


5 years, 8 months ago


Current Name- Aspenheart

Past Names- Aspenkit, Aspenpaw

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Mother- Sapphireheart

Father- Cedarfrost

Mate: Fawnleap

Kits: Mossbreeze and Graypool

Rank- Deputy

Past Ranks- Kit, Apprentice, Warrior

Clan- ShadowClan

Past Clans- None

Personality- Aspenheart is very cool headed and wise. He doesn't make brash decisions and thinks things over before doing anything. He generally avoids conflict and tries to figure out logical reasoning behind everything. He is very analytical, but isn't very great in combat battles. He is very mature and responsible.


• Aspenheart is Cedar's first kit.

• Mothstar and Aspenheart are best friends.

• Aspenheart becomes his sister's deputy.

• Many cats believe he should have became leader instead of Mothstar, but he prefers his position as deputy.

• He keeps his sister in check.

• Aspenheart has no grudge against Cedar, but has trouble forgiving him. (Eventually he does)

• During an earthquake, the dens fall over and he saves his kits and mate before the dens collapse on him, killing him.

• Aspenheart always knew he would die early and wouldn't make it to becoming leader and happily accepted his fate.

•As a StarClan cat, Aspenbreeze guides and gives advice to Mothstar.