
Clive Staples Lewis

Kanji クライブ・ステープルス・ルイス
Romaji Kuraibu Sutēpurusu Ruisu
AKA Lewis-san
Caspian - (Codename)
Staples - (Derogatory, by William Blake)
Namesake C.S Lewis - (British Author and Lay Theologian)
Personal Information
Gender Male
Age 27
Birthday 29th November - (Sagittarius)
Height 5'11" / 180cm
Weight 154lbs / 70kgs
Bloodtype B
Status Alive
Likes Rain, Lamp Posts, Fantasy Novels, William Blake, Sweet things, Cricket, Rabbits, Lions
Dislikes Heat, Stains, Bananas, William Blake, Late Night Work
Professional Information
Occupation Columnist - (Former)
Spy- (Former)
First Class Knight of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Former)
Second in Command of The British Library Collection - (Current)
Affiliation The British Library
The Order of the Clock Tower - (Former)
Family Unnamed Parents
Spouse(s) Wilfred Owen - (Boyfriend)
Ability Name White Witch
Reference The Chronicles of Narnia
Light Novel The Library in Yokohama
Voice Actors
English TBC
Japanese TBC

You honestly thought that would hit me? I played in the school cricket team so I know a thing or two about whacking fast objects out of my way...

C.S Lewis, The Library in Yokohama

Clive Staples Lewis (JP: クライブ・ステープルス・ルイス | Kuraibu Sutēpurusu Ruisu), most often referred to as C.S. Lewis, is a former First Class Knight of The Order of the Clock Tower, and current member of the The British Library Collection. He was one of the first to defect from The Order of the Clock Tower, and he now hopes to see the organisation destroyed for how much it has ruined his life and family.


Clive is around the average height and build for a man of his age; not overly muscular but with good stamina from playing sports since he was young. He is thin, but definitely not underfed or malnourished, and looks remarkably healthy. His features are also very dainty, almost feminine in his face, with high cheekbones and a heart shaped face. Most notably, Clive is albino. His skin is extremely pale, which means his scars from fighting and self harm, as well as a bad bout of acne as a teenager, would be very easily visible were it not for the concealer and foundation he uses to cover them. Thus, his skin always appears porcelain smooth and soft. Clive has a very pointed nose, and his thin lips always seem to bear a smug smile of some kind.

Because of his albinism, Clive has very bright blood red eyes and bone white hair. His hair reaches his shoulders, and hangs dead straight, but he chooses to sweep it over one shoulder to keep it out the way whilst he works. He also has a very uneven fringe due to cutting it himself. It tends to fall down the middle of his face and curl just above the bottom of his nose, whilst other parts of it frame each side of his face in uneven lengths. His eyes are very light sensitive, as is his skin, and he shields himself as best he can from bright rooms and strong sunlight. This is helped by his long clothing that aims to cover as much skin as possible. Clive has naturally long eyelashes and almond shaped eyes that look almost elf like in appearance.

Clive wears a long, knee-length blue raincoat with a large collar. Though it has fasteners, he chooses to wear it open. Underneath, he has an untucked black high-collar shirt with a blue ribbon bolero tie around his neck. His blue suit trousers tuck into pristine white leather boots. These boots are knee-high, designer and fastened with gold buttons. They also have 4" heels in order to make Clive much taller than he actually is. Most importantly, Clive is never, ever seen without his green patterned umbrella in hand. This he uses to shield his skin and eyes from sunlight as much as he can, as he wants to avoid needing to resort to wearing sunglasses.


No matter what is going on, good or bad, it always seems as if Clive always has a smug smile on his lips. As if he knows that, even if the situation is the worst that it could possibly be in that moment, he knows that it will all work out in his favour in the end. He's cocky and confident, since for much of his life Clive has rarely been told anything other than praise for his hard work and achievements, and can come across as extremely arrogant at points. It's very easy for him to rub others the wrong way, which he frequently does, even if he doesn't intend to. Clive is, however, also extremely intelligent and capable. He is able to plan and strategise with ease, and can take on almost any puzzle or challenge with little effort. It makes him a useful asset, as he is both physically and mentally good in any kind of combat, but does not do much to hinder the inflation of his already plentiful ego.

Whilst he can act extremely stubborn and selfish, Clive is not without a good heart and a strong sense of loyalty to those who earn his respect. In moments of peace, he is shown to be social and a good talker, and always has some kind of witty remark ready for the right moment. Clive has the utmost respect for the others members of the library, in particular for Beatrix Potter, and will always give them his full time and attention if it is needed. Clive is eager to please and eager to impress, and his efforts most certainly do not go unnoticed by the others. He is also very self assured, and knows that he can and will find the right solution for the situation. This overconfidence can sometimes backfire on him, and Clive will become deeply irritated and annoyed if his plans should fall through or if he should be called out on his bragging. He does not intend to come off as a narcissist, but those who don't know him well often mistake his eccentric nature for narcissism. Clive will, however, admit that he is stubborn to beyond acceptable means at times.

