Valerie (Fantasy AU)



5 years, 1 month ago


In this AU Valerie comes from a lush cloudforest vacated with jungle elves, who were part of their village. They are an archer who has a giant fruit bat called Chip as their trusty companion. 


Chip Art by NorthernArtemis

Chip is their childhood companion and trusted friend. He can scout for Valerie and retrieve their arrows Valerie Having been sheltered in their isolated village for many years they now freed themself from them and started exploring the new areas leading a solitary life. Yet Valerie yearns for adventure and experiencing the world. They cannot use magic but while travelling they discovered something about themself, they didn't think it was real... a connection


Feeling  all life from the earth, the forest and the very air around him breathe  life into his veins. Their friend clinging to him as a reminder.
Every  muscle and sinew surging with one united goal: to protect the very  life giving him these powers in this moment, pulled taut pointing at  a single target.
This is it, it's all or nothing now.
Taking one deep breath, silence, breathe out, let go.

Art and poem by Mossatossan