Bonnevali Von Darkspire (Nekomata)



1 year, 10 months ago


Bonnevali is a man-eating, shapeshifting, child-stealing friendly neighborhood yokai.

Bonnevali was the First Nekomata. Though this is not something widely known or that she likes to publicize, she prefers to keep a low profile and keep things on her terms. Bonnevali has lived for a very long time and gone through many differing phases of "evil" or "good" but to her its much the same. It's all her after all! Just whatever she feels like. Bonnevali is technically a god, as she in the past has amassed enough worship to become one in some respects, but nowadays she does little to up keep it. But she finds those who still have some kind of faith in her quaint and cute and will do them little favors here and there. 

Bonnevali has had many children over her years too, often via kidnapping human children and raising them as her own. In the process transforming them into proper nekomata with little to no memories of their human birth. 

She was born a normal cat that lived to an abnormally old age, over time absorbing the strange mists in the areas she called home and some how or other gaining consciousness and yokai-hood. Her memories of her original life and slow road to proper awakening are very very fuzzy. 

Bonnevali's youngest children currently are Halcyon, Delphinium, and Calluna