What he masks, is a deep perfectionism complex and an immense sense of pressure to always perform well. To Clive, there is no room for mistakes nor for learning through trial and error. It is either a complete success with no mistakes or errors, or the task is simply impossible for him. Clive will not accept half measures, and the stress of striving to maintain perfection weighs on him greatly. It's an issue he's had since his school years, and he gets extremely agitated when told that he has a problem with his perfectionism. For Clive, it is simply what he should do and what he believes is expected of him and his work, despite reassurances. When alone, he has been known to break down crying with stress at keeping up appearances, but this is something he won't let on to anyone.


Kanji: 白い魔女

Romaji: Shiroi majo

English: White Witch

Reference: The Chronicles of Narnia

Ability Classification: Familiar, Elemental

Appearance: Appearance wise, White Witch is humanoid, and takes the form of a tall and imposing woman. Though it is not known if it actually has a set gender, most assume White Witch to be female, and even Clive refers to it as "her" when talking about his ability. It has a long icy blue dress with a fur trim off the shoulders, a feminine body, and a silver sash around its waist. There is a thin layer of ice over all of its clothes, and also its grey, ashy skin. White Witch's face is obscured by a mask of ice that merges into a crown atop its head, glowing with a soft blue light from its eyes constantly. It's hair is straight, and icy blue stretching down to its lower back. White Witch also carries a long silver wand, which emits ice energy. It's entire body is cold and emits an icy aura, aided by the ice magic which it wields in combat.

Capability: Similar to abilities such as Demon Snow and Golden Demon it takes a physical form that can be used as a proxy through which Clive fights. When fully summoned, White Witch is capable of devastating ice magic, and can cause snowstorms that engulf entire cities if allowed to. Mostly, Clive commands it to freeze his enemies, so that he can escape, as he lacks the stamina to use his ability at full potential for long periods of time. White Witch can also cast shards of ice, create ice barriers, and use snow to make buffers to stop a person or Clive himself from hurting themselves when falling. At a partial summon, Which Witch is mostly used to carry messages, as it can travel long distances away from Clive without too much repercussion, he simply spaces out completely in one spot until it returns. These messages always seem to get through, even though White Witch is incapable of speech.

Limitations: To summon White Witch, Clive must assign an object to act as a wand that can be used to bring it forth. This can be any wand-like object, even something as simple as a branch, and his ability is assigned to that object by the following incantation:

"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again."

Currently, Clive has his ability bound to his green umbrella, which is always on his person. Leading to White Witch being summoned by the opening and closing of the umbrella. White Witch cannot be summoned if Clive is not holding the object she is bound to. It responds only to his voice and cannot be controlled by another person, regardless of whether they are an ability user or not.

Side Effects: White Witch is very draining on Clive's stamina, and extended use can leave him very fatigued for a while. In general, he will only partially summon White Witch so as to conserve energy, and he finds fighting the most draining thing. If his ability goes too far away from him whilst delivering a message or scouting an area, Clive will start to space out and won't respond to what others are saying or doing around him until his ability returns.

Ultimate Form: Clive doesn't have an ultimate form of his ability per se, in fact if you were to ask him he would say that he doesn't possess an ultimate form at all. What he does have, however, is a failsafe that triggers should he be killed by another ability user. Clive's ability will grant him one resurrection in this case and after falling comatose for a day or so he will make a full recovery from what should have been a fatal situation. This only triggers passively and at the moment Clive has no idea it exists.


  • Just what exactly are you doing back in my life again?!
  • People assume I'm the one in charge here, it happens a lot.
  • I think your concerns are better addressed to our leader, rather than to me.
  • Lady Beatrix... Are you sure this is the right group to ally ourselves with?
  • As you wish.
  • I will do as Lady Beatrix orders of me.
  • You do not give me orders, understood?
  • That woman is after us all and won't stop until she has all our blood on her hands.
  • You don't understand what you are up against with her, she is unrelenting.
  • I would like some tea, please.
  • Let me handle this.
  • Our plans are set, are we all ready?
  • Enid, please do be careful. We don't know for sure if we can trust these people.
  • You'll have to forgive me, I do not trust easily. I've been burned too easily before.
  • There's not a book long enough nor a tea large enough to satisfy my desire to rest.
  • There is nothing wrong with believing in fairies, I feel. I think it's nice to see a little magic in the world around you.
  • When life has been so cruel, you come to understand why people believe in fairy tales.
  • God have mercy upon us all.
  • Oh God Save me! This is too much!
  • Why does this always happen to me.
  • The kingdom of Narnia for five minutes of quiet...
  • Yes, I have read this book multiple times. What of it?
  • I have a plan for us.
  • These people are kind enough, I hope that they will prove to be good allies towards us.
  • Regardless, I owe you a debt for healing Lady Beatrix and I owe you my deepest gratitude for your kindness.
  • I feel a migraine coming on...
  • Do not speak to me, Blake, your voice will put me into an even worse mood than simply seeing your smug face has already done.
  • I refuse to take part in your idiotic plans, William Blake!
  • Tch... Wankers.
  • We can cry for a while, but after that we must decide what we are going to do with ourselves.
  • Are you quite done?
  • I fear the worst will happen if Agatha should find our location. She still gives me nightmares.
  • Don't speak to me of family.
  • The Order of the Clock Tower has begun to rot from the inside, our defection has only hastened its demise. We hope to be able to reform it, if there is anything left to salvage once we remove the tyrant from her throne.
  • If only our nation was so kind to Ability Users as things appear to be here in Yokohama.
  • My name is Clive, but usually I go by my last name.
  • Do not call me Staples! Idiot!
  • I want to return to Ireland, but I do wonder what even remains for me back there.
  • This is all far too much for me to handle.
  • Nobody is "ordinary" even if they think of themselves as such. Everyone possesses some kind of interesting quirk within them.
  • Some people deserve the bad names that their parents give them. I do not know what I did to deserve the name "Staples".
  • Lady Beatrix is the one in charge, she's the one who orchestrated our entire escape and defection from The Order.
  • We can offer our abilities and our service, we're more powerful than you might think.


