Oscar Wilde



5 years, 2 months ago


Oscar Wilde

Kanji オスカー・ワイルド
Romaji Osukā Wairudo

Dorian Grey - (Mistakenly)

Namesake Oscar Wilde - (Irish poet, playwright and writer.)
Personal Information
Gender Male
Age 28
Birthday 16th October - (Libra)
Height 6'2" / 188cm
Weight 165lbs / 75kgs
Bloodtype B
Status Alive
Likes Men, Cigarettes, Pop music, Rainbows, Fashion, Expensive Gemstones
Dislikes Being victimised, children, not being paid attention to, His twin
Professional Information
Occupation Left hand man of Agatha Christie
First Class Knight of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Second Class Knight of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Former)
Affiliation The Order of the Clock Tower
Family Unnamed Parents
Unnamed Nanny
Unnamed Governess
Fingal O'Flahertie Wilde - (Twin Brother)
Spouse(s) None
Ability Name A Handbag!
Reference The Importance of Being Earnest
Manga TBC
Anime TBC
Light Novel The Library in Yokohama
Voice Actors
English TBC
Japanese TBC

I have no other family worth noting aside from what I have in the Clock Tower. That is all I need. So kindly, let sleeping bitches lie in the traitorous graves they dug themselves!

Oscar Wilde, The Library in Yokohama

Oscar Wilde (JP: オスカー・ワイルド | Osukā Wairudo) is/was a member of The Order of the Clock Tower. He is the left hand man of Agatha Christie, serving directly under her. He assists in internal Government affairs along with Philip Pullman. He is also tracking down the dissidents involved in the British Library. Oscar is the formerly identical twin brother of Fingal "Dorian" Wilde, who has defected to the British Library.


Oscar is a tall man with a young and feminine looking face, with smooth and well defined features. Much of his appearance is carefully created using heavy makeup to give him a perfect look, mostly because he is vain about the idea of looking ugly or dirty in any way. Oscar also uses heavy makeup to ensure he bears no resemblance to the facial features of his twin. His cheekbones are high and he has a heart shaped face. He has turquoise eyes, his natural colour though he has considered buying contact lenses. In Front of these he has a rose gold monocle for his right eye. It is without an actual corrective lens, as Oscar's eyes are just fine, but he wears it for aesthetic reasons. The monocle has a pink gemstone hanging from it, thought to be associated with positivity vibes. Oscar has blue hair, clearly dyed that colour, which hangs about messily just past his chin with a long side fringe. It is actually naturally black, but he will never allow it to go back to that colour. Because of his twin, Oscar does suffer from body dysmorphia issues, as seeing the resemblance to his twin in his own reflection brings back bad trauma.

Oscar's body is skinny, but not underfed, and he wears comfortable yet stylish clothing to accentuate his beauty. He has extremely picky fashion tastes, and will not settle for anything cheap or poorly made or designed. As such, he wears a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pink floral scarf that covers the collar. His belt is black with gold buckles and holds up his burgundy skinny cut trousers. Oscar will only wear skinny jeans and trousers, no other style is good enough as he wants to accentuate his lower half. On his feet, Oscar wears black wedged 4" heels that make him appear even taller than he already is. He is never without some kind of heeled shoe. Over all of this is Oscar's long blue trench coat. This is always worn undone despite what the weather might be and is more for style than any kind of practicality. He also wears burgundy gloves on his hands, to keep the blood and mess off of his manicure. Most important of all, Oscar is never seen without his pink handbag, the source of his ability.


Oscar is a confident, wild and carefree individual who prides himself on his eccentric nature. He has worked tirelessly to perfect his image and persona and he is well aware of both his popularity and infamy. Others find him to be almost irritatingly loud and brash, and Oscar is unafraid to invade personal space and make others as uncomfortable as possible in his presence. More than anything, he lives to make a big impact and firmly ensure no one ever forgets meeting him. Oscar will always aim to be the centre of attention, and steals the conversation in the room with complete ease - either making it about himself or about something he wants to know about. His talk can be so charming (or, for some, irritating) that he completely derails the atmosphere. People even wonder if he is able to read the room at all - he is, he'd just rather disrupt it rather than adapt himself to fit the situation. Most importantly, Oscar is absolutely confident and proud of his homosexuality, and he prides himself in being the gayest person in the room and then some. He will absolutely make his sexuality known to everyone, whether they want to know or not.

However, Oscar is by far more cunning than he lets on. Though his eccentric nature is absolutely genuine, it is his persona that he allows others to see, so as to mask his true intentions from them. He is intelligent, witty and charming, and extremely shrewd and cunning as well. Unafraid to begin trading insults or making snarky witticisms at people he dislikes, Oscar can become extremely petty and savage when prompted enough by someone. Equally, he can show incredible bouts of cruelty and coldness when working for The Order, and is not known to show mercy when ordered to kill on behalf of them. In particular, Oscar's ruthless and evil side shows most when his twin is mentioned. His true sense of loathing emerges and Oscar becomes angry and annoyed, even his dislike of The Library pales in comparison to the family issues he has. As such, he tries to keep this side to himself composed and out of the way as much as possible, but Oscar is a man of emotions, and the wrong thing said by someone at any point can switch his mood very quickly.


Kanji: ハンドバッグ

Romaji: Handobaggu

English: A Handbag!

Reference: The Importance of Being Earnest

Ability Classification: Metaphysical

Appearance: Oscar’s ability takes the form of a very expensive clutch handbag that he keeps on his person at all times. The handbag is pink, with a darker pink velvet body and a silky lighter pink lid that closes with a gold clasp. It is a designer brand and has a long strap that can be used to wear the bag over one shoulder if Oscar wishes to. This strap can also be detached. Inside, it is dark black and no contents can be seen. Activating his ability will cause Oscar’s bag to glow pink, and the object or person being sent into the bag will glow pink and be surrounded by text, before vanishing into the bag. The reverse happens when the item or person is removed from the bag as well.

Capability: In a similar fashion to Nikolai Gogol's overcoat ability, Oscar is able to manipulate space and conceal objects inside his handbag. The bag has a seemingly infinite space inside of it, and objects placed into it can be carried around and resummoned whenever Oscar requires them. Regardless of the size or shape of the object he wishes to conceal, Oscar is able to fit it into his handbag, and there are no limits to the amount of objects he can have concealed in there at any one time. When he requires the objects he has concealed in his handbag, Oscar is able to resummon the items from the bag at will, pulling it out in a dramatic reveal. It is perfectly possible for Oscar to place a human inside his ability, effectively concealing them until he next chooses to bring them out, with little difficulty aside the person in question struggling. Once inside the handbag, the person remains in a comatose state (and cannot die of thirst or starvation for the period that they are inside) until brought back out. They are also unaware of anything that goes on until they are released.

Limitations: Though there is no limit to the number of people or objects that can go into the handbag, the quantity does, however, affect the weight of the handbag relatively. If he is concealing a lot of objects, the handbag will be much heavier for him to carry. To combat this, Oscar has done weight training and can actually carry a lot more than people expect of a man of his build. He makes carrying the handbag effortless even whilst it is full.

Side Effects: Carrying too much can cause Oscar some side effects, mostly in the form of bad back and shoulder pain from the weight of his handbag. Otherwise he is mostly unharmed by his own ability.

Ultimate Form: Oscar's ability does not have a known Ultimate Form.


  • I got the best deal at the outlet store today...
  • Move, I'm gay!
  • Nobody wants to hear your sob story.
  • Get in the bag!
  • Oh my! You really think you're the one in the right here?
  • That outfit is... vile darling. You should consider turning the lights on when you get dressed in the morning.
  • Oh dear. Those shoes dear? No No No...
  • This will simply not do!
  • Education is important dear, you should try getting one sometime.
  • Fools continue to persist in surrounding me with their presence...
  • You are all beneath me.
  • I shall strive to become the best agent The Order of the Clock Tower has ever seen, just you watch.
  • I don't make mistakes darling.
  • Are you quite done? Your blathering bores me terribly. Do me a favour and sew your mouth closed.
  • Do the world a favour and drop dead this instant!
  • Only the best will satisfy me.
  • I want a lot, and deserve to have everything that I want.
  • Do not remind me of that man. He made his choice and I no longer call him my brother.
  • Just let sleeping bitches lie!
  • I should like to forgive my enemies, only as I know it would annoy them.
  • Eugh, I need a drink.
  • This is unacceptable!
  • I wish to speak to your manager!
  • Life isn't fair, Fingal. If it were, you and I would still see eye to eye.
  • I find it hard to look myself in the mirror knowing his face could possibly stare back at me.
  • I'm not listening to you or to this! This is beneath me!
  • You will do as I say if you know what is good for you dear.
  • Yokohama is the stage, its factions the cast. The performance is set to receive scathing reviews.
  • Sensational!
  • I won't lie, all this nonsense is boring me to tears.
  • I'll just pop you in here til I have need of you! In you go!
  • Booooooooooooooooooring!
  • This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.
  • And you have the gall to call me the shallow one?
  • I am judging your tastes...
  • There is no sin except stupidity.
  • TBA


Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, known simply as “Oscar Wilde”, was an Irish poet, writer and playwright who became one of the most famous playwrights in London in the early 1890s. Known for his humorous writing, that focussed a lot upon wordplay and puns to deliver its jokes, Wilde was highly acclaimed for his works. He is known for his novel, The Portrait of Dorian Grey and for many plays including The Importance of Being Earnest, as well as for many poems. Aside this, he rose to infamy after being accused of “gross indecency” for his consensual homosexual acts - which were illegal at the time. It was considered one of the very first “Celebrity Trials” and he was later imprisoned for his crimes. Wilde was a spokesperson for aestheticism, and believed strongly in exploring the philosophy of pleasure. His work continues to be influential in the modern day, and an Oscar Wilde society still runs in the United Kingdom.


  • Oscar has the meaning spear of the gods and gained the additional meaning of Deer Friend when brought into Irish Gaelic as Oscur.
  • Wilde is the Irish, English, and German: variant of Wild


  • Oscar prefers matte lipstick. The more expensive the better.
  • His handbag can be replaced if it is broken or damaged, Oscar simply transfers his ability space over to a new container. A new handbag.
  • Over the years, multiple bags have been used for Oscar's ability. The first instance was his schoolbag.
  • The largest thing he concealed inside his handbag so far has been a human. They remain alive inside the ability space, but in a comatose state until they are brought back.
  • He has a tendency to mutter snarky comments about others under his breath when displeased.
  • If Oscar does not like something, then the object or person will know as he is unflinchingly honest.
  • Oscar does not own any mirrors. He also avoids reflective surfaces.
  • Though he is vain about his appearance, Oscar will never ever look at his own reflection.
  • He is uncertain if he could actually kill his brother or not. Even if he wants to or feels that he should.
  • What he does know, is that he can never bring himself to forgive Dorian ever.
  • Oscar actually hates wearing contact lenses, he's afraid of hurting his vision, and they clash with his monocle.
  • He smokes menthol cigarettes in a holder. To keep his fingers from getting yellow skin.
  • He has a tendency to bite at his nails when annoyed or nervous, its a habit from childhood he can't kick and he loathes it.
  • Oscar tries to keep his bad habits as secret as possible. The thought of them getting out makes him very nervous.
  • Oscar spends most of his paycheck on new clothes and accessories for himself.
  • His favourite colours are pink, purple and blue.
  • He enjoys sweet foods, but his favourite food is English muffins with butter.
  • Oscar always prefers to wear long coats in winter to keep himself warm.
  • He is never ever seen without his neck cravat or monocle.
  • Oscar has very expensive tastes, and ends up spending most of his money funding his habits.
  • Oscar enjoys cheesy pop band music a lot. Especially boy bands.
  • He loathes things that are scratchy or itchy to wear, or are clashing colours or patterns.
  • If people wear clothes he deems ugly, Oscar will not hesitate to comment on it loudly.
  • Much like Jane Austen, Oscar tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve and reacts extreme to things that go on around him.
  • Oscar does not like to be reminded of the fact that he is a twin at all.
  • Oscar can be incredibly stubborn when he isn't getting his way.
  • He craves power and strives to be the best so that he can continue to view others as beneath him.
  • TBA


Early Life

Oscar, alongside his twin brother Fingal, was born in Dublin, Ireland, to a well educated and well off family who lived close to the Trinity College. They later gained a younger sister named Isolda, whom they both doted on. Their father was a prominent eye surgeon who also wrote books on Irish archaeology in his spare time. The boys' mother mostly stayed at home, but she wrote and produced material for the Young Irelanders and was a well known Irish Nationalist. The family were often concerned she may be arrested for her nationalist leanings, especially with the memories of the troubles being fresh in the minds of the government, but thankfully it never happened whilst the boys were young. The family were close and both their parents were keen to give the boys the best that they could provide for them. They were baptised, as in Ireland Catholicism was the expected norm, and raised by both a French Governess and a German Nanny, opening both the boys to languages and culture from a young age.

The Wilde children were raised at home until the twins turned nine, after which they began formal education in County Fermanagh. Oscar's lifestyle was lavish, and he and his siblings were introduced to numerous social and literary circles and societies from a young age thanks to their parents. Despite all the people surrounding them in their lives, the two twins remained immensely close and shared a bond unlike anything. Fingal and Oscar seemed to understand each other on a level that others could never, and even made up their own special languages and ways of communicating that existed just between themselves. It was their special "twin talk" that they shared with no one else. Both boys lavished attention, and always aimed to excel in anything that they put their minds to so that it would reward them with praise and love from family and family friends. They didn't have to work hard for that either, as they were both extremely talented together and in their own individual ways. Oscar was a keen writer and poet, who would spend any free time he had writing down his ideas and thoughts on scrap paper and in multiple notebooks. Both boys also absolutely adored fashion and style, and would spend a lot of their parents' money on lavish outfits and new looks for themselves.

When Oscar turned ten, he began to realise that something was different about himself and his brother. They were still immensely close of course, and would confide everything in each other without a sense that there would be any abuse of the trust between them. Oscar had been starting to find things he placed into his bag, an expensive school backpack, would go much deeper than the bag should go. Equally, he could hold things much larger than the bag itself, and many more things than a bag of that volume should have been able to hold at the same time. It baffled him to see how much he could carry on his person, and he eagerly showed off his talent to his twin brother. Surprisingly, Fingal was developing an ability of his own too - able to trap people inside pictures. They only found out together when Fingal accidentally trapped his brother inside one of their selfies - and in return Oscar promptly shoved his twin brother inside his backpack for a few hours as revenge. The two's antics were quickly noticed by their parents, mostly because they were continually using their abilities on each other to compete and play pranks. If Oscar was captured in a portrait by Fingal, not a moment later Fingal would find himself taking a nap inside Oscar's backpack as a result, the two in fits of panic and laughter. It shocked their parents, who quickly sought medical advice and asked around the family, as many of their friends held high up positions and might be able to offer insight on the affair.

Order Approved Education

Sure enough, both Oscar and his twin were officially registered as Ability Users - and were asked to give a name to their newfound skills. Though he had ample choice for creative names, Oscar decided his ability could be as literal as he felt it deserved to be. Swapping from his backpack to a more expensive choice of bag (A skill he realised he could do with a little practice, and allowed him endless bag space no matter the look he was going for), Oscar decided to name his ability "A Handbag!" - because that's exactly what it was. Proud of himself for having such a special ability, and for being special just like his twin, he was happy to accept that the two of them would be moving into approved boarding school education from now on. This, they were told, was because as Ability Users they would be expected to one day join The Order of the Clock Tower once they both turned eighteen. Until then, they would attend school and be given appropriate training and education in their abilities and Ability Users as a whole by the Order.

Both boys were sent to Christ's Hospital Boarding School, the same one attended by both Clive Staples Lewis and William Blake, though they never met the twins whilst they were there as they were both a little older. For the twins, it meant leaving Ireland for good - and neither of them would ever return there. Oscar felt a sense of sadness in leaving, and the ominous sensation that this would be the last time that either of them saw their family, but he attempted to remain positive and composed for the sake of his brother. After all, most importantly the two of them had each other and that was never going to change. Even at school, the twins were tight at the hip and rarely seen apart. So identical, teachers sometimes got them confused for each other which they found immensely fun to take advantage of. Oscar would comfort Fingal when he felt homesick, and he himself would fully immerse himself in his studies in order to prevent homesickness or nostalgia.

School was actually very uneventful for both brothers, and Oscar scored well in his GCSEs and A-Levels to the delight of himself and those watching over his progress at the Order. He had a remarkable skill in writing, not just fiction but also in note taking and factual research, that they hoped to utilise as well as his ability. He even won prizes in English language and literature for his poems and short stories - and he also starred in many of the school’s theatrical productions as a part of the drama club. Oscar was delighted by his progress and achievements, and happy to accept the offer to become a fully fledged member of the Order once he turned eighteen and left school. Sure enough, his brother was right alongside him. Both Wilde twins were welcomed in with open arms and praised for their talents. Oscar, determined to prove himself there, set his sights upon climbing the authority ladder within the Order and getting himself to the higher positions that he felt he deserved.

The Order of the Clock Tower

Oscar's hard work began to pay off quickly, as he soon found himself climbing the ranks of The Order and making powerful friends and connections. Though his eccentric nature meant he and Philip Pullman never really saw eye to eye, he did enjoy the fact that the both of them were very much the left and right hands of Agatha Christie, the leader of the Order. This gave Oscar a great sense of pride in his work and he continued to strive to impress Christie in any way he could. It began to cause a slight rift between himself and his brother Fingal, who had been bonding with more of the lower level members of the Order rather than striving to further himself. For once in their entire lives, to both of their shock, Oscar and Fingal found themselves drifting apart from one another. Though they still remained brothers for the time being, and still fully trusted one another, they had both begun to develop contrasting interests and goals for themselves as individuals - something that was difficult for them both to understand. Oscar was ashamed of Fingal's lack of drive to climb the ladder within the Order, but simultaneously Fingal disliked the way Oscar was bootlicking himself into power. Disagreements soon became a growing rift, and the two began spending less and less time together as they pursued their own goals.

The Argument

However, things were to come to a very ugly confrontation between the two brothers after the destruction of Mimic by The Order - essentially mass murdering hundreds of Ability Users in Europe and forcing many into hiding. Oscar was in favour of dealing with the problem of Mimic quickly and efficiently, but Fingal held the opposite view entirely. He argued with Oscar that The Order had been needlessly cruel in dealing with Mimic, and condemned their actions. Oscar, on the other hand, believed that they had done the right thing. It became a bitter feud, made worse when Beatrix Potter enacted her plan to defect from The Order and establish The British Library Collection, and Fingal left with her to join her cause and betray The Order. Oscar was furious at the betrayal of his brother, and vowed that the next they met he would kill him.

Over time, Oscar's disdain towards his twin festered into a deep resentment at their split. It came to the point whereupon he could no longer look at himself in the mirror without thinking of his twin because they looked so much alike. Driven by spite, Oscar used heavy makeup and clothing choices to change his figure and appearance, deliberately distorting his image to no longer appear like the memory of his brother's face. Hiding behind the mask of his eccentric nature, he buried his love for his brother behind walls of spite and determination to show his goals as the superior ones. Oscar became spiteful, but forever determined and loyal to both Agatha Christie and to The Order of the Clock Tower as a result, cementing his position as her left hand man.


Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia

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The Guild Arc

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Cannibalism Arc

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Decay of Angels Arc

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Dead Apple

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Light Novels

The Library in Yokohama

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Armed Detective Agency


Yukichi Fukuzawa

I need you to hand them over dear, before it starts to spell trouble for your own organisation, alright?

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Because he knows that The British Library Collection, including his twin brother, are hiding amongst the Armed Detective Agency, Oscar is less than displeased at their leadership. He has tried to pressure Fukuzawa into relinquishing the group and giving information on them, resorting to underhanded tactics in desperation, but to no avail. As such, he deeply dislikes Fukuzawa for being, in his eyes, too stubborn to see sense and for being unhelpful in allowing him to take back the defectors.


Osamu Dazai

I think he gets off on knowing he's got the upper hand on everyone.

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Dazai is an enigma to Oscar, which is something he deeply dislikes about the man. He doesn’t trust him, and knows full well that there is not much he can do against him considering Dazai’s ability and strategic prowess. As such, he mostly tries to avoid having to interact with Dazai, so that he doesn’t have to deal with him. Given his position, however, Oscar does not get to avoid Dazai as much as he’d like.


Atsushi Nakajima

Well well tiger boy...

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Oscar has a strong interest in Atsushi, as he has heard all about him from information that The Order of the Clock Tower has gathered and understands the boy’s importance to their goals. Though they have not formally interacted outside of combat, Oscar is highly impressed by the boy’s determination and strength. It took a lot of work for him to be able to overpower Atsushi and trap him in his ability when he needed to. As such, he looks forward to seeing just how far Atsushi is prepared to go.


Kunikida Doppo

You are beneath me, particularly because of your associations.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Oscar’s reasons for disliking Kunikida are incredibly petty. He merely hates the man because he is now in a relationship with Oscar’s twin brother Dorian. This, in Oscar’s perspective, is unforgivable and therefore he holds a deep resentment and dislike towards Kunikida and his ideals. He has been working to try and break the relationship apart, unsuccessfully, and to try and take Kunikida down. This has yet to succeed and is further driving the twins’ relationship apart. Kunikida himself dislikes Oscar as he sees him as a man who lacks morals and good ideals in life.

The Guild


Francis Fitzgerald

You are incredibly tacky dear.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Truthfully, Oscar doesn’t really care all that hard about Fitzgerald. He is mostly neutral, though does have some scathing opinions on the man’s dress sense and “tacky” fashion choices. This is mostly driven by jealousy as he wishes that he had the kind of money that Fitzgerald earns so that he could satisfy his own expensive tastes. The two do not interact often, and mostly it is in group meetings rather than one on one, and that is usually for the better.


Stephen King

You're going to pay for your betrayal King. You fucking snake!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Oscar holds an extremely deep and petty grudge towards Stephen after the man defected from The Order of the Clock Tower and revealed himself to have been spying on them for the Guild for the entire time he was staying with them. Since Stephen left, Oscar has vowed vengeance on the man, and would more than happily kill him if he ever laid eyes on him again. They have yet to cross paths again, but Oscar knows it will become violent if they ever do. He constantly talks badly about Stephen whenever he is brought up in conversation.

The Order of the Clock Tower


Agatha Christie

Anything for you, Lady Agatha.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Oscar greatly respects Agatha’s leadership and determination, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to impress her. As she grants him more power and influence for his hard work, the more he is willing to bend over backwards for her in order to get more and more attention. He knows that his admiration of her will get him far, and that is why he doesn’t mind pandering to her whims. Though he cannot say he agrees with absolutely everything she has chosen to do, Oscar does believe that Agatha is the best leader for The Order of the Clock Tower and knows what she's doing.


Philip Pullman

You're just jealous of me darling.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Philip and Oscar have a bit of a competitive relationship with one another, given that they are both vying for Agatha’s attention and praise. Oscar knows that he will never have the relationship that Philip does with Agatha, but doesn’t care. What matters to him is that he succeeds over Philip in every other way. Thus, he can often be found trying to outmatch him and outwork him in every task they are both set. They do not hate one another, in fact outside of work they get along somewhat well (though it can be difficult as Philip is naturally quite bristly).


Elizabeth Barrett Browning

You made your choice and you can live with it! I don't know what possessed you to make it but whatever!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Elizabeth and Oscar’s relationship has been stained beyond repair, and Oscar cannot ever bring himself to forgive her or like her. He barely tolerates working with her. The cause was simply that he found out she had chosen his twin over him. That, in his eyes, was unforgivable. He has been meddling in her affairs to try and undermine her work, and suspects that she may know more about the defection of The British Library Collection than she actually lets on. This only motivates Oscar to interfere with her even more, as it might lead to clues he can use against her and against the Library. The two are hostile and short with one another as a result.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit


Ian Fleming

Just make sure those brats stay in line. I don't have patience for them today.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Oscar maintains a professional relationship with Ian, as they mostly only interact in order to exchange information and orders between Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit and The Order of the Clock Tower. Indeed, usually this is Philip’s task, but Oscar likes to intervene so that he knows what is going on inside the subdivision. He knows Ian judges him for his meddling, but doesn't care much. Oscar likes to exert his authority over Ian, and enjoys giving him orders. The two do not speak outside of work and Oscar is content with that.


Anthony Horowitz

You're late again! I need that report by yesterday!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Oscar usually only goes to Anthony for reports, and those are always reports that have not been finished due to Anthony procrastinating them. This leads to the two of them speaking snippily with one another, and Oscar definitely dislikes how lazy he believes Anthony is. He usually chastises and reprimands the young man for being behind on his work - which only makes Anthony more argumentative towards him. Outside of work Oscar chooses to keep his distance from Anthony as he doesn’t want to have to deal with him more than he already does.


Eoin Colfer

Oh come on! Just tell me! They can't be natural, surely?

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Eoin is stylish and naturally elegant in how he conducts himself - and Oscar thinks that that is fantastic. He has a tendency to use the young boy as a dress up doll for his fashion ideas, and to fawn over his more unusual features such as his eye colour. He has interrogated Eoin multiple times about how his eyes are different colours, and was convinced for a long time that the young boy must be wearing contact lenses. Eoin finds Oscar incredibly irritating and tries to avoid him as much as possible - and Oscar has seen that Eoin will make a hasty exit from any room he enters. He finds it funny and a game of chase.


Robert Muchamore

Keep your little brats out my office!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Oscar finds Robert incredibly vulgar and uncouth, and judges the boy heavily for his accent and his behavior. Though he knows Robert is useful and has a useful ability, he would rather not be around him as it gives him a headache. The two tend to wind each other up, especially as they come from polar opposite lifestyles and have very different attitudes towards things. Oscar tends to find that his things sometimes go missing around Robert as well, and this has only made him dislike him even more.


Mark Walden

That's £550 work of makeup! Get it back or pay me back!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Being around Mark can rack up a high price tag for Oscar, as his very expensive things tend to go missing whenever the boy is around. He’s put Mark inside his ability as punishment multiple times, and to keep him from stealing things. This has caused the two to have a very strained relationship and Oscar will try to avoid keeping anything that could potentially be taken on his person when he has to deal with Mark. Their professional relationship appears stable, and Mark certainly does carry out orders he is given, but outside of that things are less amicable.

The British Library Collection


Beatrix Potter

You'll pay for your selfish decisions!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Oscar feels highly betrayed by Beatrix, as the two did get along when they both worked in The Order of the Clock Tower together. This betrayal has fuelled his desire to hunt her and the rest of The British Library Collection down and kill them for their defection. He is determined that he will be the one to bring Beatrix back to Agatha come hell or high water, and Oscar feels that there is no low he will not stoop to in order to make that goal come to fruition. He knows Beatrix fears him and his ability, and takes pride in the fact that she understands her position as being beneath him.


C.S Lewis

Not like I'm surprised. You always were a snake.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Clive and Oscar never got along from the start. Though both Irish, their differences run extremely deep and has fuelled a deep sense of distrust between the two of them. Irish politics aside, they also clashed on ideals and goals when it came to working with The Order of the Clock Tower. With Clive’s defection, Oscar was deeply angered but unsurprised - and he made it very clear to Clive in their parting meeting that the next time they saw one another, he would make every effort to kill him.


