WTA's Comments

i wrote up this little thingy for him ^^ love their design! i will probably add them to my monsters and humans world

(still a work in progress, link to it as i publish it here on toyhouse :D https://toyhou.se/~literature/245335.men-and-monsters/1.intro/)

and i will probably write more with them than i would draw them, although their design would be very fun to draw as i love mechanical things

i was debating for a couple days whether to join or not and decided, yes, so here goes!

name: Champers (nickname: Chomp or Champy)

he is a mischievious little Oil monster who uses metal parts and machinery to keep himself in a solid state, witouth the iron parts they would simply transform back into a grinning little blob

Oil rig employees found him while drilling as he escaped out of one of their oil wells into the rig up top. by the time he was found, he had already gatherd numerous mechanical parts and scraps which where promptly taken away before he was locked up in a barrel.

it wasn't long after till a team of researchers flew in from the mainland and examined the little critter. he was deemed non-threathening by them as he wasn't able to hurt anyone in his non mechanical coverd state, so they left him be.

while the crew went on about their day as usual, he observed them closely and started mimicking their behavior and movements and soon he started to help them do various tasks around the rig. the crew grew to like the little fella and he soon became a part of them. even getting his own bunk bed and cubby to store things in.

he ocasionally still likes to scare the crew by hiding around corners and in barrles and pops up whenever they walk by

edit: i didn't know how long is too long and would qualify to be spoilerd so just say if you want me to edit this ^^

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This is gonna be really short but I’d probably use them as a sona of some type, or give them a story. Maybe they were created in the distant future from the body of one of the last wild animals on earth and they broke free to search for any others out there, while avoiding humanity and learning to fight them. I think they’re really cool. If I started letting them rot if I got I’d probably give them to one of the other ppl entering so they wouldn’t rot forever. :) I really like this guy, one of my faves so far

Name: Yoru [#0026]

Story or smth: Yoru was originally meant to be a simple experiment with building a robot. However, it accidentally gained too much consciousness about the real world, it became too smart to stay in the lab. Therefore, it recoded it's reset button, and basically their whole system with their recent knowledge of the world. Many lab employees tried to use brute force to shut it down, but it wouldn't work. Although it is not one for violence, Yoru had to execute everyone who got in it's way. Despite having plenty of blood on its hands, it has found a way to fit itself into normal society, Yoru is easy to talk to as it changes it's pre-existing personality to match whoever it is having a conversation with. The laboratory that was destroyed in it's containment breach has somehow vanished from any records of it being there, nobody could prove it ever existed in the first place. 

Personality: Yoru isn't very talkative, and as mentioned, only really matches personalities with whoever it talks to. Therefore no real personality is able to be recorded. 

Only a few lab reports about Yoru has been able to be recovered. Here are said reports: 

January 4th, 2014.

-Subject 0026 has been awfully quiet recently, it seems to understand what we've been doing, it's getting more angry by the day. I've told them to quit working on it, but they don't listen. 

February 11th, 2014

-I quit working on this case. The employees are going missing by the day, I think it's 0026. I'm quitting. Never again. Never. Again. 

Based on the reports we can infer that Yoru was not a very easy to work with experiment at the laboratory. 

Now, for the extras!! 

Would I draw them: YESYESYESYES 100000 TIMES YES

They would for sure be friends with other lab OCS, such as Wrangler!! 

Also I just really really like their design and I would love doing mecha practice.. 

TYSM for the chance!! 

Name: Anyon (a welsh name that means Anvil)
Would I draw them: Yes, I'd likely create multiple different pieces for potential sprites like walking, interacting with things, talking, cutscenes, etc

Lore: They would likely be placed into the world of my horror game "It Is Theirs" as one of the few robots created to keep patients safe and ensure they don't get into any danger. They would've been created by the doctors and scientists that worked in the hospital, alongside the children to ensure that they aren't frightening the children with their appearance. Their main job would be to make sure that nobody who isn't supposed to be in the hospital is there, and to keep the children occupied when the staff are busy with other things.
After the abandonment of the hospital, Anyon would spend their time wandering around, looking for the children that have long since gone missing, hoping to find somebody, anybody to play with and protect just like their coding calls for them to do.

Job within the game: They'd be an npc you'd meet on your adventure that would possible follow you around and protect you from the creatures you come across.
(Because I like their design so much, they'd be shown quite often within the game as well as external pieces.)

Hi! This is short but that doesn’t mean I want them any less.