Clive Staples Lewis was a British writer most well known for his series The Chronicles of Narnia, which spanned seven books and is now considered a classic of children’s fiction. Lewis himself was a literary scholar at Oxford University, and a long time friend of the author J.R.R Tolkien, with whom he was active in the Oxford Literary Society “The Inklings.” Their friendship, often akin to a rivalry, played out in their books - and Narnia’s inclusion of a lamp post in a fantasy setting was one such outcome from their bantering. Lewis was deeply religious, and christianity featured in many of his fictional works as well as in his philosophical writings. He was critical of more atheist thinking, including writing his own response to William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell titled The Great Divorce, and the novel also echoes the themes of the works of Dante and John Bunyan. Lewis’ fiction, particularly Narnia, has been adapted in popular media many times over and remains immensely popular among children to this day.


  • The name Clive comes from Old English and has the meaning Cliff and is sometimes said to mean from a high cliff slope.
  • There are two possible meanings for Staples, the first being the Old French word estaple, meaning market-place, and indicates a person who lived near such a place. Another source claims that the name literally meant dweller by a post or posts, from the Old English word stapol, meaning post or pillar.
  • The name Lewis is from the post-Classical Latin name Ludovicus meaning victorious in athletic games.


  • Clive suffers badly from sunburn and heatstroke when he goes out in sunny or hot weather. Thankfully he has his umbrella for shade and he carries sun cream and sunglasses at all times.
  • He has since switched from glasses to contact lenses in order to see. He doesn't like people knowing that he can't see as he's insecure about it.
  • His arms have healed since he stopped self harming, but the scars are still there, just faded. He also has acne scarring from his teen years.
  • Lewis' favourite animal is the Lion. He has a toy one he keeps in his room called Aslan.
  • Because he is so sensitive to heat and sun, he prefers winter and nighttime for being active.
  • Even cloudy days can give him sunburn if he is not careful.
  • Clive enjoys chess and puzzle games to keep his mind active, he also reads often.
  • Clive has a few favourite books that he has read time and time again, mostly they are fairy tales.
  • He still publishes short stories under a pseudonym. They are immensely popular among young children.
  • When working, he listens to Test Match Special on the radio.
  • Clive considered dying his hair black to hide the fact that he was albino whilst in high school. He almost went through with it, but the day before he planned to do it Blake arrived. Since then, Clive has vowed he will never dye his hair to look like him.
  • Since leaving Oxford University, he has reduced his drinking to healthier levels, and given up smoking entirely. He does still get the occasional residual cough from it, but he has been clean for several years.
  • Other people smoking around him can sometimes give him cravings, but Clive is very good at self restraint.
  • His heels are to make him feel taller, he's sensitive about his height.
  • Clive deliberately dresses in white and lighter clothing to contrast himself from Blake who wears black and darker clothing.
  • He is very religious, having found his faith again after leaving school and getting away from Blake. Though he is vocal, he does not try to convert. Rather he prefers to discuss theological and philosophical ideas and morals.
  • Clive keeps a small bible on his person.
  • Despite many years of living in England, he still has a noticeable Irish lilt to his speech.
  • Clive has no plans to try to reconnect to his parents. He believes that they are still alive and living back in Ireland, but having found out how the Clock Tower drove them away from him, he feels ashamed to go back and try to make amends. He'd rather they didn't worry about him and he doesn't want to risk their lives.
  • That being said, he does want to return to Ireland if he can.
  • Though he loathes Blake, Clive would be the first person to defend him if someone else came for him. He's saved his life several times as well.
  • They once had very intense hate-sex and have never ever spoken of it since.
  • His favourite food is victoria sponge cake, which he takes with his tea. (Cream, two sugars)
  • Clive used to sing in the school and university Church Choirs. But he never pursued it any further than casual.
  • Even now he still enjoys cricket and swimming, even if there are few opportunities for the former in Yokohama. He often goes swimming before work in the morning.
  • He is still a big lover of fantasy novels.
  • Clive deeply loathes and distrusts Agatha's Right hand man Philip Pullman. They disagree on religious grounds firstly, but Clive also despises Philip's blind devotion to Agatha.
  • Though they have not formally met, it is thought that he and Nathaniel Hawthorne would get along very well.
  • Clive has done some fencing, and uses it in combat if he needs to fight. He holds his umbrella like a sword.
  • He enjoys classical music and soft piano. One of his goals is to learn to play the violin, but he hasn't yet had time to.
  • Clive has expensive tastes, especially with clothing, and has a small collection of fancy outfits. He keeps it to himself, however.
  • Though he comes across as a morning person, he actually loathes getting up early.
  • Clive will always put the wellbeing of others before his own, often to the point of burning out in his determination to keep others safe and happy.
  • TBA


