Squee McCormick



5 years, 7 months ago


"Nyoo hoo hoo!"


Name: Agatha "Squee" McCormick
Age: 21 (DOB: 1st April; Aries)
Height: 3'6" (~111 cm)    Weight: 75lbs.
Hair Color: Brown         Eye Color: Brown (Chocolate)
Gender: She/her       Sexuality: No interest! (Kinda.)
Species: Humanoid Angora Rabbit (Extra FloofTM)
Education: High School Diploma
Profession: Full-time Detective (Self-Employed)
Jack McCormick (Father, Age 54, Mafia Boss)      Adeliene McCormick (Mother, age 55, second-rate actress)     12 Older Sisters (Much Older, not close)

-Squee has clinical depression that will need to be treated with both therapy and medication.
-Squee's bunny form, the Angora Rabbit, is extra poof, but can fit in the palm of your hand.
-Has no magical abilities at all - an anomaly for the McCormicks (and most rabbit families). Squee's genetics, however, makes her able to "borrow" others' magic instead, which can be incredibly powerful! ...If she knew how to control it properly, that is.
-Her little cowlick can tell you exactly how she feels at any given moment, as it is blessed (cursed?) with Ghibli Hair Syndrome.


Appearance (Humanoid): Born with dwarfism, Squee has never grown (and never will grow) beyond her current height now. She has a slim build. With a rounded face and big eyes, she still appears (much to her dismay) childlike, and is often mistaken as such. Her proportions are adult, however, so she looks a little awkward and shrunk. When she smiles, it takes up half her face. She has noticeable dimples. When happy or excited, her eyes gain sparkle, almost freakishly so. Her hair poofs up with her emotions, appearing even more curly than it actually is. Her hands and feet are tiny. Her ears are large and floppy, the fur at the base as brown as her hair, and darkening at the tips to an almost-black. Her fur is quite soft. Her tail is almost diamond-shaped and stubby. Her body is adorned with a couple scars here and there, mostly from her "adventures" in pursuing justice.

Appearance (Bunny): Smol and cuddly! Her beady eyes just bore into your soul, exposing your crimes! In all honesty, Squee has the makings of a cute baby bunny you just want to protect.

Style: She has a tendency for wearing anything eclectic. Her "detective" garb consists of a white short-sleeved button-up blouse, a black vest with gray trim and a chest-pocket, a purple-and-yellow striped tie, a purple small scarf, and black jeans. Many refer to her as a fashion disaster, which she is (on purpose). For more casual wear, she likes fuzzy sweatpants and the thinnest tank-top she can find, as she actually loathes clothes, given how consistently warm she is. When home alone, she actually wears as little as possible to regulate her body temperature as best she can. Summertime is the worst, and she hates working as a result, but she does it anyway in as light clothes as possible. Wintertime is the best for her, as she doesn't need as much clothes as the typical human to stay comfortable. Likes bright and clashing colors. Almost very little jewelry / accessories.


Overview: Often referred to as "justice personified," Squee has an energetic and determined outlook to see said-justices carried out. She has no tolerance for evil, and wants to see it squashed in any way she can. As such, she's the type to lend a helping hand (although sometimes she accidentally makes situations worse). Her dedication tends to lead her to overworking. She is loud, bombastic, and is the type to act before she thinks, often landing her in difficult situations. However, she is also quick-thinking and brilliant to escape said-situations, if nothing else. This "detective" face she wears, the brave and confident soul, is what most people come to know her by, often inspiring others in one way or another. This Squee is truly heroic, if not a little dumb regarding self-preservation.

Unfortunately, Squee also has crippling moments of self-doubt and battles hard against depression. When she gets into these spells, she often overworks too much, and winds up having to take several days to recuperate. This is based on many, many years of people underestimating her, and considering her to be inferior due to her shortcomings. She doesn't necessarily have a death-drive, per se, but her ability to take care of herself goes off the deep-end. 


