


5 years, 1 month ago




"I'll get there one day!"
Basic Info

Name Suni
Gender Male
BirthdayApril 29th
Height 5'5" / 165cm
Weight 122 lbs / 55kg
Ear Type Bear
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Mailman
S.O. Carmine
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Guest 160
Value $0 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • His hair is asymmetrical! There's a longer bit on his left (our right) with a navy to blue to yellow gradient. Please don't forget this!
  • Please color-pick off his reference! It's okay if you change the hues and whatnot, but please go off these colors!
  • His stockings have a heart shaped blue jewel on them. They're meant to resemble letters with seals to close them! Please note that he's got a grey line on both sides of this blue jewel. They are not removable and must be heart shaped!
  • The top lining of his stockings is meant to reference clouds, so please make them curved like you see on the reference picture! Once you pass the letter portion of the stockings, the white starts to dissipate into a cloudy sky pattern! The sky should start blue and end with just a little bit of yellow.

  • A clumsy mailman with dreams of being an idol! He's got two left feet and he's too easily overwhelmed to sing in front of crowds though...
  • He brings treats for all the dogs on his mail route! He knows all of them by name and is happy to spare a minute or two to visit with them!
  • He's a huge huge fan of the idol group, SWEETEST♡KISS!
  • He has a pet dove named Snowy and she keeps him company at home, an absolute beautiful angel baby bird!
  • His mail bag is a bit heavy for him to carry, but he manages.
  • He's a morning person! Even on his days off, he's often waking up to the sun rising.

A soft soul, Suni is a go with the flow kind of guy who would rather spend a night inside and cozy than go out. Despite his reserved demeanor, he has dreams of becoming an idol. However, Suni is a realist, and often catches himself thinking about if he's actually suited for that lifestyle. Because of this, he can often be too hard on himself and is easily overwhelmed. With others, he's fairly cheerful and introverted, opting for making quiet additions to lively conversation when he tires of just listening. He's considerate of others to the point of self detriment. Easily excited and friendly, he doesn't have trouble making friends, just in meeting them.


  • Mornings! They're nice and quiet, and breakfast is the best meal of the day.
  • Fashion. He loves to go shopping for cute clothes! he is but a mere soft boy looking for soft comfy clothes.
  • Finishing his routes early. He loves his free time!
  • Overcast days. The weather they bring is nice and cool, and it makes his day a lot easier!

  • Rainy days. They make it so much harder to deliver the mail!
  • Action movies. They're too loud, and all he can ever think about is how much work it'd be to clean up all the things they destroyed.
  • Nighttime. He doesn't like the dark too much, and honestly there's not much to do at night in his opinion except sleep.

Suni had a relatively stable and normal upbringing. He had loving parents, went to school, made some friends... Although, he could never really get close to anyone until around high school, where he and his cousin just so happened to be in the same building often enough to bump into each other. Suni's parents probably mentioned something to Jay's, because soon enough Jay was talking and joking around with Suni as though they'd known each other all their lives. They became inseparable, and remained that way long past Jay's graduation and rise to fame.

While Suni wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do after finishing school, he found that he really enjoyed his part time gig of delivering mail on the weekends, so he started doing it full-time instead. He got to walk his routes with a bag full of mail and dog treats, and that's something he really enjoys! It was a nice way to make good use of the morning and enjoy the weather before it got too hot, and before too many people were out and about. He puts on music when walking between routes, and it was through that habit that he discovered his love of idols - he'd always seen and known how Jay performed, and thought that that was all there was to being a musician. Upon discovering idols, however, he found there was so much more to the trade, and that he really really enjoyed watching them. So much so, even, that he wanted to become one of them.

With this newfound dream came lots and lots of practice, and even more failure. It seemed he just wasn't suited to this - he had a nice voice, but he couldn't land the dance moves. It seemed as though he had two left hooves! Furthermore, he would absolutely crumble in front of a crowd, it was simply more attention than he thought he could handle. So for now, he practices in hopes of becoming better, but he's found himself content with delivering mail as well in the end. Maybe, just one day, he'll make it big!

Dating Ad

Suni is a super open and loving person! In terms of relationships though, he'd be looking for someone who understood his more reserved nature and wouldn't mind him wanting to spend time quietly together sometimes. He can definitely do social outings, they just aren't his favorite since they tire him quickly. He's really just looking for a relaxed, loving relationship with someone he can be himself around!




she did the kiss kiss fall in love trick and now suni is helplessly in love
Best Friend
He delivered mail once and found his best friend instead! They both bonded over loving idols and have been friends ever since!
His emotional support rocker man... always there to lend a hand and an ear to all of his troubles!