Early Life

Clive was born on 29th November, to a loving and well off family in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His parents were descended from english nobles who had travelled to settle in Ireland generations before, and the family maintained good wealth from both inheritance and hard work. Clive's father was a notable solicitor working in the city, who's guiding principle was that people who wished to have everything in the world should work hard enough that they earn it. His mother, a homemaker, had similar ideals and Clive grew up with strong encouragement that he should pursue his academic and creative skills in order to be successful. He was taught to read and write by his parents, who would share stories with him, as well as encourage him to tell his own.

As a result of the encouragement and positive attention, Clive began to show talent at a very young age. He was good at all of his subjects early on, and especially excelled in writing and reading, both of which were his favourite subjects. As his interests broadened, he would look into his father's books on law, books about nature and religion, and mythology in order to give him more and more ideas. Because of his high achievements, his parents would constantly praise him, even at times bragging about their son's talent and achievements to other parents, which greatly pleased Clive and fed his ego. What it didn't do, however, was make him particularly popular among his peers. Clive was often picked on for being a teacher's favourite and, as kids would describe him, a goody-two-shoes. They would tease and bully him for his talents, which caused the young Clive a lot of confusion. He couldn't understand why they didn't share his drive for perfection, but eventually he decided to not let it get to him.

From a young age, Clive also struggled physically because of his appearance as well. Born albino, with bone white hair, red eyes and pale skin, he struggled with both sensitive skin and bad eyesight. He was supposed to wear glasses, but given how much he was already picked on for appearing "nerdy" by the other pupils he would often refuse to wear them in public. He would also very easily get sunburnt, which conflicted with how much Clive wanted to spend time outside in nature. His parents compromised by planting a tree in their garden to provide him shade, and insisting he wear plenty of sun cream to protect him. Without his glasses, Clive couldn't see much, but he stubbornly claimed he didn't care. Because, in his mind at least, he didn't need glasses for his imagination to work.

Instead of friends in the real world, Clive simply created his own world where the rules were his and he could have whatever friends he wanted. Inspired by stories of nature and animals he'd loved growing up, he created the world of Boxen, a land inhabited by animals. These would be imaginary games he would play alone, either inside or in his home's large garden, and often Clive would be absorbed in his own imagination for hours on end. By age of nine, Clive's world had expanded to include magical creatures within it, thanks to him reading more and more fantasy novels in his spare time. Boxen was renamed Narnia and one of Clive's most prominent games was his battle against the imaginary White Witch Jadis. Encouraged by his parents, Clive began to include his imaginary world in his writings for classes at school, and even entered a local writing competition with his piece on Jadis' battle with a mighty Lion. He won, and garnered a lot of attention for his creativity and originality, but no one had any idea what brought the young boy such incredible attention to detail - in particular when it came to Jadis herself.

White Witch

The answer to this question would come when Clive turned ten years old. Whilst out playing, the young boy went looking for sticks to help him with his imaginary game. He wanted a wand, and found a branch of the family's silver birch tree was perfect shape and size for it. He climbed the tree to break the branch off, and as he was about to keep playing, he found the words he wanted to say came to him before he could even think of them:

"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again."

And thus, for the first time, Clive summoned his ability, White Witch.

After that, Clive soon discovered that he could summon Witch Witch whenever he required her, and at differing strengths. He didn't even need the incantation all the time, but he remembered the words. To him, it simply made his games more real, as now he had a real "enemy" with which he could fight. But, it would be the start of a big change in his life, as his parents reported the strange summoning to the authorities out of worry for what was different about their young son. It was determined that Clive was indeed an ability user, and that meant he would have to be registered under the British Government and watched for development. His parents, new to the idea of ability users, agreed and cooperated even if it meant that their son would be leaving them. The Government, who oversaw the operations of the Order of the Clock Tower (the British Government's ability user division), determined that Clive would be moved to England wherein his education could be more closely overseen by the Clock Tower. They would also take charge of ensuring his ability developed but did not become dangerous.

