


5 years, 5 months ago


Current Name- Ravenfrost

Past Names- Ravenkit, Ravenpaw

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Mother- Sapphireheart

Father- Cedarfrost

Mate- Solo

Kits- Fleet and Hail

Rank- Loner

Clan- None

Past Clans- ShadowClan

Personality- Ravenfrost keeps to himself and is considered grumpy and short-tempered. He did not get along with any cats in his clan and prefers to keep to himself. He enjoys a good fight and rivals his sister Mothstar. He has a hard time opening up and usually is off to himself. He is a talented fighter. He also enjoys challenges and rivals.


• Ravenfrost was always seen as an outcast in his clan.

• When Firepaw(Firefly) ran off to become a loner, he considered joining him, but decided against it.

• Ravenfrost is named after his cold eyes and personality and not after his father.

• Ravenfrost leaves the clan shortly after Mothstar becomes deputy, claiming he "can't reach his full potential trapped in a clan."

• Shortly after Ravenfrost leaves ShadowClan, he begins killing other cats when needed and looses his sense of mercy.

• Ravenfrost decides to keep his full warrior name as a loner.

• Ravenfrost was supposed to be the cat to take Cedar's place in the Dark Forest had Cedar not stopped the "prophecy."

• Ravenfrost has kits with an unknown she-cat in a clan further away.

• Ravenfrost has no strong opinion on Cedar, but generally doesn't like him.

• Ravenfrost eventually faces off against and rivals his half-brother, Bracken without knowing.