
5 years, 11 months ago


Current Name- Dew

Past Names- Dewkit, Dewpaw

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Bisexual

Mother- Ivytail

Father- Cedarfrost

Mate- Chess

Past Mate- Undecided She-cat

Kits- Starly and Jayce

Rank- Loner

Past Ranks- Kit, Apprentice, Kittypet

Clan- None

Past Clans- ThunderClan

Personality- Dew is friendly and enjoys the company of others. He would never be the leader of a group and follows others willingly. He is very dependant and has trouble making his own decisions. He is indecisive, but does whatever makes him happiest. He is sweet to others and has trouble admitting his feelings. He gets embarrassed rather easily and doesn't like loud places.


• Dew follows Cedar and Ivy when they decide to leave ThunderClan.

• Dewpaw changes his name to just Dew as a loner.

• Dew decides to become a kittypet and settle down with a she-cat in the two-legs place, having kits. This doesn't last very long and he begins to fall in love with a tom nearby instead.

• Dew enjoys swimming and likes spending his time with just his mate.

• Dew becomes a loner alongside his mate and together they live near a lakeside.