He helped them recover from the surgery that conjoined them. With his encouragement they learned living with each other and working together.



[ companion ] ???

  • design made by Mafia (Creator/Designer)
  • character belongs to Mafia (Owner)
  • base used for the initial design is by Shotze
  • active secondary, not for sale

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