In reality, the Order of the Clock Tower were grooming Clive with the intention of recruiting him once he finished school, keeping careful track of his ability and his capabilities both with it and without it. Clive, on the other hand, had no idea of this and was more focussed upon his immediate worries. For the first time in his young life he was leaving home for a country he had never visited before, to attend a boarding school and not get to see his parents again for possibly months. It was terrifying. For some home comfort, he took the stick that he had bound White Witch to, and asked his mother if it could be made into something that he could take with him. She agreed, and Lewis' stick was made into the handle of a fancy new umbrella for him to take. That way he could also use it to shield himself from the sun when it got too bright. It helped him feel a little better, and once he turned eleven Clive started at Christ's Hospital Secondary Boarding School.

Christ's Hospital

Arriving in boarding school started Clive at the bottom of the pile, but he kept the motto his parents had taught him in mind as he threw himself into his studies. Like with his primary school, he found it hard to make friends, but academically he quickly drew positive attention from teachers and higher ups. He won several inter-school writing and speaking contests, even in his first year, and that only motivated him to push himself harder. Clive also took up sports, as it was a way to pass weekends without anyone else for company now he was away from his parents. He soon found he had a knack for both cricket and swimming, which meant he had a sport for both halves of the year. After a while, the teams scouted him for the school's teams to play in proper contests. He also performed well academically, coming first in all of his final year exams in every subject, and taking home prizes from the school. Clive's parents would write and tell him they we're proud, promising that they would visit him soon enough to tell him in person.

However, as time passed and Clive grew older his parents' seemed to write less and less, and their visits became nonexistent, much to his confusion. He had no idea, but The Order of the Clock Tower were feeding his mother and father the information that he would be entering training for his ability and that they were prohibited from further contact with him. The Clock Tower hoped, as they had seen with previous potential recruits before Clive, it would mean he would be more inclined to join them once he finished school, given that he would now feel unwanted back home. It was working, and Clive only felt yet more lonely at school without his parents there as emotional support and no friends to speak of. He still wrote home until 15, but never received a reply and eventually gave up. By that year he was also now captain of both the swimming and cricket teams, and star player. The constant success had built him a reputation among the boys, and eventually it had turned from picking on him to admiration. Though Clive had no real companions, he was popular and the attention was satisfactory for him.

Until a young man named William Blake arrived at Christ's Hospital.

William Blake

The rivalry was almost instantaneous. Clive saw a student arrive at the school gates who gained everything he had strived for years to achieve the moment he got there. William was academic, popular, even more so than Clive was, and his bad boy attitude and frequent trouble made him a legendary figure in the school halls within weeks of starting. Determined to prove himself, Clive became aggressively competitive with Blake, and the two would constantly be seen fighting or exchanging heated words in classrooms and corridors. The arguments were seething, but Clive held onto the one thing that he believed made him superior to Blake. He was an ability user and Blake was not. Their rivalry reached fever pitch, as Clive stressed himself out trying to keep up his perfect reputation, and it got to the point where they were both using the other to vent their pent up frustrations.

By eighteen, Clive was made head boy, but was already marked by the stress of the expectations upon him and his own perfectionism. Clock Tower had been in contact more, hoping to recruit him for his strong ability, and he was taking multiple final exams that he wanted to pass with top marks. There was also university to consider, and Clive's teachers suggesting he try for Oxford or Cambridge. With no one really to talk to, and no intention of confiding any of this to Blake, Clive took up several unhealthy habits to cope with stress. He took up drinking and social smoking, and would self harm when at his lowest points. He kept the cuts hidden beneath his shirt sleeves, but felt ashamed for what he was doing. The problems would persist even after he left school.

The Order of the Clock Tower

Unsure of where else he belonged, given his ability and the loss of contact with his parents, Clive accepted the offer to join the Clock Tower as one of their agents. They also paid for his university tuition in full, supporting him in getting a bachelor's degree in english literature at Magdalen College, Oxford. Joining the Clock Tower also introduced Clive to a host of new faces, and he actually began to settle and make real friends among his own kind. He grew to greatly respect Beatrix Potter, Agatha's adopted protegee, and others such as Enid Blyton, George Orwell and Jane Austen. In the end, the Clock Tower became almost like a family to Clive, and once again his talents began to show through. Christie even confessed to him that she was considering promoting him should he want the position, and Clive was honoured to be considered. He spent several years with them, carrying out their missions.

