Beatrix Potter



Beatrix Potter

Kanji ビアトリクス・ポター
Romaji Biatorikusu Potā
AKA Boss - (By Library Members)
Lady Beatrix - (By Enid Blyton)
Traitor - (By The Order of the Clock Tower)
Bea - (By Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
Namesake Beatrix Potter - (English writer, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist)
Personal Information
Gender Female
Age 16
Birthday 28th July - Leo
Height 5'0" / 152cm
Weight 110lbs / 50kgs
Bloodtype O
Status Alive
Likes Mushrooms, Nature, Painting, Animals, Writing, Countryside, Bunnies, Hiking, Tea
Dislikes Cities, Traffic, Sour Foods, Foul Play, Agatha Christie, Injustice, Badly Brewed Tea
Professional Information
Occupation Student - (Former)
First Class Knight of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Former)
Leader of The British Library Collection - (Current)
Affiliation The British Library Collection
Family Unnamed Parents
Bertram Potter - (Younger Brother)
Peter Rabbit - (Familiar and Best Friend)
Spouse(s) None
Ability Name Peter Rabbit
Reference The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Manga TBC
Anime TBC
Light Novel The Library in Yokohama
Voice Actors
English TBC
Japanese TBC

We have a problem. Christie thinks she can just walk in, take all of the glory, and walk out again without there being consequences. Well then, I'd like you to meet the consequences! We are the British Library Collection and the Clock Tower and anyone allied with them will not be leaving today!

Beatrix, Chapter 91

Beatrix Potter (JP: ビアトリクス・ポター | Biatorikusu Potā) was a member of The Order of the Clock Tower and now the current leader of The British Library Collection, a splinter faction hoping to take down Agatha Christie and prevent further action being taken by her and The Order against Ability Users.


Beatrix is average height and build for a girl her age, skinny and with fair skin that is slightly tanned from spending a lot of time outside when she was younger. She is still young, and as she's still developing a lot of her features are soft and awkward as she grows. Her face is heart shaped and young, with a small nose and soft lips. Beatrix has bark brown eyes that are almond shaped and with long eyelashes that give off an innocent demeanour. Her face is framed by her long dirty blonde curly hair that reaches below her shoulders (were it straightened it would reach her mid back, but the curls are natural and tight), which Beatrix keeps back with a brown flower headband that goes right the way around her head.

Beatrix prefers to dress modestly, especially as she needs practical clothes for going out hiking and painting outside. As such, on her feet she is never without her sturdy black and gold walking boots that reach her ankles, held on with blue laces she added herself, and underneath she wears thick tights and walking socks to prevent blisters on her achilles and toes. Over this, she wears a long dark brown skirt that reaches her ankles and has multiple layers for warmth, held up by a lighter brown sash around her waist. Beatrix also has an elegant light turquoise pleated shirt with long sleeves, and around her neck she wears a small gold pendant with a blue-john gemstone set into it. From the pendant hangs two turquoise ribbons. On top of all of this, Beatrix has a blue blazer jacket with long sleeves, one that she matches with the one worn by her ability, Peter.

Beatrix is almost never seen without her ability by her side, and even if he isn't there the chances are he is nearby. Peter Rabbit is a soft brown wild rabbit, with bright black eyes and a constantly haughty expression for a rabbit. He wears a blue blazer that's just slightly too big for him, and he used to have black shoes on his back feet, but he lost them.


Because of her youth, people often immediately assume Beatrix to be a naive child and nothing more than that. It is an image she plays into well, as Beatrix is kind and gentle with people and has an incredible amount of patience for things around her. She has a naturally cheery and welcoming personality, that draws people to trusting her without hesitation and she loves to meet and get to know those around her well. People assume she is nothing more than a child, as she often displays child-like behaviour - including obsessing over her hobbies and spacing out sporadically when she loses interest in a subject. Beatrix is also naturally very creative and artistic. She keeps up her hobbies of painting and mycology - her specialist field of knowledge- around leading the Library and can chat passionately about mushrooms for hours on end if allowed the chance to. She likes cute things and keeps an immense collection of notebooks and stationery that she plans to one day fill. All in all, people very easily underestimate Beatrix because she is not an adult.

