Basic Info

Series / Story

Moth to the Flame


Moth / Butterfly Hybrid






A cantankerous moth with a tongue as sharp as her arrows, and a perpetual scowl to match. Skilled in archery via her past military training, Kiida's aim is unmatched, but her skill does not come with a sense of camaraderie. Her ruthless speed and accuracy in combat makes her quite intimidating, though her glare on its own is the definition of "if looks could kill".

After a forest fire destroyed her home and separated her from her family, Kiida has been on a solo journey to find her way back, viewing any accompaniment as a hindrance to this goal. She uses her harsh attitude to ward off predators and companions alike, but finds herself growing attached to the Z-Squadron after repeated encounters and Zander's persistence with befriending her. Eventually, they become her surrogate family and the siblings Kiida never had.

The fire caused Kiida to lose her wings and burned the fur on her back, which she hides with her armour. Thus, she is never seen with her back exposed, though some remnants of the previously burned wings can be seen at their base. While she was rescued in time and had her wings restored, the trauma of this event prevents her from flying. She hides this by claiming that it's "inefficient" and compensates for a lack of flight with her physical strength, climbing ability and use of a rope tethered to her quiver and arrows. The arrows themselves are flexible enough that, when shot into a tree successfully, Kiida can swing from the tether and cross several tree lengths at once, sometimes even re-shooting the tether mid-swing.