


5 years, 10 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Marianna Vennerod
Birthday: 10.12.1871
Age range: 26-29 in the main story
Species: halcylian (navy blue Light)
Significant other: Irdolf (in the future)
Family: Livius - father, Einy - mother; Linnea and Astrid - cousins
Height: about 170 cm
Nationality: Norwegian
Status by the end of the main story: deceased

Short description

Marianna is a side character, but she also has her own roles in the story. A mysterious woman who appears in Braivada village, last halcylian found by Ester. Though she is over 20, she acts like a child. And she really has got a mind of a child. After she had committed a murder on her own father, she became mentally ill and now tries to start bring new life, but she needs a lot of care and patience. She is afraid of people and never cooperates with other halcylians - unless she gets blackmailed by them. Only Ester knows the truth about her past life - she gives her a chance in her village.


Marianna seems to be very shy and fearful, silly and naive, sometimes just crazy - but not in too creepy way. Though she claims she lost her memory, she has some flashbacks in special moments. She doesn't know what she did in last summer and has no idea about her family. She often acts in childish way, doesn't know many basic things, gets scary of simple things.
People in the village don't know about her that much, they rather stay away from her. Since beginning she lived with a guardian named Margaret who tried to help her. She is not interested in any halcylian's features, doesn't want to get this knowledge, she often loses control over her own Light. Basically she has no idea what she really is.
She got blackmailed by one of the halcylians out from the village and was forced to tell that she saw Tariskilling Efiel, what wasn't truth, of course. Later Irdolf discover it and tries to convince her to tell the truth - but when she does it, no one believes her anymore.
It's not easy to make her interested in something, but it's possible - she really enjoys looking at Valeria's photographies. There are some rumors that she can recognise if person on a photo is dead or alive at the moment.
In the future she'll be more independent and not so silly as she seemed to be at the beginning - she changes after many specific events in Braivada. She has her chance to recover and become more stable when she gets closer to one of the twins from Amaralf's team, Irdolf. In some years they will become a pair and her mental health will be way least, at the first sight. There is no happy end for her.


+ calmness
+ photograpy
+ pretty dresses
+ spending time with people she knows
+ slowly learning new things
+ fairytales
+ cozy rooms
+ herb picking

- strangers
- talking to people
- being shouted at
- candles
- fire
- thinking or talking about the past
- crowd
- stains
- dolls


Valeria - her first friend in Braivada; she tries to understand Marianna and helps her to be more open and confident. Valeria is a lady who travels to the village only to see her old friend - Ester, and is very interested about halcylians and their community, she's much older than Marianna but they get on well. Valeria knows that she should be very careful with her, but she doesn't treat her as a child, like some other people does. She encourages her to be more brave; if Valeria won't become her friend, Marianna probably wouldn't get closer to Irdolf.

Ester - she found Marianna and helped her to get to Braivada where she could live in peace. Ester is the only one person who knows about her crime, but never told anyone about this. She decided to give her this chance and hopes that she'll recover. There's no particular bond between them but it's said that Marianna admires her a bit.

Irdolf - the member of the Amaralf's team, Ignis' twin brother; second friend of Marianna. He has a small crush on her since longer time, but he was unsure about admitting it because his friends could laugh at him (everyone knows that she's a bit crazy and weird). They get closer when a lot of bad things happens in the village and halcylians decide to make a revolution - she's the one who doesn't participate in it and stands on other people's side. Irdolf treats her as completely normal person and is very caring about her, he knows about all the fails she made and convince her to admit everything. Later he doesn't care about his friends' opinion anymore and wants her to become his wife. He's very big mental supporter for her.

Other info

- No, she doesn't have a nice haircut, her hair was burned by candles.
- Marianna's mother was a sister of Linnea's mother, what makes these two cousins, but they have no idea about this and never meet together.