  • Chocolate, preferably milk
  • Strawberries, blackberries
  • Comic books, old-school detective flicks
  • Purple
  • The OG Squee
  • Most vegetables
  • Meats
  • Evil(s), especially lies and disloyalty
  • Sitting still
  • Herself
  • Those who nag her
  • An unwavering sense of justice! Her understanding of right and wrong is phenomenal. 
  • Able to look at any dangerous situation with optimism!
  • Incredibly fast - both mentally and physically. She is known for her speed!
  • Able to scrutinize through any facade from any person. She knows it when you're putting on an act.
  • Cute! Of course, she doesn't see herself as such, but her adorableness has a tendency to diffuse difficult situations.
  • Self-care. What is maintaining appearance? What is eating? What is sleeping? Who knows!
  • Headstrong and stubborn to a fault.
  • Mental-health wise, weak. Any comment regarding her shortcomings can chip away at her enthusiasm.
  • While fast, she is also kind of a weakling. She can't punch great.
  • Has no magical aptitude what-so-ever.


Born as Agatha McCormick, she is the youngest daughter of Jack McCormick and his then-newly wed wife, Adeliene McCormick. Between them, Agatha was their only daughter, although Adeliene had twelve others from various failed marriages. The age gap between Agatha and the other sisters were too immense to form any close bonds, thus resulting in Agatha being raised as though she were only child. In the beginning, her mother had no idea how to handle the oddly quiet and small child (as she was used to her equally outlandish and proud daughters), often relegating the parenting to her father, who, with all due respect, had no business being a parent. That said, her father tried his best while managing his "business" on the side. As such, she became quite the "Daddy's girl," and would often hide behind him when meeting scary strangers.

Agatha's shy personality began to change around age nine when her father took her to a comic book shop to discuss "business" with a client. Upon spotting a colorful comic, called "Detective Squee," issue labeled "The Dastardly Mr. Mustachio! Her Rival's Secret Plan Revealed?!" she picked it up absentmindedly and read it all in one sitting, absorbed in its contents. Squee, like her, was an anthropomorphic rabbit, but Squee had magic. Squee had courage and fought for justice. Enamored, Agatha begged her father to buy all issues up-to-date, which was the first time she ever asked for something. Her father did, and, lugging over fifty issues in hand, Agatha devoured all the issues over and over again, becoming engrossed in the legend of Squee and her daring escapades. The comic books led to the animated series, the live-action movies, and the documentaries as Agatha reached her teenaged years. The VHS tapes wore out over time, only to be replaced with DVDs and Blu-Rays. While teased throughout high school for her unkempt appearance and height led her to a deep depression and a lack of meaningful friends, Agatha's saving grace was her love for Squee and wanting to be like her one day - perhaps even meet her hero in the future, as Squee was a real person. During these years, she determined she wanted to work in law enforcement or something similar so she, too, could pursue justice. It was in this time she learned about her father's true business, of which she decided to turn a blind-eye to as a means of self-protection from facing the truth of her origins.

After graduating high school and working hard for a few years to make more money for tuition to pay her own way (and not with her Papa's dirty money), news broke out about disappearing heroes all over the country - including a rumor about Squee also having disappeared. Agatha, unwilling to accept this, decides to revoke her dream university's acceptance letter and decides to travel across the country to find the truth. It is this decision that changes her quiet life forever. 


Arriving in the "City of Dreams," Agatha, with her meager savings, rents an office space in pursuit of Squee's disappearance. While conducting her initial investigations, she happens upon kidnappers threatening and trying to intimidate a man into giving them money - which spurs her into action despite her internal screaming. She barrels through the window, declares herself on the fly that her name is Squee, and that she will turn them in for the sake of justice. The kidnappers blink and laugh, shrugging off her as a joke, but decide that maybe she'd be worth a pretty penny. She continues her facade and, using her Papa's training and the moves she rehearsed in her daydream escapades, proceeds to kick both their asses - much to everyone in the room's surprise. Thus begins her double-life of being the Squee returned, except having been shrunk down and claiming to have amnesia about what happened to her, while looking for the Original Squee. Owing her something (of which he hates), she teams up with a Capri Lupin - a charming white rabbit of a man who has much to hide - who teaches her (or tries to) magic while she undertakes case after case after case with her newfound (stolen) identity.


