


5 years, 6 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Valeria Angusson
Birthday: 30th January, 1849
Age range: late 40s in the main story, 30s in the prequel
Family: unknown
Height: 155 cm
Nationality: Norwegian
Occupation: creator of organisation for poor people; teacher in Braivada
Status by the end of the main story: alive

Short description

The only one character that can be called an angel soul. Valeria is a woman who created some kind of organisation for poor teens where she tries to help them. Ester met her when she was travelling as homeless young girl and Valeria got very fascinated with her unique abilities. Even after many years she still helps Ester and visits her in Braivada from time to time, they write letters and exchange things. She's also still interested about halcylians - and can't believe when it's found out that they're not so perfect like she thought. Valeria is also Marianna's friend and has very positive impact on her.
When she was young, she had sad love story and after that she always lives alone.


She is very friendly and likes to help people, but on the other hand she prefers to live alone and usually doesn't talk much about herself. She finds listening to others more interesting. Very caring and curious, maybe even a bit nosy. Patient, tolerant and responsible, able to sacrifice a lot for others, but not too sweet, because she can be ironical sometimes or even yell at some people. Maybe she doesn't look like that, but she is rather brave woman and it's not easy to scary her. Quite melancholic and nostalgic, likes to thinks about past. Can share her memories with someone she really likes, but usually doesn't do that.


+ helping people
+ photography
+ herbs
+ sewing
+ porcelain
+ wolves
+ meetings with Ester
+ discovering facts about halcylians
+ letters

- laziness
- chaotic situations
- liars
- travelling
- frosty weather


Ester - After some years, their relations still are friendly, even though they rarely see each other. They write letters and exchange some small things. Ester is still thankful to her for everything she did for her in the past. Valeria visits her in Braivada 1-2 times in year, but in the current moment in the story, Valeria just stucks here for longer time. It may seem like Valeria has some motherly feelings to her. Ester has absolutely no idea that sweet and caring Valeria is actually Vivril's twin sister.

Marianna - She is Marianna's first friend in Braivada; tries to understand her and helps her to be more open and confident. She's much older than Marianna but they get on well. Valeria knows that she should be very careful with her, but she doesn't treat her as a child, like some other people does. She encourages her to be more brave; if Valeria won't become her friend, Marianna probably wouldn't get closer to Irdolf.

Other info

- Valeria is actually lost twin sister of Vivril, the leader of evil bandits. I'm still not sure if they know they're related.
- She collects photography and letters.
- When she arrives to Braivada, she lives in a small hut where she is always visited by a "domesticated" wolf. She even calls it her pet and named it Cynthia.