But, the image of a perfect new life and family began to crack when Clive was in his mid twenties. He noticed that Beatrix, who was one of the people Christie kept close to her, was getting increasingly dissatisfied with the organisation, and the two would hold quiet conversations together where the young girl would vent her frustrations about her mentor to him. He'd never considered Christie as anything more than a boss-like figure, but was surprised to hear from Beatrix just how badly she was treating some of the younger Clock Tower members. It began to nag at his morals, because of his respect for Beatrix, but he didn't want to do anything drastic. That was, until the Clock Tower deliberately had Mimic accused of war crimes and framed them. Clive was absolutely appalled and repulsed by the crime, and it severed his attachment to the Clock Tower as an organisation. He wasn't sure what he could do, knowing that it would be difficult to leave or quit without risking his life, but he began to consider his options.

He didn't have to wait long, Beatrix had been planning long term for this eventuality. When she saw he was dissatisfied, she took Clive aside and explained her plan to defect and form a new group against Christie. He agreed, and promised that when she made the move to declare independence from the Clock Tower, he would be with her. The day came and Clive officially left the Order of the Clock Tower, and joined the British Library Collection. The group escaped to Japan, fleeing into hiding in order to prepare their moves against Christie.


Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia

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The Guild Arc

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Cannibalism Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Decay of Angels Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Dead Apple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Light Novels

The Library in Yokohama

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Armed Detective Agency


Yukichi Fukuzawa

I appreciate your help with this, truly we owe you a debt.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Clive is polite to Fukuzawa and fully respects him as a leader, he thinks very highly of the man and is glad to find someone else who also has strong moral convictions like he does. Equally, Clive also appreciates how much Fukuzawa has done to help The British Library and does believe that he owes the man a great debt. He's more than happy to take orders from him and to help work for the Armed Detective Agency if it means that he can keep the guarantee that his group will be protected by them. Clive tends to be the person who goes to speak to Fukuzawa on behalf of The British Library if Beatrix is busy or elsewhere.


Kunikida Doppo

At least somebody else understands what it is like to handle the majority of the organisation work.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Kunikida and Clive have a lot in common. They are both the ones upon whom all the weight and responsibility seems to fall and are charged with the majority of the organising and upkeep of their respective groups. They also both tend to overwork and both tend to overthink when it comes to the "what if" scenarios in plans. They worry about their colleagues and care deeply about their friends. That's why the two of them bonded very quickly upon first meeting one another and they have both come to respect each other very highly. They both also tend to invent work and stress for themselves when they really shouldn't, and can both be seen burning themselves out over tasks that don't have to be immediately taken care of. It amuses their friends to see them both act so similarly.


Atsushi Nakajima

Hm... A tiger. Interesting given all that Agatha would say...

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Clive feels a little sorry for Atsushi, given all that he has been through. But he also greatly respects the determination that Atsushi has that comes not just from his ability but also from his drive to survive and keep working to protect those he loves. That is something that Clive can understand well. He does think that Atsushi is somewhat young to be caught up in all this mess, but given that his own leader is even younger, he knows he is not in a position to judge. At times he can be a little firm on Atsushi, but it is mostly because he worries too much about him and doesn't want him to get into any kind of trouble.


Akiko Yosano

Ah! You needn't heal me a second time thank you! I am more than fine!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

After being healed by her, Clive has developed a strong fear of Yosano, as he should, and respects her and her work very highly. He even refers to her as "Doctor" which she greatly enjoys since it inflates her ego. He is always kind and considerate to her, and considers her to be an incredibly hardworking person. Clive is also very grateful that Yosano has healed many of his companions, because they do not have a proper healer for themselves. However, he would rather never be healed by her again because of how traumatic it was for him the first time it happened. He is definitely afraid of Yosano to a certain extent. Especially if her cleaver is involved.


Jun'ichirō Tanizaki

I'm not sure I approve of this kind of sibling relationship.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Due to the somewhat odd relationship between Jun'ichirō and his sister Naomi, Clive tends to keep his distance away from the man as he is rather uncomfortable with their closeness. He is grateful that Jun'ichirō has worked alongside The British Library to help them achieve their goals, and can respect him as a powerful ability user, but he's not particularly interested in deepening their relations to anything other than purely professional. When things get uncomfortably lewd he will vocalise his displeasure, enough to get the siblings to stop, but that is as far as he will get into it.


Osamu Dazai

I don't have any intention of letting you get into Lady Beatrix's head and hurting her with your manipulative tactics.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Clive would rather speak to anyone else in the Armed Detective Agency over Dazai, and the fact that the two of them are forced to interact with one another is incredibly taxing and stressful for him. He appreciates that Dazai is an incredibly intelligent man who has a lot of experience and a very powerful ability, but he absolutely hates being wound up by him and doesn't take too kindly to the constant harassment that he gets. Dazai has got him down as a target similar to Kunikida and he hates that. Equally, he does not find the suicide jokes and attempts to be in good taste and thinks very lowly of Dazai for them.

The Port Mafia


Kyōka Izumi

I would almost say that Demon Snow and White Witch have a lot in common...