However, Beatrix is not without a strikingly strong sense of maturity and wisdom uncharacteristically higher than others her age. She didn't form an entire splinter cell and split from The Order of the Clock Tower for nothing after all. Beatrix is extremely mature, shrewd and diligent, and certainly she is the type of person who forms a grudge and then stubbornly refuses to let it go until the day she dies. Such is the case with her disdain for Christie, and other people who consider people as tools for their own gain. She has a strong sense of justice and fairness, and deeply dislikes those who act cruelly and without good intentions. Whilst she would not call herself above-average in intelligence, she is certainly not easily mislead nor stupid. Her leadership is her shining quality, and her drive and respect for those around her makes her extremely popular and loved by the others in the Library.

Beatrix can get irrationally angry, as she is still very driven by her hormones at times, but that is why she knows to trust in those around her when making important decisions and to always get a good range of people's opinions. Above all, she is fiercely loyal to her group, considering them like a family to her, and her deep knowledge and understanding of everyone's strengths and weaknesses allows for flawless strategies to be planned with everyone's abilities taken into account. Beatrix always wants to foster teamwork and friendship in those around her, as she knows it is the ties that keep them together that make them stronger against Agatha, as on their own they are all easy pickings for her.


Kanji: ピーターラビット

Romaji: Pītārabitto

English: Peter Rabbit

Reference: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Ability Classification: Familiar

Appearance: Peter is about 1ft tall, slightly bigger than your average bunny, and wears a pair of brown shoes and a blue blazer that matches with Beatrix's one. However, early on upon arriving in Yokohama, Peter loses his shoes running from the Port Mafia. He is constantly around and does not need to be summoned unless he was destroyed by somebody attacking him directly. As such, he can look exactly like a normal rabbit, albeit in clothes, to the unsuspecting person. He is incredibly soft and fluffy and very appealing to touch and pet.

Capability: Peter is a fully fledged familiar. He is able to talk and have independent thoughts of his own, and other people can understand what he says entirely. In fact, they are often on the receiving end of his sharp sarcastic side, and his ability to communicate usually surprises those who don't know him well which causes him great amusement. Peter can share thoughts with Beatrix and the two are able to silently communicate through telepathy. Peter is also able to spend time a long distance away from Beatrix if he is needed to investigate, spy or send messages to other people where Beatrix cannot go. He can get into spaces much smaller than she can, and is also able to burrow should he need to. In rare circumstances, Beatrix can look through his eyes - but she prefers to trust his word rather than use this. She also can know where he is at all times, even if she cannot see him, and summon him back to her side if she needs Peter straight away.

Limitations: Much like other familiars including Elise, Lyra, and Liesel, Peter is immortal for as long as Beatrix lives. If he is destroyed or nullified, Beatrix can resummon Peter, but it hurts her to do so as she is very emotionally attached to Peter as if he were a real rabbit. Peter can be used for combat, but he is not very good for it as he is only small, and if hurt or injured he can very easily be destroyed. They have a limit of 10 miles apart from one another before they begin to lose communication telepathically and Peter would struggle to maintain a manifested form, but they have never strayed too close to this boundary.

Side Effects: Beatrix does not seem to bear many, if any, side effects to her ability thankfully. She does feel the emotional loss of losing her friend if something happens to Peter, but she does not suffer from any physical consequences. If she uses her ultimate form, which is extremely rare, it can leave her very tired afterwards.

Ultimate Form: Beatrix has a very secret ultimate form of her ability. She doesn't much like to use it as it makes Peter attack others in order to defend her from harm - and she feels that it takes away some of his agency when she activates it. (Which is why she always seeks his permission before she does.) Uttering the quote will cause Peter to grow in size and for his paws and teeth to become much sharper and suited for combat. He will attack and take down anything that comes within range of him to protect Beatrix, stopping only when the threat has ceased. After which he will return to his normal self and need to sleep for a considerable amount of time. The quote is as follows:

"This is a fierce bad rabbit; look at his savage whiskers, and his claws and his turned-up tail."


