


5 years, 6 months ago



Tybalt Daevenator

Resigned Demon Hunter


Species: Human...?
Orientation: Pansexual
Gender: Male
Hair: Black, yellow accents
Height: 5'11"
Eyes: Gray, varies to red and pale yellow
Occupation: Demon Hunter
Build: Lean, visible firm muscle


  • Sleeping
  • Company/love... As long as they don't die, if that's not asking for too much


  • Himself
  • His work
  • Demons



"There were many-- and I mean, many-- demon hunters in the days of yore. It was actually okay to waste your life away on... Becoming a knight, or, like a squire.
Hm. Okay, so maybe I lost my train of thought there.
What I want to say... Believe it or not, my family was one of those types. The demon hunters, not the knights, I mean. Centuries. Centuries of being demon hunters. They never gave themselves a fancy name, so they're just called plain old 'demon hunters'. But there we were: my great, great, great, great, great-- probably more greats-- grandmother and on, last name seen in those dusty old tomes I haven't felt like ever touching, even when my parents were telling me to learn up from 'em.
I know now that it can't be helped, that the job comes with risks. Even if the title was just normal 'hunter' it screams danger. But tell that to twelve-year-old Tybalt... Heh, back then I was just known as 'Ty', and it actually fit. Now all I know is that I'm alone, and demons love to say my soul is tainted and there's no shred of purity left in my body.

I don't have anyone. And... I said I wasn't going to do the same thing as my parents, but those shitty, goddamn bastard demons came to me instead, and I guess you can say that's why I don't really believe in choice or freedom or anything like that.

Why... Why do I sometimes feel like the demons are right?"

Tybalt has the Hunter's blood in him, something honed over time to help recognize demonic entities, fight 'on their level', and, in the most powerful cases, control their will.
However, due to the family line being diluted and corrupted here-and-there, it could be said that there's more than meets the eye, and Tybalt leans more towards the one thing his ancestors used to chase and purge from the mortal realm. ...He's got about a quarter of Demon DNA in him (a ridiculously large amount by any standards), and eventually the hunter learns to utilize his 'wicked powers' for his life's purpose, but not without emotional and physical suffering, and of course hesitance, for a great long while.


Tybalt is extremely volatile in attitude and action, and has a difficult time working with others.
Depending on where he is or the company he is around, he often puts on a facade of harshness to ward away anyone 'pure'. Dealing with demons stresses him to hell and back, and he's deathly afraid of losing anyone close again, as is the prominent theme throughout his life, he thinks: "It's easier to push people away than it is to watch 'em suffer because of you, right?" He would far prefer to scare off potential confidants and mates by shocking them with outlandish threats or insults, or even turning a cold shoulder, appearing 'heartless' at times.
Oftentimes, duping him is simple, because unlike most (if not all) Demon Hunters, Tybalt catches himself seeing Demons and their ilk in not so black-and-white ways. In that similar instance, it's not uncommon for him to sense demonic blood within other Humans; he often feels pity and comfort in these people, and has confidence twisted into betrayal when they usually end up being his 'enemy' or 'target'.

Some will say he's brash and almost unbearably forward, and others will say he's shy to the point of worrying. In reality, underneath all of his never-ending work of being a demon hunter, he's quite chill and non-confrontational-- sometimes the latter can be seen when leaving executive decisions up to others despite barely trusting them.
He's not complex per se, but instead heavily guarded to the point of his ridiculous attitude becoming a habit.

Skills and Abilities

Combat, magic skills
Tybalt is much more comfortable lashing out physically-- melee preferred-- than with magic, but he isn't all too proficient.
For magics, through passion or extreme diligence, he can charge fire spells through his fingers, or, when enraged, he is able to flex his will over Demons.

Demon Hunters are notorious for learning as quickly as possible how to switch realms. Tybalt took a little longer picking it up than the conventional amount of time, but it helps to seek out the inhuman areas that his targets often scurry off to. It is impossible for him to stay there more than three hours.

Charged, enraged
Something Tybalt has little control over... When he is at work for far too long, extremely stressed, or cornered by his targets, his impure Demon blood thrives, triggering physical changes-- stronger skills altogether.

Demon Constitution
Being quarter-Demon, Tybalt's lifespan is lengthened a serious amount (easily over 500 years of existence if not slain), as well as being able to survive without sustenance for a considerable amount of time.


  • The two-tone hair color is natural (and must always be depicted).
  • Can be placed in fantasy, modern, and futuristic settings-- as long as he can still interact with Demons and his bloodline, anything works.
  • Purity doesn't necessarily have the qualities that is conventionally assigned by religion in our reality (such as chasteness, humility, temperance etc.); most purity has to do with the innate soul that is rarely controllable by the individual.
       Tybalt is one of the few capable of 'fixing' his own purity thanks to his Demon Hunter heritage-- though through most of his life's work he is not aware of this, and does not mend it.
  • His tattoo was done out of what he felt necessity; underneath most of the tattoos are odd-colored markings of corruption from his demonic blood. It's mostly just splotchy dark colors. He got them in young adulthood.
       But since Tybalt takes the tattoos so seriously, they do become a sort of rune to help harvest his powers more concretely. That red color manifesting in his fire skills, or in his horns, or 'charged' eyes, for example, is due to his association of his tattoo, and not entirely what would've appeared if he let it come to himself naturally.
  • He got 3rd place in the Nov'18 OC Hunger Games. LOL
