


5 years, 6 months ago



  Age 24

  D.o.B August 3rd, 1998

  Gender Male

  Occupation Barista

  Sexuality Bisexual

  Location New York City

  Theme What's Wrong - half·alive


Rodney's a young adult doing his best to have as much fun and enjoyment out of life as possible, not giving much thought to what the future holds. He takes each day as it comes and spends each moment he can doing things he loves and spending time with people he cares for.

He's spent a lot of his young life traveling in his van and has figured out that life's a lot more fun when you try not to care too much about what will happen later. This may not be the most sound philosophy, but he does his best each day to be the best verison of himself possible and does what he enjoys! Now, living and working in New York City is a new adventure and he's learning to make memories he'll never forget.

I'm here for a good time, not a long time!


Rodney's demeanour is outwardly very relaxed and flexible. He does his best to go with the flow of things and remain positive in any situation life throws his way. His friends know him as a very kind and caring friends who is always there for whatever they may need, and somebody who will always make them laugh no matter what.

While Rodney's often seen as a relaxed and confident guy, he works hard to show that side of himself to the world. He has a lot of compassion for others and finds the relationships he makes with people to be some of the most meaningful parts of life. Being somebody to come to for help, or to seek out for comforting words and support means a lot to him. He enjoys being that person for others. Internally, when he's alone or not being the relaxing space for others, Rodney is a gentle individual with a bit less of a goofy nature. He's very soft, a bleeding heart at times, and enjoys time to himself to relax.

Rodney is known to put others before his own needs, and is actively working to put himself first. He's a people pleaser, willing to sacrafice his own needs for what others may need, but that's not healthy and he's becoming his own person. His defiant side has grown with his age, and he's learning to take in expriences and things for himself, not for what other people want him to do or what they expect. Joy has been a near constant in recent years as he travels, makes new friendships, and learns more than he ever thought possible. Though things have not always been easy and he struggles with intense feelings of anxiety and depression often, he keepos himself going and can fight through rough times to the good ones.

Positive Traits






Negative Traits







Designer rodclaws
Artist pumapanic



  • Eye colors can be blue, green, or heterochromatic with one of each color!
  • Nose is the same black color as paw pads.
  • Split hair down the middle, with short-medium hair in the back, almost like a mullet.
  • Fluffy cheeks, feel free to make him as fluffy as you like.
  • Claws are same black color as paws and nose.



Simple Expectations 1998 - 2012

Rodney was born to a loving family and he knows that. His mother and father were there for him when he needed, and he doens't remember much of his childhood because not much of note happened.

Expectations from his parents were high, but he was able to meet them and excell in things like school or social situations. He made friends easily in school, spending time with them on weekends playing video games and climbing trees as high as they could go before they had to call it quits. Rodney always enjoyed reading, finding more fun in worlds outside of his own, and would turn inwards as he approached high school. By the time he was 14 he was a pretty introverted kid with a few close friends to call his own. He wasn't popular nor unpopular, he meerly got through life with no complaints and a simplicity some may hope for and others would despise.

Turning Point

Growing 2012 - 2016

As is similar in the experiences of a lot of kids, high school was a crucial part of Rodney's life. When he entered his freshman year he wasn't much of a special person, blending into the background and never straying too far from the expectations set on him. That is, until he met his best friend Ebony. She latched onto him almost right away, and Rodney couldn't say he didn't enjoy that attention, especially from somebody so opposite from himself; where he was comfortable blending in, Ebony wasn't afraid to stand out.

Through their four years together Ebony helped to get Rodney to open up, come out of his shell, and learn to be his own person. She was there when they shared their first drink at a senior party, a couple of sophomores that somehow got an invite. She taught him the fun that could come from breaking a curfew and being out late into the night, lying on the grass and watching the stars above them. She was there to help him get through discovering himself, and he was there for her in turn when it came for her time to come out to her mother. In fact, the pair had been a "couple" in the loosest of terms for about two weeks before the realization Ebony was a lesbian and Rodney didn't think of her more than a best friend.

Leaving Home

Freedom To Be Yourself 2016 - 2020

After high school, Rodney had no ambition to go to college or follow a traditional path. He'd discovered himself, become a much more confident individual, and wanted out of his little town. Tensions between Rodney and his parents grew as he turned 18 and graduted from school. They pushed for him to go to school, get an eduction, and secure a future - but he wanted out. After years of saving up from his small, part-time job Rodney used his savings to purchase an old van and renovated it into the perfect living space. With Ebony's help, the van became a second home for Rodney and he eventually let his parents know he was indeed moving out, but it'd be a long while until they saw him again in person.

This caused an argument for the family for what Rodney's future would look like, but ultimately they came to an understanding- they had to let their son go for now. Rodney assured them he wouldn't be a stranger and would be back home for every holiday. Now, with his family's blessing, he set out on a journey across the country to wherever he wanted to go. He traveled through the midwest, and even helped Ebony move into her new college in Seattle. The rainy state was his home for a couple months while he and Ebony each got used to their new normals, finding time together to often go out for drinks and try all sorts of new things. He eventually set off to explore more of the country.

Settling Down ( Kind Of )

Stability Isn't That Bad 2020 - Current

Rodney's found himself living now in the place he's always wanted to: New York City! It's always been somewhere he's loved, traveling through the state numerous times before deciding to settle there for a while. Everything about the city drew him in, even the things people complained about with New York. He's moved out of the van and into an apartment, taking up residence as one of the managers at a local coffee place in the city. He certainly isn't living a life of luxury or lavishness, but he's happy and each day brings something new that he's excited about. Life's never boring, and that's something he's thankful for.

After a few months living in his new, temporary home, a strange fox showed up in his life and never left. Ivin, a guy who Rodney found incredibly stubborn and bitter, showed up spouting all kinds of crazy things about being sent here as his "guardian angel." It was laughable- and the guy was clearly crazy, but Rodney heard him out and was given proof of the claim. Sure enough, at will Rodney could see large, glowing golden wings appear on Ivin's back and, as if to mock both of them, two glowing halos above the fox's head. So he wasn't a crazy person but a bonafide guardian angel sent to protect Rodney from some "terrble event." The only issue, is neither of them had any clue what the event was, but only when he was saved from it would Ivin be allowed back into whatever afterlife he'd been pulled from.

So now, Ivin was a permanent resident in Rodney's life, and an annoying one at that. He was angry at Rodney for being his reason for being here, mad at who or whatever had put him in this new, insane century, and mad at the world for who knew what reason. Ivin simply did not want to be there, and was waiting every day for the "event" to pass. Eventually though, the two of them became friends, then best friends, and now Ivin's aclimted to his new life. He's not entirely settled, still finding so much of Rodney's time strange, but he's learned to integrate with society. The pair are in a strange routine now with Rodney teaching Iving to relax and enjoy this second life, and Ivin keeping Rodney in life and safe through a lot of his dumb decicions. Both are now a bit hesitant for Ivin's mission to be complete, because they've come to enjoy eachother's company and their friendship would be greatly missed, even if Ivin would never admit it.


Mother Jasmine

Father Owen

Siblings None

Descendants None

Other Relatives Aunt Cecily


Write a little blurb about your character's family and its history here! What are they known for? Are there any famous members? This will scroll if it gets long enough.

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Rodney and Ivin are roommates on paper, but their relationship is a little more complicated than that. In truth, Ivin was sent back to earth as a 'guardian angel' after he passed away, and Rodney is his assignment. In the beginning Ivin couldn't stand the situation or the guy he was forced to spend his time around. Over time, however, the two have fallen into a real friendship. Rodney teaches Ivin to relax and lighten up while Ivin acts as Rodney's voice of reason and keeps him in line. They work rather well together, which surprises most of Rod's other friends. Both know of the reason for Ivin's sudden appearance in Rodney's life, but neither know what event they need to keep Rodney safe from for Ivin's job to be done, or if there is such an event. All they know is they're bound together now so they'll make the most out of it
Rodney and August met one another while Rodney was early on his travel around the country. Stopping in Texas, the two met and became fast friends, finding eachother easy to talk to and have a great time together. Rodney stayed in Texas for a while longer than most other places, but he did eventually need to get going again. Though the two live pretty far away now, they still talk and make time to visit one another, always like no time had passed between their last conversation. August and Rodney can both be stubborn and opinionated, meaning they do have different opinions and viewpoints but overall are pretty similar in ideals and find their friendship outweighs simple disagreements. Rodney wouldn't change his friendship with August for anything and considers him a friend for life.
Ebony has been at Rodney's side for seemingly forever, even though they met in high school. The pair were basically inseparable, and Ebony was somebody who got to really know Rodney and hlp him branch out and become himself. She's always been his biggest supporter and the first to tell him how absolutely stupid he can be. When tey both moved to Seattle to get Ebony settled in college, they spent months going out to parties and living up a mmuch more wild life with the freedom they both felt. Now, they both have matured and grown quite a bit, but have still remained great friends. Rodney was there for Ebony's college graduation, he was there when she was proposed to by her wife, and he's probably the third most excited for their wedding where he's been given spot of best man. Now, in her much calmer life, Ebony is a science teacher and active gardener, which means she is often sending him plants that he's not great at taking care of. She tries her best but has resorted to helping him care for a succulent or two, which he can manage.
Mable and Rodney became friends while Rodney was in Mable's town, visiting the plant nursery they work in. He was there looking for a nice gift to give another friend, and the two became quick friends! Rodney keeps in touch with Mable online nowadays.
Renegade and Rodney became friends really fast, often times chatting together online about their favorite TV shows or spending time together playing online games. They're both passionate about art and love a lot of the same things, which lent to them finding a nice friend in eachother!