  • We are here because we have to warn people of Christie's intentions. She's no angel and certainly no hero!
  • I'm the Leader of the British Library Collection, Clive here is my right hand man.
  • We shall discuss this over tea. I'll have some brewed for us.
  • Oh! Peter! I've told you before about losing your shoes!
  • Hm... We have a problem.
  • No need to be so formal with me, just Beatrix is fine by me.
  • Oh of course she has to go and attempt to burn Yokohama to the ground just before my chemistry mock exam!
  • Well that's just not cricket!
  • I just finished my english language revision, so I'll be ready to plan our next strategy now.
  • Well, you see, Christie really picked an annoying time to start her evil schemes - right before my GCSE exams! It's kind of annoying honestly.
  • Do you mind?
  • Tea and biscuits for us all, we've earned it!
  • Yokohama is just as busy as London... So crowded and uncomfortable. I miss the countryside.
  • When I was younger, I used to go out exploring the lakes and cliffs all the time.
  • Don't say her name!
  • She just makes me so angry whenever she is mentioned! Her actions are deplorable!
  • I will not stand for the injustice we have faced under Christie's thumb!
  • The Order of the Clock Tower needs to be reformed. And I will do so in any way possible.
  • Peter! Watch out!
  • This is Peter, he's my rabbit, my advisor and my best friend.
  • People always assume I'm not the one in charge, I realise I look younger than I am.
  • There's no need to worry, we can handle this.
  • I appreciate all your help!
  • Did someone ask for an explanation on mushrooms? I can help!
  • At least I can pass biology for certain!
  • Everyone! Be on your guard!
  • We are willing to fight for this. We will not stop until we reach our goal!
  • Barbaric!
  • I won't let anyone get hurt! These people are my family!
  • Of course I miss my parents and brother, I miss them terribly. I want to let them know I'm alive when this is all over.
  • Ability users shouldn't be separated from their family if they don't want to be. I think it's wrong to hurt them like this.
  • Even if we have these gifts, we're still humans.
  • I never trust a person who hurts animals.
  • TBA


Beatrix Potter was an English writer and illustrator known most famously for her children’s stories about animals, including the most well-known Tale of Peter Rabbit. She illustrated her own books, and would also study the local flora and fauna whilst working on her writings. Her studies of fungi made her well respected in the field of mycology, and she became a dedicated farmer and conservationist alongside her writings. Potter was a breeder of herdwick sheep and owned multiple farms that she kept in order to preserve the natural landscape of where she lived and she is credited with preserving what has become most of the Lake District National Park in Cumbria, United Kingdom. After her death her works have continued to be popular in literature and media, and have been adapted for film and television many times and her own life has also been made into films.


  • Beatrix is a feminine given name, most likely derived from Viatrix, a feminine form of the Late Latin name Viator which meant voyager, traveller and later influenced in spelling by association with the Latin word beatus or "blessed".
  • The name Potter is an occupational surname of English origin meaning maker of drinking and storage vessels.