I just really love their design, I mean I’m starting to get into hand tails, they seem really cool. Also kind of solid color ocs are most appealing to me. I have a few story ideas for them, and they can definitely be linked to some of my ocs. Maybe some sort of experiment? I might not use them to draw that much but it would still be cool to use them in other ways. :3c


this character is so cute!!! i’d love a character with mech design, especially for practice, and i would also love to write extensive lore for them (for the first time ever…) revolving around them and other animal-adjacent robot creatures breaking out of some sort of factory to escape poor conditions and to explore the world, and end up figuring out how the world works and how to adapt to society! they would develop their own morals depending on how they are treated. this character would potentially be morally grey or have no morals, potentially ending up involving themselves in murders or something yadda yadda, i don’t want to waffle on, hope you get my gist. i would 100% draw them as i hope to make this a comic instead of a story!! ^_^ it would help me practice my art, particularly mech, a whole bunch and the character’s design is awesome!! thank you for this opportunity & have a great day ^_^

id absolutely love to use this guy in my universe. specifically, id like to put them on The Platinum Isle; an island seperate from the Kingdoms of Ancreatia, surrounded by an aura so strong it snuffs out the colour of the world within. The only colours that can be seen are those from strong auras. 

His name would be Archaver (from archangel and cadaver), and his job would be to collect bones from deceased creatures in the woods and bring them back to the beachside village for the yearly Celebration of Life festival, of which he is the founder. His background would be that he was horrifically wounded during one of the many attacks from the neighboring Catastrophic Kingdom, to the point where he saw the world beyond the mortal plane. As a result, he created the celebration of life festival, to honour those who have passed on, no matter how big or small, where they came from or what they did in life.

i plan on making TPI into a game someday, and he would be a shopkeep when he isnt running the festival! i think he'd work with Bonesworth in his shop selling enchanted charms, potions, etc. He'd also assist in creating prosthetics! I would also for sure draw him a ton,, i can already tell hed be so fun to draw. 

i rreally hope this isnt too long,,, i dont know how to put a spoiler im really sorry :( and also if i did get him, he would be moved to my story account ( afterparty ) once the account is all sorted and set up. 

id also like to state that with my story characters, a lot of them dont get drawn as often as i WRITE about them. just because many of them dont have much art, or because they're on a seperate account, does not mean i am letting them rot by any means. i have several google docs full of writing and lore for almost every character on that account,, and if i did get this guy he'd be getting one too.

since i cant spoiler things from my phone i wrote this little snippet in a comment on my profile. 


some more stuff i thought of (sorry im on my storage account oops)

despite his unnerving appearance, hes very kind and caring, almost motherly. He's not great at socialising with other adults but the children of the village love him, he often lets them paint on his prosthetics

he greatly enjoys music, he knows everything there is to know about the hsitory of music on The Platinum Isle, and he collects muse crystals (theyre basically vinyl records but magical) to display them proudly in his home. 

his favourite colour is pink. whenever he leaves The Platinum Isle to visit another kingdom, he makes sure to buy something pink while hes there. He may not be able to see the colour back home, but he knows its there and thats enough for him.

What a tragedy, Archaver thought to himself as he collected the small skeleton of what he quickly identified as a Runimite. The poor little thing. Careful not to damage any of the fragile bones, he slipped each one into its own pouch, then arranged the pouches inside of his small crystal case. The case glistened a brilliant teal colour, its magical Aura radiating power. Archaver had recieved the enchanted case as a gift from Bonesworth, when he first started working at his shop. The magic kept the bones inside from being damaged, while also preparing them for the Celebration of Life Festival. The bones would be precisely arranged upon a podium, alongside all of the other remains brought to the festival, and Archaver would cast the spell he had been perfecting over hundreds of years to connect the remains to their wandering spirits and allowing them to pass on. 

It was a truly magical experience, one that Archaver was proud to deliver. The festival meant a lot to him, and this year's would be extra special. Not only was it the first festival he was hosting since the Isle's Aura magic had been restored, it was also the first festival he wouldn't be hosting alone. 

As he approached Lyreside Village, he noticed Hedef sitting by the event clearing. He was staring at something in his palm, most likely Cav. Archaver couldn't help but wonder how they made their relationship work, what with one of them being a literal giant. But they seemed happy, and that made Archaver happy.

''Hey, big guy!'' He called up to Hedef, who slowly turned his head to look at him. 

Cav peeked over Hedef's thumb, waving. ''Hi, Archaver!'' He called. ''Did you find anything?'' 

Archaver held up the glowing case. ''A few Fauxx skeletons, but I'll need the wagon for those, I think. I found a Runimite on my way back.''

Cav gave him a thumbs up, then gestured for Hedef to set him down. Hedef lowered his arm, seeming reluctant, and Cav gave his thumb a quick pat before he hopped off. He had his cloak on today, the emblem on the clasp swirled every with every colour imaginable and more, the power of raw Aura stored within it. He rarely ever wore the cloak since completing his quest, and Archaver wondered if he intended on wearing it for the Festival. He handed over the case and Cav took it, opening a few pouches to examine what was inside. 


What a tragedy, Archaver thought to himself as he collected the small skeleton of what he quickly identified as a Runimite. The poor little thing. Careful not to damage any of the fragile bones, he slipped each one into its own pouch, then arranged the pouches inside of his small crystal case. The case glistened a brilliant teal colour, its magical Aura radiating power. Archaver had recieved the enchanted case as a gift from Bonesworth, when he first started working at his shop. The magic kept the bones inside from being damaged, while also preparing them for the Celebration of Life Festival. The bones would be precisely arranged upon a podium, alongside all of the other remains brought to the festival, and Archaver would cast the spell he had been perfecting over hundreds of years to connect the remains to their wandering spirits and allowing them to pass on. 

It was a truly magical experience, one that Archaver was proud to deliver. The festival meant a lot to him, and this year's would be extra special. Not only was it the first festival he was hosting since the Isle's Aura magic had been restored, it was also the first festival he wouldn't be hosting alone. 

As he approached Lyreside Village, he noticed Hedef sitting by the event clearing. He was staring at something in his palm, most likely Cav. Archaver couldn't help but wonder how they made their relationship work, what with one of them being a literal giant. But they seemed happy, and that made Archaver happy.

''Hey, big guy!'' He called up to Hedef, who slowly turned his head to look at him. 

Cav peeked over Hedef's thumb, waving. ''Hi, Archaver!'' He called. ''Did you find anything?'' 

Archaver held up the glowing case. ''A few Fauxx skeletons, but I'll need the wagon for those, I think. I found a Runimite on my way back.''

Cav gave him a thumbs up, then gestured for Hedef to set him down. Hedef lowered his arm, seeming reluctant, and Cav gave his thumb a quick pat before he hopped off. He had his cloak on today, the emblem on the clasp swirled every with every colour imaginable and more, the power of raw Aura stored within it. He rarely ever wore the cloak since completing his quest, and Archaver wondered if he intended on wearing it for the Festival. He handed over the case and Cav took it, opening a few pouches to examine what was inside. 


I would use them as some sort of a mech-type oc who was created in a lab and likes to kill for fun? They're also a bit mischievious! (Idk if I spelled that right).

Would I draw them? HECK YES!! They look awesome :>

question b4 i bother coz i spend hours on wtas usually

do u take oc count into acc coz if u do kim gonna have to politely not participate 

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ajaj i love this guy but im not big on writing, i just think up stuff in my head and am like "yup thats the lore now" 

regarding the non writing a story stuff cause i suck at writing lol: 

Name: Obsidian maybe 

would 100% draw him great design, might have to make the art after artfight tho 

Lore: hmmm maybe sould somehow be incorporated into my Space Critters somehow, like maybe he could be a overseer of them, liek make sure they stay in line? 

i got tons of ideas and he WILL NOT rot, none of my characters rot i love every single one, even if i ont draw them as much as others they all have a place in my heart


Obsidian watched as abyss snuck off to meet up with the Cats, she wasnt supposed to be around them after what happened last time. Obsidian followed Abyss from a bit behind in order to keep tabs on her, if she did actually meet up with the cats and didnt change her mind he would have to report this to Space and Void.

Aruinkuu noticed Obsidian and was confused what he was doing and walked up to him.
"What are you doing Obsidian?" Arinkuu asked
"Keeping tabs on Abyss, if she meets up with them all hell could break lose" Obsidian Replied
"Sounds like a over reaction to me! loosen up a bit, it cant be that bad! Space and Void would probably just scold her or something" Aurinko laughed
"You dont understand, if she gets the chance to meet up with them Space and Void could report me to Vortex or Convolution and who knows what would happen at that rate! its my job to keep a eye on Abyss and if im caught disobeying that i could lose my status and rank no higher then the dead" Obsidian said panickedly


added some stuff i could use this guy for