


4 years, 10 months ago



Age ??? - Died at 48
Birthday/Zodiac June 5th // Gemini
Species Fox
Gender Male
Height 1'5"
Sexuality Homosexual
Strengths Gentle, Affecionate, Smart, Adaptable
Weaknesses Cold, Nervous, Untrusting, Cynical

Ivin is a mellow, serious man with a bitter disposition. He's had a hard life and often lets his own sadness or anger get the best of him. When he's able to have a little fun, he can actually be a really kind and nice guy. Ivin is a guardian angel, with the ability to let himself be seen or not seen at will, as well as letting his Wings and Halo be visible as he chooses. He is used to his older ways, walking around on four limbs whenever possible. He puts up with Rodney's antics, but really does care for him deep down.


  • Nature
  • Bird Watching
  • Walking on All-Fours
  • Late-Night Talk Shows (Guilty Pleasure)
  • Teaching


  • Technology
  • Shopping
  • Caffine
  • Large Crowds
  • Loud Noises


Ivin has had a hard life. He grew up in a rough time, before a lot of technology or advancements were made, and the world was fearful and unkind. Even through this harsh life, Ivin found passion and love early on. He was a teacher for young kids, or as much a teacher as there was in those days, and fell in love with a fiery, bold soldier in the kingdom's militia. Enter Aaron. His life changed after meeting Aaron, finding his exciting and outgoing personality intoxicating. Often, the two would take long treks outside their little city, finding new things to do all around. Before long, their peaceful life was interrupted. War broke out from an opposing settlement, calling every soldier to arms to protect their land. A very unexpected raid hit the town,and Ivin knew he had to protect the children in the schoolhouse from the battle outside. Aaron, coming to their aide, was caught and killed during this encounter. Ivin was heartbroken at Aaron's death, lived a long life waiting until he could be with Aaron again. Unfortunately, this world's God has other plans. After his death, Ivin was immediately sent as a guardian to the modern world. His assignment a clumsy idiot named Rodney whom he had to protect and keep safe from harm until his real "time." Ivin is bitter about this, wishing he could have been left alone and remained with Aaron in the after-life. Now, Ivin lives with Rodney like a roommate and is learning how to cope with the new world.

Life Before Reincarnation

Before everything went wrong, Ivin enjoyed his life. He loved helping the kids whenever he could, and always did his best to teach them what he knew. Learning in the society he knew wasn't very sophisitcated or advanced, but helping the young kids that couldn't really help themsevles was the best reward he could ask for. Life remained paceful in the town, until he met Aaron. Moved into town after completing trainig with the Kingdom's Guard, he lived all alone at the edge of the town. Ivin was never outgoing or confident, but he made a point to talk to this new soldier and see what he knew. After becoming friends fast, spending nights together in the tavern drinking and talking, and spending night after night at eachother's homes when it got too late to walk back, they fell into a comfortable relationship together. Well, comfortable was a strong word for the situation. It was unheard of among the little town for two males to be together, to be in love, or get married. In fact, it was dangerous for them to tell anybody about what they were and the relationship they shared. This feeling from the town is what sparked the pair to often leave for days to weeks on end, living together across the kingdom under the guise of searching for resources or new foods to bring back to the town. - After a few years of this relationship, War suddenly broke out among the Kingdom. Every soldier was alled upon to pick up their swords and shields and fight the attackers from the front lines. Aaron loved his life, but also loved his work and was loyal to the kingdom he lived in. He had to leave fast, and after only a week of front-line battle, was able to return to their town to defend it in case any unforseen battle hit. Aaron was given the rank of Captain of the town's small group of soldiers who were stationed there in defense of the people. Nobody thought there would be an attack, the town was small and not a main source of resources for the capital, but that's exactly what happened. The town was raided in the middle of the day, Ivin and children learning in the schoolhouse at the time. The shouting and screaming from outside alerted him of the attack, and he knew he had to keep the children safe no matter what. Aaron, letting his fears get the best of him, left his post to defend Ivin and the kids who were so defenseless. He was caught on his way to the schoolhouse and killed immediately. After the attackers were warded off, and a fourth of the town's members killed in the battle, Ivin found Aaron's body amongst the rest. Heartbroken, he sank into a deep depression, but still managed to life his life till about 48, caring for those kids whose parents had died or abandoned them.

Life After Reincarnation

Life is still going on for Ivin, hundreds of years after his previous life. He wasn't always religious, but his good deeds and heart had spoken well to the God that ruled over this world. He had been selected as a part of a guardian angel program, to save those who were in risk of death before it truly was their time. Ivin hated this, always keeping in mind a chance he'd seen Aaron agian once he passed away. Ivin was sent right away to the modern world, his mind knowing everything about his mission and what he was to do. To protect Rodney until it was his time to pass away naturally. Ivin was bitter and angry at this outcome, knnowing now he could instead be spending the rest of eternity with the love of his life, but having to watch over this clumsy idiot until he died. - This really was not something he wanted, and he resented Rodney at first for being the cause of this problem for him. Now, he can see it's not his fault, and has learned to appreciate the new life he was given. He is good friends with Rodney now, living with him as a roommate and finding genuine friendship and acceptance from the wolf, which he hadn't really found outside of Aaron when he was alive.


Rodney [Roommate/Best Friend]

Ivin and Rodney are officially "Roommates." Unofficially, they're best friends and have a pretty simple and calm friendship. Even though Rodney is a capable adult, he was given a guardian to protect him from a pre-emptive death. Ivin does care about Rodney after being around him for a while, and is finding it easier to let loose and be more of himself around his friend. He is still a bit bitter towards him for being the reason he's not in heaven right now, but Ivin figures if he's going to be stuck watching over anybody, he's glad it's Rodney. Rodney definitely helps Ivin aclimate to modern life, though he often is grumpy about changes and puts up a tough, stoic act. Ivin is learning to enjoy his second life with the help of his friend.

Aaron [ Boyfriend (Deceased) ]

Ivin was head over heels for Aaron, getting caught up in his smooth talk and confident aura. He was truly in love with him, and their relationship was sweet and kind. They did have to hide their relationship, not wanting to be caught together in worry of what their town would think, but when they could be alone together it was the happiest either of them had ever been. Aaron taught him how to open up, and enjoy the life they had. He is actually now living in Heaven, watching over Ivin as he lives out his new purpose. Aaron still remains happy and positive, not upset at anyone for what happened to Ivin, as he knows they will be together again soon. Aaron thinks highly of Rodney, and is glad for the way he has helped his boyfriend become less bitter and learn to aclimate to his new world.

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