  • Beatrix's special interest is mushrooms, anything from cooking to picking to poisons. She can identify mushrooms without a guide (though she always consults one to be sure) and loves eating them.
  • She is a big animal lover, who cares deeply for wildlife and nature. She's also heavily interested in conservation and preservation of the countryside.
  • Alongside rabbits, Beatrix's other favourite animals are ducks and hedgehogs.
  • Beatrix's favourite weather is rain, she is most active when it is raining.
  • It is actually very difficult to make her hate people, Agatha Christie is actually the first and only person she truly hates.
  • She sees all human and animal life as equal, and no one should ever be simply used as a tool in her opinion. Nor should they be discarded or killed needlessly.
  • Though she loves animals, Beatrix is not vegetarian. She grew up in farmland and knows the importance of farming and livestock.
  • Her main hobby is painting, especially landscapes and watercolours.
  • Beatrix's art hobby is entirely self taught and she loves to see how much she has improved over the years.
  • She treats Enid as if she were her own sister.
  • She has also come to see Lewis as a big brother figure.
  • Though she doesn't like living in urban environments like cities, Beatrix can accept that there is some beauty in Yokohama. She intends to travel Japan's countryside when she can.
  • Her favourite mushrooms are button mushrooms to eat, and death caps to use against enemies.
  • Beatrix prefers to paint with watercolours over anything else, but she has experimented with gouache and oil paints as well as just pain sketching and pastel crayons.
  • She can cook, but mostly stews and hot pots.
  • Though she doesn't look it, Beatrix is a strong swimmer as she learnt to swim in lakes rivers and ponds making her good in open water. She can also do basic lifeguarding to get those who can't swim out of the water.
  • Though she is usually polite, when Christie is mentioned Beatrix instantly drops into a bad mood and she gets snitty.
  • She has a noticible northern twang to her accent, even if she speaks in RP from all her time spent in london. It is most obvious with words like "bath" and "grass"
  • Beatrix tries not to play favourites with animals, but she adores bunnies more than anything.
  • She once broke her wrist falling down a hill as a child. Thankfully it is all healed correctly. She still has scars from where the pins were.
  • Often she wonders whether her brother Betram remembers her and what he's doing these days. She hopes that he's studying hard.
  • Beatrix is inexperienced in relationships, but she does consider herself bisexual and biromantic. She's just not yet interested in finding a partner yet.
  • Despite being in Yokohama, she plans to sit and pass her GCSE's.
  • Her future plans include going to university to study mushrooms (though not Oxford or Cambridge as they're too closely tied to the Order) and then getting a job where she can be in the countryside.
  • If she inherits leadership of The Order in some fashion, she plans to reform it from the ground up. That being said she isn't seeking to take leadership, she more wishes to just get rid of Christie and have her face her crimes.
  • When growing up she had four cats, two dogs, two rabbits, several birds and a pet tortoise named Greg.
  • If she were to straighten her hair it would be incredibly long, but she doesn't have the time to ever do it.
  • Beatrix creates her own codes in her spare time, many of which she uses for her plans.
  • She keeps a diary in which she details her plans and experiences, nobody has ever been allowed to read it.
  • Beatrix takes her tea with milk and two sugards. She prefers tea over coffee.
  • Her favourite colour is baby blue.
  • She has a copy of one of Christie's missing and wanted posters for the Library mounted on her office wall as a trophy.
  • TBA


Early Life

Beatrix was born in West Brompton, London, with the full name of Helen Beatrix Potter. However, her parents planned for her to be known by her middle name from the start and that is what she was always called and known by. The family were very wealthy, as Beatrix's father was a trained barrister with good money in stocks, and her mother a well known artist, and lived a relaxed and privileged lifestyle. Alongside her younger brother, Bertram, Beatrix's early life was filled with reading and drawing lessons. As it ran in the family, she showed talent for art from a young age, and Beatrix and her brother would both write short stories and illustrate them together in their spare time. However, it was not just the creative arts that she enjoyed. The young Beatrix took a big interest in science and research, creating her own code for her personal diary and doing her own projects on biology outside of schoolwork to satiate her interests and thirst for knowledge.

For the sake of their children's health, Beatrix's parents decided when she was four years old to move from London to the Lake District in the north of England. This was also to be closer to family who lived there, and they had spent previous summers visiting them, so both the young Potter children knew the area well. They also decided that instead of attending school, both Beatrix and her brother would be educated through private governesses and tutors. Though Beatrix grew up mostly isolated from other children there, she did not mind. For her, the company of her brother and the multitude of pets that they were allowed to have at the house were more than enough company. She had great freedom to explore the lakes and countryside as much as she wanted, and Beatrix would often turn this into fieldwork trips for her science lessons as well. From her lessons and the countryside around her, Beatrix's main passion became mycology, especially with the plethora of wild mushrooms around she could study. Often this would be combined with her artistic work, drawing and studying the plants and animals around her. This was all heavily encouraged by her parents as well.

It was when Beatrix turned seven, however, that her parents began to realise that something was different about their daughter. Though she acted and seemed completely normal, she had often spoken of a pet they didn't remember getting for her - a rabbit she called "Peter". Firstly, he was simply dismissed as a product of childhood imagination, a little friend that their daughter had created. But when all of a sudden even they were seeing the young Peter Rabbit, Beatrix's parents knew that something was different. Peter was larger than usual rabbits, and by far outlived the average lifespan of both wild and domestic bunnies. He also never appeared to get ill, injured or die no matter what happened around him. He was Beatrix's closest companion and the two were never seen far apart from one another, and added to that she would talk to him for hours on end. Still in disbelief, her parents were even more shocked when they discovered Peter could talk back to his owner. Now they knew something was up.

