


5 years, 6 months ago



"What're you waiting for? Let's rock n' roll!"
Basic Info

Name Jay
Gender Male
BirthdayAugust 27th
Height 6'1" / 185 cm
Weight 205 lbs / 93 kg
Ear Type Floppy Canine
Hoof Type Cloven
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Rocker
S.O. Rudi
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 2038
Value $55 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Only his left (our right) eyebrow is pierced.
  • Please color pick off his reference!
  • He's muscular (a bit on the leaner side) and toned!
  • He has a sort of mohawk? The streaks and highlights don't have to be exact, ballparking them is fine.

  • Hs band is named "Burden of the Unbroken" (debating changing to Thunder Shock)
  • He's a little hard of hearing. (Gee, wonder why)
  • His band is pretty popular. He loves to do events for his fans. Meet ups, signing, anything! He's not mega famous or anything, he's able to go out into public without issue most of the time, but sometimes he does get bombarded!
  • He can actually sing moderately well! However, his voice is more suited to slower, less energetic music. He'd rather play heavy and high energy music though!
  • Look at those guns... he's strong! And he's more than happy to help carrying stuff around, so his bandmates often have him help with most of the set-up for smaller venues.

Jay is a chill, down to earth kind of guy. He's friendly, sociable, adventurous, and extremely kind hearted. In fact, he may just be too kind hearted, as he's often getting himself into trouble while helping others. He's exceedingly ambitious and tends to have a confident air about him. He's very relaxed by nature, and often comes off as being too much so. However, when he performs, he's very vigorous and energetic, putting every ounce of spirit and soul into his drumming. Jay is brave, gentle, and hard working. He's not terribly good at being honest if he knows it'll hurt someone's feelings, though, as he often prioritizes other people's comfort over most other things. Even if he may not seem like it, he's very methodical and organized when it comes to his schedule, but he tends to keep it flexible as well.


  • Performing, he gets really really into it and enjoys showcasing his work!
  • Thunderstorms, they're both calming and intense to watch! Talk about a light show!
  • Relaxing after a high-energy show.

  • Being bombarded in public... he just wants to chill, but he appreciates having fans too.
  • Getting up early. He's a bit of a night owl!
  • Being rushed. He'll do it all in his own time!

Even when he was young, he was fascinated by music, much to his parents initial detriment. He'd play with just about anything that made sound, and one day stumbled across his father's old drum set. His father had never really made much use of them, leaving them to grow dusty with disuse locked away in an underused room of their home. After touching them and realizing they'd make sound, Jay was hooked. His parents were soon attracted to the noises of commotion coming from the storage room, finding Jay tapping away on the drum set. He, of course, wasn't very good, but his parents saw just how much he loved those drums and allowed him to continue playing with them. If he broke them they wouldn't particularly mind, since they weren't using them anyways. They figured he'd play with them until they bored him, and then they'd put them back away.

They were soon proved wrong however, as Jay never got bored with them. He continued to play around with them, and soon the cacophony of noise he used to make turned into something actually melodic and pleasant to listen to! Seeing this opportunity, his parents got him into drum lessons, and he continued to improve his skills. Soon enough, he landed small gigs playing for small showcase events, and he was quite the hit! Seeing a ten year old pounding away on the drums like a pro is always an unusual and impressive sight, and he continued to gain plenty of attention and notoriety from his performances. With this, he landed bigger gigs, going so far as to even help open for a massively popular rock band that was touring his city. After landing this gig and performing well, he was discovered by a talent agent, who soon hooked him up with an up-and-coming band needing a drummer. He's still with them to this day, and they're steadily gaining steam!

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Jay is a pretty lax guy, albeit very physically affectionate. He just wants someone who's down for a little adventure every now and then, and wanting to just chill out together whenever they're not out having fun. If they don't mind plenty of hugs and kisses and gentle touches, they're a perfect fit!

Jay's found this in his current partner Rudi, and he wouldn't trade him for the world!




KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!!! Jay met Rudi through their mutual friend Carmine, and as soon as he saw him he couldn't take his eyes off him... he was just perfect! And of course, still is! He wants nothing more than to spend every free moment with Rudi, and values how excitable and supportive he is of him. He'd do anything for him!
Friend, Wingwoman
Carmine and Jay dated briefly, but it really wasn't long at all. Both found their eyes set on other people (conveniently... Carmine's best friend, and Jay's cousin, respectively) and they both helped the other make moves on the ones who'd gained their attention! They're still great friends and often hang out, considering the proximity of their love interests to each other.
Suni is absolutely precious to Jay! Jay spends a lot of time with his more reclusive cousin, and does his best to get him out and meeting new people. He's currently working on helping Suni land an idol gig!