Squee: Her hero, and claims to be her absolute biggest fan. Our Squee owns all her merchandise and media, and has many Squee quotes memorized by-heart. Her infatuation can be interpreted as an obsession, but really, Squee just aspires to be just like her. And so she gets her wish, twisted and ironically so, without really meaning to. As of right now, our Squee is trying to live as the original Squee while looking for her, prioritizing her case above all else - although many other cases still get in the way. The truth about the original Squee remains illusive...Capri Lupin: At first, Capri seems like a really nice and pleasant young man, but it turns out he's a total fraud and liar, which Squee loathes with a passion. He'll use whatever he can to get ahead and for the sake of self-preservation, and they find each other to grate on each other's skin... but this changes over time. Squee often finds herself relying on him for more than just magic, but for helping her learn how to value herself for herself rather than what she pretends to be, and Capri comes to worry about someone other than himself for a change. This blossoms into something more - something both of them never ever EVER want to admit.Lani Lemonade: An aspiring reporter and an anthropomorphic blackfly, Squee at first finds Lani a bit off-putting with her bulging eyes and freaky six hairy fly-arms, but gets over her prejudice to become absolute besties. Lani admires Squee for pursuing her dreams, and Squee comes to think of Lani as the bravest field reporter to ever grace the City of Dreams. They often have "girl talk" sessions over coffee at Lani's favorite cafe, and Lani often gives Squee sound advice on where to follow up with cases. That said, Lani is a bit of an airhead, and spaces a lot on planned meet-ups, which grinds Squee's gears the wrong way.
Mr. Mustachio: A villain with an overbearing boisterous personality, Mr. Mustachio is both the Original Squee's and current Squee's rival, often trying to foil her plans. His "schemes" are often oddly minor and nowhere near as catastrophic as he makes them appear, and actually leads to solving problems rather than creating them. As such, Squee finds him integral in making the city an overall better place, and their rivalry does a lot of good as opposed to harm to the citizens that live there. Hawkswell: The current number-one hero in the "City of Dreams," Hawkswell praises Squee's "return" and wants to work with her in the future. Hawkswell, however, turns out to be a cunning bastard, trying to manipulate Squee into failing time and time again in order to keep his top-dog spot for the sake of power (for a myriad of reasons, not all selfish). Squee is flattered and has the inklings(?) of a crush on him at first, only for it to be dashed when his true asshole nature surfaces. Squee comes to see him as a cocky, unrepentant "hero" - the complete opposite of Mustachio.Rinoa: A mysterious lady of unknown origins who speaks primarily in riddles, she is an information dealer - for a price. Her locations are only reported via a secret channel on the radio, which changes from day to day. Her information, however, is absolute and completely neutral. She serves both "good" and "evil," and all facets in between. Squee has the feeling she's met Rinoa before, but cannot quite pinpoint where. That said, even though she thinks Rinoa's absolute neutrality is bad, whenever Lani doesn't have sufficient info, she'll find Rinoa to fill in the gaps. Rinoa pities Squee's poverty, and often asks certain cases be tackled for her information.
Officer Eve Goodman: The only officer who's willing to work with the new Squee, with a great amount of regret and exasperation. Eve, being human, relates to Squee's frustrations of having no magic in a magic-ruled city. In the beginning, Eve is Squee's right-hand man, the two teaming up to tackle high-profile cases head-on. However, Eve is reassigned elsewhere and her time ends up being manipulated by a certain Hawkswell in an effort to thwart Squee from finding out the truth. That said, the two still are texting buddies throughout the story. Jack McCormick: Her beloved Papa. Squee doesn't know how to handle his evil deeds in being a Mafia leader, as he cares for her immensely and will do anything for her. To Jack, she is the apple of his eye, the brightest star in the sky. He knows that she knows about him, but neither will bring it up to live in a white-lie life to keep the peace between them. Adeliene McCormick: Her mother. While Adeliene failed utterly as a mother to Squee in the beginning, she is now desperate to make it up to her after seeing a therapist about her inability to see how she hurt others. Adeliene is Squee's biggest supporter now, and will stop at nothing to make sure her daughter is happy - even if it means achieving it through questionable means. That said, she is incredibly dumb, and will probably screw up any said-means, so.