Concerned as to what this meant, Beatrix's parents took her to London for checks as they believed it to be some kind of fantasy or illness. In truth, it was her ability. It was officially diagnosed that Beatrix was an ability user, at the young age of seven and a half. Shocked, but not repulsed or upset, Beatrix's mother and father decided that they would do more research in order to help and support their daughter with her ability. She appreciated it, though really she didn't understand why there would be any problem with Peter being her companion, and trusted their judgement. To Beatrix, she was more interested in continuing her own studies and having fun in the countryside around the lakes. Her ability was just a companion to help her with that, and she didn't think that Peter was in any way harmful or a danger to her or anyone else. Her brother felt the same, and he and Peter got along surprisingly well.

The Order of the Clock Tower

However, the British Government took interest in her ability, especially as it had manifested so young, and Beatrix was put onto the registry for The Order of the Clock Tower, who handled all ability users in Britain and Ireland. Knowing the family wanted the best for their daughter, and given their policy of separating ability users from parents and siblings for their own safety, the Order put the family in contact with other ability users in the U.K, and it was decided that Beatrix's care was to be handed over to a young Agatha Christie. The choice was between Christie, and Beatrix entering order approved education at boarding school. Since she was already used to homeschooling, they chose the former for their daughter.

Christie became her guardian, and mentor, and Beatrix returned to London to continue her schooling under the watch of Agatha and Philip Pullman. She also realised from a young age that she was under careful government watch. It was cold, not friendly towards the young girl, and the stifling life in London that she lived made her pine for her childhood countryside home. She would ask to go home, and write constant letters to her parents begging them to let her visit, but would never receive any visits or replies. Christie would also refuse her chance to see her family, telling her bluntly that her family were now the members of the Order and that she should be grateful for that. It was safe to say, she quickly began to resent Christie for bringing her there. It was further strengthened by the strict education and training her mentor would put her through, with little feedback other than how she went wrong. Christie was a harsh tutor, and an even stricter parental figure, often taking out her own anger and corrupted desire for power out on the younger girl. Beatrix became increasingly lonely and unhappy among the inner circle of Order members. Despite everything she was up against, Beatrix did her best to maintain her interests in secret, growing mushrooms in the basement of the Clock Tower's meeting rooms, and reading up on mycology and country wildlife. But it was not the same as things had been back home.

Beatrix put up with her new life, watching the Order grow and change with new members, but she never came to enjoy it. Growing older only made her more resentful towards Christie as she was poorly treated and completely cut off from her home. Though she never resented her family for never contacting her again after she joined the Order, she became distrustful of adult figures because of it and feared betrayal and abandonment. Her life was being made miserable, and Beatrix soon took to disobeying her mentor and fighting back against her. She took to her books, teaching herself leadership, strategy, all manner of things that had once disinterested her in favour of her quiet country life she forced into her mind. Beatrix would study them late at night, to keep Christie and the others from finding out what she was doing, and when she needed help she turned to those she could trust. Over her time at the Order she had made a few friends. C.S Lewis, who she considered a brotherly figure to her, and the young Enid Blyton who she took in to keep her away from Christie's wrath. They were encouraging, and saw her as a real leader compared to the real high ups of the Order. Beatrix didn't want to lead, but, she realised, perhaps this would be a way out for her.

The British Library Collection

The more she knew what she was arguing about the more Beatrix knew she could be heard over Christie. So she focussed her studies into politics, ability users and history in the hope of broadening her horizons. She studied the history of the Order, and how ability users had been treated in England both before and after it was established, and felt she could better understand how the organisation had begun to corrupt so much. After a while she began to gain considerable respect and influence among other members of the Order of the Clock Tower. Those she would call her friends, and more that she knew at the very least trusted her. Now she had a base, it was just a case of finding the right moment. When Christie overstepped the line, that would be when Beatrix chose to break away.

Her chance arrived much sooner than Beatrix expected it to come, and when she was much younger than she imagined being when she split from the Order. Not long after her twelfth birthday, Beatrix was ordered to participate under Christie in the extermination of enemy group Mimic. Only a child herself, she was completely horrified by what she saw in the conflict and the merciless treatment of human lives by Christie. She completely disagreed with Christie's approach of outright destruction of the group and framing them for war crimes actually committed by the Clock Tower, and did attempt to fight back against her. The two had a fierce argument, which almost became physical were it not for other member’s intervention stopping them. But despite her well placed arguments, Christie's leadership overruled Beatrix and the plan went ahead. Disgusted and ashamed to be associated with the Order, she knew that her time to leave was upon her. She knew she was too young to leave at that age, even with adults who trusted her enough to respect her choice to go, but from that moment onward even though she stayed living with The Order, her loyalty was severed.

For four years, Beatrix planned her move to the finest of minute details. It took her til her sixteenth birthday to be sure that Christie and the rest of The Order's guards were down enough for her to leave without huge conflict, but soon she found her moment. That night, Beatrix gathered her closest friends within the group. The youngest, Enid Blyton, just eight years old and accompanied by George Orwell and C.S Lewis. The group declared themselves separate from the Clock Tower and announced themselves enemies of Christie before fleeing into hiding. Beatrix was elected the leader of the newly established British Library, who would stand as a new group of British ability users against the Clock Tower and any who allied with them. They started small, but Beatrix soon found her influence had reached further than she first thought. The British Library quickly grew with other strong ability users who had become dissatisfied with Christie's leadership.


Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Guild Arc

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Cannibalism Arc

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Decay of Angels Arc

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Dead Apple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Light Novels

The Library in Yokohama

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Armed Detective Agency


Yukichi Fukuzawa

From one leader to another, I am grateful for your help.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Fukuzawa and Beatrix initially only spoke on professional terms, and got along well in their meeting and arranged a strong alliance between The Armed Detective Agency and The Library. Since then, they have been able to form a more genuine and personal bond after spending time together, and Beatrix has come to greatly respect Fukuzawa as both a leader and a person. She does what she can to help, as she feels she wants to give back for the support and protection that he and the Armed Detective Agency have given her friends.


Osamu Dazai

I can't seem to put my finger on it. But he feels... Off.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Though she is polite towards Dazai, Beatrix does not trust him fully. She suspects that there is a lot more to him than he lets on but can't place what it is exactly she feels around him. What she does not like at all are his suicide attempts and the ways in which he casually jokes about it so often. To the point that Beatrix has scolded him and called him out on how much his behaviour is harmful on several occasions, and she will not accept him just brushing her off on it either.


Atsushi Nakajima

Seems the both of us had bounties put on our heads before we finished our teen years huh? I think it's a badge of honour myself!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Atsushi and Beatrix quickly clicked as friends, and Beatrix likes that Atsushi is kind and caring towards Peter especially and that fact helped them bond very quick. She does, to an extent, understand his plight as she too bears the burden of being hunted and wanting the best for the found family she has gathered around her. The two share stories of their struggles, and both were horrified to learn of the abuse that they both went through that lead them to where they are today. It has made them grow stronger together and they both vow to help protect each other and their friends.


Kunikida Doppo

Oh... I know his type very well. It's exactly like Clive.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Beatrix deeply respects Kunikida's idealism and pragmatic and organised approach to keeping the Armed Detective Agency running smoothly, so much so that she's gone to him for advice and help in running things with The Library as well. She trusts him and thinks he makes a brilliant worker, but does worry that he, like another person that she knows and respects, overworks himself to detrimental levels. She tries to encourage Kunikida to relax and have tea with her from time to time, so that he can take some proper breaks from his work. It rarely succeeds, but Beatrix does admire his determination.


Jun'ichirō Tanizaki

Well... I'm glad to see you are close.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Beatrix won't deny that she feels somewhat of a sting in her heart when she sees Jun'ichirō with his sister Naomi. It reminds her of the brother she can no longer see back home. Though she wasn't as uncomfortably close as the Tanizaki siblings are with Bertram (and she is glad for that as she can see there are some odd boundary issues between these two she's not so comfortable with), it is a reminder nonetheless. She gets along well with Jun'ichirō otherwise and is appreciate of his help with her Organisation.


Akiko Yosano

I can't thank you enough for patching me up, I don't know what we would have done without you.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Yosano healed Beatrix after she collapsed with injuries sustained during The Library's escape from The Order of the Clock Tower, and after that the two have bonded well. Beatrix is immensely grateful to Yosano for her aid, and tries to make it up to her by helping her in and around her clinic when she can - as they both have an interest in biology, even if in different areas of the subject. Beatrix's immense and detailed knowledge of mushrooms and toadstools has been particularly interesting for Yosano - though Beatrix suspects that this is not for the best of intentions. They often take tea together and can be found talking and sharing jokes. Most often, the two of them tease Peter together.

The Guild


Francis Fitzgerald

The man thinks you can buy everything with money. A little vulgar I find.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Beatrix only met Fitzgerald when he came to meet with Agatha at The Order of the Clock Tower, and saw him only in a professional environment. She finds him somewhat tacky and vulgar, mostly because he places money above almost anything else and has no respect for nature or the environment when buying his properties and developments. She truly felt that one meeting with him was more than enough for her and that she would rather not meet him ever again, but suspects that she may not get that privilege now that she has formed her own organisation.

The Order of the Clock Tower


Agatha Christie

Don't say her name!

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Beatrix hates Agatha, to the point that she becomes riled up just at the mention of her name in a conversation. To Beatrix, Agatha is a source of abuse, trauma and painful memories of being separated from her family back home. Agatha has been incredibly cruel to her, pushing her in ways no child should have to go through and punishing her for little to no reason other than to take out personal grudges on Beatrix. It is no wonder that it has made Beatrix resent her and hate her to the point of defecting completely from The Order of the Clock Tower. Agatha stands for everything that Beatrix despises, and the girl fully intends on toppling Agatha's power and position so that she might reform The Order and make things better for British and Irish ability users.


Philip Pullman

It's not Philip you have to worry about. It's where he's sent his little eyes and ears off to to gather information for him.

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Because of Philip's unwavering loyalty to Agatha, it is very clear that he and Beatrix do not get along in the slightest. She thinks he is a lapdog who refuses to critically think, blinded by his love for that woman. In return, he considers Beatrix an ungrateful brat who doesn't understand the privilege granted to her by being a part of The Order of the Clock Tower. They would frequently argue, and Beatrix soon discovered that he was using his ability, Lyra, to spy on her when she was alone or with others so that he could keep tabs on what she was doing. She quickly became accustomed to watching annd staying on guard because of it and can still become nervous thinking of how much he stalked her.


Oscar Wilde

Oh dear... I do hope to not end up inside that ability.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Beatrix absolutely does not trust Oscar. She knows that he must be hurting from the split with his twin brother as well, but he has chosen to side against her morals and remain beside a person who abused her and others - which means she cannot bring herself to be around him or put faith in him. Though she would never admit it aloud, Beatrix much prefers his brother to Oscar, and has done so for quite a while. She is also very aware of how strong Oscar's containment ability is, and that he is one of the key figures hunting her and the rest of The Library down, and hopes to never have to get into combat with him.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Thank goodness you know what you're doing Eliza, but please don't put yourself in too much danger because of me.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

When they first met, Beatrix incorrectly assumed that she and Elizabeth were the same age, and was grateful to have someone she could relate to in The Order of the Clock Tower. She was wrong about Elizabeth's age, but not wrong about her having someone she could trust and rely on. Beatrix is one of very, very few people to know Elizabeth's ability, and keeps it a closely guarded secret. They get along incredibly well, and Beatrix feels forever indebted to Elizabeth for her help and double agent work. When they get to meet, they always love to go on girl trips together and Elizabeth helps Beatrix pick out the best clothing for her style and tastes - the two of them love bonding this way. She thinks of Elizabeth as a big sister, though will just tell people that they are like sisters so as not to hint at Elizabeth's real age.

The British Library Collection


C.S Lewis

Clive here is my right hand man, I can't thank him enough for all his help in these troubled times.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Beatrix worries for Clive, and often scolds him for overworking himself and for getting himself into trouble because of it. She wants him to be relaxed, but knows that he stresses and worries about her and about the wellbeing of The Library. She respects his talents and quick thinking, and knows he is a very strong and loyal and capable ally who would do anything for her - all traits she very very much admires in him. But she does wish he would remember to take breaks from time to time. She keeps him close and considers him her right hand man, trusting him with a lot of her closest secrets. She does, however, quickly correct people who assume him to be the leader of The Library and not her - which he understands and encourages.


Enid Blyton

Oh! And how many of you am I playing hide and seek with today?