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Clive doesn't mind children, and he feels very sorry that Kyōka has suffered so much despite her young age. He tries to be there for her, but he realises that she is a lot more guarded and private compared to other young ability users that he has met before, and so he does his best to be patient with her. One thing he also finds interesting is that Kyōka and he have similar ability types. Demon Snow and White Witch have clashed against one another, mostly when they first met and were both trying to determine if they were on the same side. Interestingly, it is likely that their abilities could form a singularity because of their similarities. However, neither he nor Kyōka has any intention of trying that unless they absolutely have to.

The Guild


Francis Fitzgerald

Tch... Americans and their vulgar ways.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Clive does not like Fitzgerald very much at all. The man is loud and vulgar and very obnoxiously self-absorbed and embodies a lot of the principles that Clive does not enjoy. He finds it incredibly stressful to be around him and to have to deal with him, and Clive very much disliks being served any kind of food or drink from Fitzgerald as it is most likely too sweet or artificial. He can respect how Fitzgerald does actually seem to care about his employees, but that is about the only thing. Otherwise he would rather keep himself very distant from Fitzgerald and from The Guild in general. He also does not trust Fitzgerald because of the man's previous dealings with Agatha Christie.

The Order of the Clock Tower


Agatha Christie

A vile woman I hope never to see again. She is the reason that The Order is rotting.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Clive absolutely hates, loathes and detests Agatha and everything that she stands for as a person and as the head of The Order of the Clock Tower. It can be hard to earn his true hatred, but Agatha has certainly earnt it and he would rather see her dead than have to go back to working under her. He has deep resentment towards her because of her treatment of him and his family, and even greater contempt for how she has abused younger members of The Clock Tower and manipulated people so as to get her way. He will never address her politely, and won't even speak her name when talking about her. Rather he will simply say "That Woman" or "her" in a very cold tone. He has used his ability on her, and knows full well that she wants him dead. He doesn't mind that she's hunting him down, Clive is very ready to take her on.


Philip Pullman

If I have to suffer another of his atheism lectures... God have mercy.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Clive absolutely loathes Philip for a number of reasons. Primarily the two clash due to Clive being religious and Philip being extremely atheist, and the latter enjoying being condescending and rude about the former choosing religion. Equally, Philip's strong loyalty to Agatha and to The Order of the Clock Tower puts him in contention with Clive who strongly opposes all that The Order stand for. They avoided each other whilst both in The Order, but Clive knows that now he has defected Philip will be looking to hunt him down and kill him. Though he'd never admit it, he is secretly glad that Philip suffers a lot from his injuries and disability, and believes that the man somewhat deserves the pain he goes through.


Oscar Wilde

He is loud and obnoxious. What more do I have to say?

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Having never trusted Oscar before anyways, Clive was not surprised to see that it was Oscar who came after him first when he announced that he would be defecting from The Order of the Clock Tower. They both clash heavily and Clive would prefer to never have to deal with Oscar again - but he knows that it is highly likely that he will. He worries about those he cares about potentially getting captured by Oscar's powerful ability, and does take a reasonable amount of caution when they are all out to prevent that.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I'm glad that we have someone keeping Agatha off our tails to an extent at least.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Not a day goes by when Clive isn't worrying about Elizabeth to some extent. He knows that what she is doing is incredibly dangerous and fears that she could come to harm because of what The British Library asks of her. Frequently he asks Beatrix to check in on her wellbeing, and he hopes that when they are next able to meet he can repay her immensely for all of the dangerous and hard work she has done. Clive underestimates Elizabeth's capabilities, but that is mostly because he has no idea about what her ability does and, therefore, has no idea that she is actually much older than him and can handle herself just fine. That being said, she doesn't mind that he frets about her because it makes her feel cared for and loved.

The British Library Collection


Beatrix Potter

Lady Beatrix may be young, but that does not make her any less of a fine leader for our group. Her ideals are strong and she has the best interests of us all at heart.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Clive has nothing but the highest respect for Beatrix and would go with her to the ends of the earth and back and walk through fire and hell - he's said such words himself too. Even though she is young she has his full respect and loyalty, and Clive will stop at nothing to ensure that her ideals are realised and protected. He thinks that her goals are the right way forward for British and Irish ability users and that she understands what Agatha does not, how to care for people. Clive will always be by Beatrix's side, offering her his support and guidance where he can and even helping to tutor her for her upcoming exams as well. Clive would die for her if he had to, he simply cares about her that much. She is like a little sister to him and he wants to protect and care for her. Subsequently, he tends to worry and fret about her a lot and fuss over her too - to the point she has to remind him she is capable of handling herself.


Enid Blyton

Enid! Careful! Please don't get yourself caught!

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Enid tends to worry Clive a lot because of her adventurous nature and her ability to attract trouble wherever she goes. Enid loves to tease him a little, but also does her best to help him where she can - she knows he cares a lot. Clive does care about her, and that is why he worries so much. He dislikes how she has been used and abused by The Order of the Clock Tower from such a young age, and hopes that he can find her a better family and environment to grow up in so that she can have a proper childhood. He appreciates the hard work that Enid does for The British Library, but ideally he wishes she didn't have to fight at all. Admittedly, Clive actually sees a lot of himself in Enid as he was also a very imaginitive and adventurous child too.


Jane Austen

Please don't use it on me again... Please...

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Clive likes Jane and respects her a lot, but he does not like her ability at all. This mostly stems from Jane using her ability when he frets too much to try and get Clive to calm down if he is worrying or overthinking things. This causes a lot of embarassment for Clive and he has scolded her multiple times for it. Jane takes it in good nature and teases him gently a lot. He respects Jane's determination and her strength in their situation, but Clive would really like to not have his hormones played around with when he is just trying to do his job.


George Orwell

Well? Any sign of her?

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

George and Clive mostly only talk about work to one another, and maintain a strong professional relationship. Clive appreciates all of the work that George does to keep guard and ensure that Agatha or any of the other members of The Order of the Clock Tower don't hunt them down, but the two don't have much to talk about outside of their work. This isn't a bad thing, and Clive does like George a lot and knows that the man has been through a lot despite his young age, they are simply not close.


Robert Louis Stevenson

Ideally we should get ourselves moving, we need to plan ahead so that she cannot catch up to us.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Robert and Clive often worked side by side whilst part of The Order of the Clock Tower, and as such they have a strong working relationship together. Clive does tend to worry for Robert's health a lot - especially considering the man's injury - but Robert is usually the one to tell him that he needn't be such a worry wart about it all. They share a lot of jokes and laughs, as well as both of them enjoying to have tea together whilst they discuss things. Clive has always had an interest in Robert's pirate days as he used to dream of going on adventures himself as a child.


Arthur Conan Doyle

I appreciate the advice a lot, Arthur. It is nice to have you that I can count on.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Arthur, despite being older than Clive, was his Second Class Knight back in The Order of the Clock Tower. The two worked together often, and that strong cooperation has carried over to the two of them working well together as part of The British Library Collection. Clive is the emotional and passionate one of the two of them, and usually it is Arthur who has to remind him that he needs to breathe and take breaks so that he doesn't burnout from all his workload. Arthur is also one of very few people who has seen Clive suffer a panic attack, and knows how to help him with them. The two are actually very close friends, and enjoy spending time having tea together.


William Golding

I cannot believe we accidentally took a child of mass destruction along with us.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Clive's biggest regret is not realising that they had accidentally taken Golding along with them, because it now means that Agatha has even more reason to hunt them down in order to get her weapon back from them. It causes him a lot of stress because he has also seen what Golding is capable of doing when he is let loose and he very much does not want that to happen in Yokohama. Clive has been working hard to make sure that they can keep him contained because of this. He deeply dislikes how much Golding has been manipulated and used by Agatha, and wants to feel sorry for the poor young boy - but Golding's horrible behaviour and malicious tendencies make it very difficult for him to feel much sympathy.


Wilfred Owen

Finally someone sane amongst all this madness.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Clive and Wilfred's blossoming relationship is the worst kept secret in the whole of The British Library Collection. They worked side by side often whilst a part of The Order of the Clock Tower, and their abilities and fighting styles complimented well which lead to them completing a lot of assignments together. All this time spent together quickly meant that the two of them became close friends, but after starting to see each other in their spare time outside of work Clive and Wilfred's relations did begin to deepen. Clive cares a lot for Wilfred, and the two have shared a few private moments together - that they think the rest of The British Library doesn't know about when they very much do. He tends to get flustered when asked his feelings on Wilfred and will try to change the subject, but it is obvious to see that there is more than just a friendship here.


Dorian Grey

Would you not distract things for a few minutes? Just a few? So we can finish this?

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Dorian can be quite overwhelming for Clive, as the two of them have polar opposite personalities and interests and Clive does not always appreciate all of the teasing he gets from the man. That being said, he does not dislike Dorian (and certainly thinks a lot higher of him than he does Dorian's twin brother Oscar) and the two can get along. They tend not to work together, mostly because they know the people that they work best with and that is fine by them. Clive worries that Dorian's phone might get them caught or tracked, but so far it has yet to cause harm and Dorian usually accuses him of overthinking things.



William Blake

The hell are you doing back in my life again William Blake

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Blake and Clive have a tumultuous relationship that spirals between defending one another to the death and trying to kill each other. They have been fiercely competitive rivals since they both went to Christ's Hospital school together and Clive fully blames Blake for causing him so much of his stress and burnout whilst studying. They have once had hate sex, but will never ever speak of it. Blake loves to provoke Clive, and Clive responds in kind. They both get extremely petty towards each other and just the mention of Blake's name can be enough to put Clive into a very bad mood. He still has not forgiven Blake for disappearing after high school and not following Clive in joining The Order of the Clock Tower. They are complete polar opposites and will likely never truly get along. That being said, they will defend one another if a third party steps in, and their dynamic is very much a "I can insult and degrade and humiliate this man, but you cannot" situation.

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint