


5 years, 6 months ago


Name Toma Blackwood
Nickname n/a
Age 22
Birthday August 19th
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Human
Sexuality Pan
Occupation Sorcerer
Theme Aquarius
A hero and you can't even do such rudimentary magic?

An extremely powerful mage employed by the kingdom. He's very proud of this fact and tends to be a little insufferable.

Artist Tips
  • Almost always grumpy expressions.
  • Heterochromia, right eye gold, left eye red.
  • Prefers clothes that cover most of his skin.
  • Wears shoes with a heel most of the time in an attempt to look taller.

Toma was born the only child in a middle class family, and from his early childhood showed an aptitude for magic. He excelled in school, easily leading his class in grades, and was scouted by the head of the Mage's Council in high school. He dropped out of school and joined the council at seventeen, making him the youngest current member, and one of the youngest in history. Though he received much renown for his abilities, his arrogant personality made him a bit of a pariah among his colleagues. The quest to find the oracle was foisted on him as a fairly undesirable babysitting job.


Toma is extremely intelligent, and has been put on a pedestal for his entire childhood. Because of this he developed a major superiority complex, making him quite difficult to get along with. He's proud and condescending, with little patience for people that he considers below him in status or intelligence (which in his opinion is almost everyone) He holds rules and order in high regard, and, while this makes him honest and fair, it can also make him stubborn and judgmental. Because of his focus on magic he lacks many practical skills, and is too proud to try and learn things that he's not good at, preferring to treat them as beneath him. Toma is overly sensitive to his own flaws and quick to anger if they're pointed out. He rarely shows his own anxiety, but he has a deep-seeded fear of being unneeded that strongly motivates his desire to improve his skills.

  • Practiced in several schools of magic, but most experienced in transformation.
  • Can shapeshift for short periods of time, usually chooses the form of a cat.
  • Gets super awkward in social situations.
Eden [ Party Member ]

Toma's initial impression of Eden is less than glowing. Due to his own repressed nature he finds his openness inappropriate (and slightly flustering) and is openly critical of him. Over time though as he came to rely on him in battle he began to become more open-minded, eventually becoming genuine friends. Because Eden is so eager to learn new things Toma will happily ramble about magic to him and opens up more than he does with most people. If certain choices are made the player can activate a dating route for them.

Cyra [ Party Member ]

While Toma has some minimal respect for Cyra as a competent magic user, that's about where his liking for her ends. He sees her casual attitude to her job as wasted potential and is outright rude to her at most times. While she takes this as justification to tease him relentlessly he doesn't often seem to realize that she's being intentionally malicious and just considers her a ditz. While his opinion can improve slightly over time depending on player choice, he never sees her as much more than a fellow party member.

Lyr [ Acquaintance ]

Being one of the most well known magic users in the kingdom, Lyr is one of the very few people that Toma treats with genuine respect, bordering on awe. He's something of a fanboy even, and will pester him to discuss magic any time he encounters him. He hasn't quite picked up on the fact that Lyr will avoid him if possible since he's too polite to outright say anything. Although he respects him deeply he doesn't consider him a friend, or even particularly close, just someone he looks up to.