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Enid looks to Beatrix as a big sister figure and utterly adores her, and the feeling goes both ways. Beatrix thinks of Enid like she is her little sister, and absolutely dotes on her for it. The two are very often found spending time together and working on projects together, and one of their favourite things to do is to play hide and seek whenever they get the chance. Both girls share a love and passion for adventuring and exploration, and grew up surrounded by nature, so they have a lot in common. It felt only natural for Enid to accompany Beatrix when they defected from The Order of the Clock Tower, and the two are fiercely loyal to one another.


George Orwell

What do you see? Is she there?

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Beatrix was surprised to hear that she and George were actually closer in age than she initially thought, especially because of all the things he had achieved in his life up to the time where he joined The Order of the Clock Tower. She thinks him incredibly cool and impressive and likes to hear his stories. Beatrix is also very appreciative of his ability helping them keep safe as he acts as a security system for the Library and keeps them from being ambushed by Agatha.


Jane Austen

Would you help me do my hair? I can't quite reach all the back curls myself!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Jane and Beatrix get along extremely well and can often be seen spending time together. Beatrix was the first friend that Jane made when she joined The Order of the Clock Tower and they've stuck by each other ever since. Beatrix thinks that Jane is incredibly cool, especially in the ways she handles men and people who try to harass or manipulate her. Beatrix has learnt a lot from her, and thinks of her as like an older sister and mentor figure. She knows that Jane respects their friendship and is loyal to her, and is always grateful for her support no matter what.


Robert Louis Stevenson

Thankfully we aren't at sea, I don't know how you did it!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Robert can be quite intimidating, and at first Beatrix was a little wary of him. Thankfully over time she has warmed up to him and understands his gruff but caring ways. She knows that she can always count on him, and that his loyalty to her and her cause is unflinching. Though he was one of the last to join, he is by no means the least useful. More than anything, she's grateful that he's accidentally given the Library more leverage over Agatha, since he keeps William Golding trapped in his ability space.


Arthur Conan Doyle

We need a strategy, can I leave that in your hands?

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Knowing Arthur's good skills with deduction and reasoning, Beatrix knows that she can leave her organisation's planning in capable hands. She worries for him as she knows he suffers from severe depression brought about by his ability, but does her best to uplift Arthur's spirits and praise and thank him for his help whenever she can. She truly wants the best for him and she tries her hardest to be there for him.


William Golding

So we ah... Accidentally brought along a very dangerous ability user alongside the things we intended to steal. Oops.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Beatrix isn't pleased that she accidentally ended up with William joining her organisation, mostly because she knows he is in no way loyal to her and absolutely dislikes her. She does, however, know that he grants her a lot of leverage over Agatha and strengthens their position as a hostage. She'd just rather he never get out of where he is currently contained. Beatrix fears his ability and how much he could spill what she and the rest of the Library have been doing to Agatha - as well as the fact that he will absolutely turn on them if he ever gets freed from Robert's ability.


Wilfred Owen

Take it easy, we can rest for now knowing she can't find us.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Having a trained soldier on her side is incredibly useful for Beatrix and she truly appreciates having Wilfred on her side. She can trust him to handle firearms, where a lot of her younger members are not trained to do so, and to hold out in times of Crisis. She also appreciates that he can help keep Lewis from stressing too much about things that they're doing as well. The two of them often take tea together to relax when not working and she appreciates his company and wise words.


Dorian Grey

I realise the sacrifices you have made to join us and I owe you so much for that.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Beatrix loves to share jokes and fun with Dorian, and often can be found taking pictures with him and helping out in winding up the other Library members. She does feel guilty that his support of her cause has cost him so much - as she knows that he and his twin were extremely close before. However, she respects his strength and bravery and makes sure that he knows that no matter what. She trusts him with a lot and know that, even while they have plenty of fun, he will always get his job done.



William Blake

Should Agatha find us, I fear it will spell great danger for us all.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Beatrix and Blake get along extremely well and she finds his support of her organisation to be extremely reassuring. Though she knows his time spent with the Library will only be temporary, she genuinely appreciates his help and his company whilst she is working on achieving her goals. They both share a deep disdain for Christie and The Order of the Clock Tower, and Beatrix knows that she can rely on him in an emergency. She also won't admit it, but she does find that Blake and Lewis' rivalry is extremely funny to watch. She is also very happy to hear that he is helping to take care of Enid. When not working, she and Blake like to share tea together.

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint