
8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Unknown, appears to be about 8-11 years old






Messenger, petty thief





Creation Year



Martra (older sister)



Current Home

Mornia - Minarai


Physical Appearance

  • Waist-length blonde hair with even bangs and longer framing strands
  • Blue eyes
  • Fair skinned with some freckles on her face
  • Somewhat short in height/average for her age
  • Relatively fit with a flat, slim build typical for an active child

Clothing Style

Sasha tends to wear either short sleeved blouses with long skirts or dresses. The skirts tend to be layered but still light and free enough to not impede her movement, and they're used to conceal items or stolen goods. She'll often wear a sash around her waist to conceal a small weapon like a dagger as well. Her outfits are usually relatively simple, and sometimes she'll even wear more tattered clothing or purposely mess her clothing up to incite more pity and potentially get handouts or coins from sympathetic passersby. She'll usually wear sandals while out and about, simple leather boots if she needs to travel longer distances, and sometimes she'll go barefoot along with her tattered clothing to play more of the pity card on townsfolk.


Sasha tends to keep a relatively calm and emotionless demeanor normally, although when on the streets she'll play up her cute and innocent persona as much as possible to get people to give handouts to the "poor, starving homeless orphan girl." She's quite devious for her age and is a quick witted street urchin of sorts that gets by stealing what she can and often conning people out of things. Despite her cutesy exterior, Sasha is very objective and focused on getting as much benefit out of others as she can. She is very crafty and inventive in putting together schemes to con people, yet she never lets herself get too ambitious and would rather bail with what she has rather than gamble for more. Sasha is rather assertive and persistent with her goals, and she doesn't really care much about others aside from her sister. Unlike some people, she doesn't care who she steals from, rich or poor, and she has a very "every man for himself" mentality when in the city.

Sasha cares a lot about her older sister, but she's not afraid to voice her opinions to her, especially her disapproval toward Martra's source of income. Sasha tends to focus so much on gaining more money just so she can convince her sister to stop working, and she can be very vindictive toward anyone that gives her sister trouble. Sasha is crafty enough to plot someone's murder without leaving a scrap of evidence, and she won't hesitate to erase people who treat her sister poorly.



  • Crafty, cunning, inventive, and clever
  • Meticulous, stealthy, and skilled at slight of hand
  • Persuasive, skilled at acting, and had an unwavering poker face
  • Excellent at lying, coming up with stories on the fly, and not losing track of her lies


  • Unsympathetic and only cares about self preservation
  • Holds grudges forever and can be viciously vindictive
  • Two faced, rarely trusts anyone, and hard to tell if she's ever being truthful
  • Will throw anyone under the bus and bail when she doesn't believe things are going well


Sasha and her sister, Martra, have been living in the city of Afnaria for as long as they can remember. The two have always lived in the slums and struggled to survive, for the hierarchy of city gives almost no opportunity to rise up out of poverty. Martra earns money by dancing at an inn, although her pay is so minimal she has to earn extra by doing various favors for interested patrons. Sasha disapproves of the things her sister has to do for pay, so she's become a master thief and con artist on the streets over the years. Sasha often travels about the large city to find new suckers to con, often targeting travelers who aren't wise to her tricks. Sasha has also learned various tricks to get back at any clients that treat her sister poorly. Despite the regular arguments they get into regarding Martra's job, the two care about each other dearly and hope to earn enough money to buy a way out of the city.

The opportunity may arise sooner than expected though when they encounter a mysterious dragon and a girl named Moni.


  • Sasha's original design had her in a simple brown dress, which I guess was my interpretation of what "peasant clothes" would look like. She was also skilled in archery, but later on I decided to remove that trait since I don't think she would opt to learn archery considering how she would need a bow and arrows to work with, which aren't easy to come by when you're already struggling to scrape by.