Enid Blyton

Leave me alone you little brat!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

In the past, Enid would annoy Oscar immensely, mostly just because she was a loud and eager child who carried herself without any grace or elegance. He disliked her tomboyish nature, and what started out as taking out his frustrations on her soon became outright bullying. Often when she bothered him too much he would just put her into his ability as a punishment. Since her defection, he hopes to capture her and properly punish her for her behaviour. Oscar has no remorse about bullying a child either.


Jane Austen

This is a big mistake you're making Jane.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Back in The Order of the Clock Tower, when the two of them worked together, Oscar and Jane used to get along very well. They both shared a love for fashion and clothes - and they’d even go out together and spend time shopping or socialising. When Jane chose to defect to The British Library Collection, Oscar was stung badly by her betrayal. It has upset him immensely, as he thought of her as a close friend. Now he bears resentment towards her, and is keen to hunt her down and make her pay for hurting him like this. He wants her to see sense and come back to The Order, but does not have high hopes for that happening.


George Orwell

I just feel like he's constantly staring at me...

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Oscar never truly trusted George from the start - mostly because of the man’s origins as a member of Mimic. They never quite saw eye to eye, and then when George betrayed The Order of the Clock Tower alongside the others, Oscar was not surprised at all. He suspects that George is watching the Clock Tower’s movements still, and tries to act unpredictably so as to throw him off, but he can never be quite sure. It has left him quite paranoid.


Robert Louis Stevenson

You look nice but... That's about it darling.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Oscar has to admire Robert’s sense of fashion, and does like the expensive clothing that the man chooses to wear. However, despite their shared expensive tastes and their enjoyment of pretty treasures and jewellery, the two of them do not get along personality wise. They would maintain a professional relationship when working together, but Robert wouldn’t say he enjoyed Oscar’s bootlicking in order to gain power and he was vocal about his disdain for it. This relationship, of course, was shattered following the defection and now Oscar fully intends upon killing Robert if he should see him.


Arthur Conan Doyle

I'm not letting you catch up to me dear!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Oscar keeps himself unpredictable in his actions as a deliberate attempt to keep Arthur from trying to work him out. He knows that the less he does in patterns or with clear logic, the more difficult he makes it for the other man. They never got along with one another when they were on the same side, and Arthur’s choice to defect to join The British Library Collection has only further cemented their dislike and resentment of one another. Oscar fully intends upon killing Arthur along with the rest of the defectors.


William Golding

I won't lie. I'm glad the brat is gone.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Admittedly, Oscar was never a fan of William from the moment he arrived. This is mostly because of how outright malicious William has always been, but also because of how much Oscar deeply dislikes insects. He thinks that William’s ability is vile and would like to be as far away from him as possible. Though he would never admit it, he is actually pleased that The British Library Collection accidentally took William away with them when they defected, as it has meant that the young boy is no longer a problem for him.


Wilfred Owen

You made the wrong choice, that's for sure.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Wilfred disappoints Oscar, because he used to be an incredibly useful asset to The Order of the Clock Tower. His loss is a huge loss to The Order, and Oscar is annoyed that the man would choose to abandon the organisation that took him in and cared for him. He no longer trusts Wilfred, especially as he knows that Wilfred has close ties to other members who dislike him even more. He intends to kill Wilfred for his defection, and will seize any opportunity to do so.


Dorian Grey

I have no brother.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Dorian and Oscar were once incredibly close. As brothers and as friends, the two were inseparable and trusted each other unconditionally. They spent their entire childhoods together and loved each other dearly. Oscar would go to the end of the earth to protect Fingal, and would affectionately tease him from time to time as brothers do. Even as they grew up, and began to mature into different people, they still supported one another. This trust has now been destroyed, however, after Dorian chose to leave The Order of the Clock Tower to join The British Library Collection. Now the two brothers loathe each other, to the point that both of them have made efforts to change their appearances so that they no longer look identical. Oscar has been deeply scarred by his brother’s betrayal, and will not even hear talk of him without becoming extremely angry and frustrated. He does not accept Dorian’s new name or identity, and he openly criticises the man and insults him and his choices. There is no repairing their relationship now, and Oscar would very much like to kill his brother in order to put an end to the pain that he has caused him.

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint