Shinju Hagiwara



5 years, 5 months ago



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Shinju Hagiwara

Shinju Hagiwara
RomajiHagiwara Shinju
Age23 (Corpse Party: Forbidden Rebirth)
25 (All other depictions)
Height5’5” / 166cm
Weight129lbs / 58.5kg
BirthdayJanuary 9th, 1985 (Capricorn)
Blood TypeA
SchoolSakuyou University
OccupationUniversity Student and High School Tutor
StatusAlive (TRUE END)
Alive (BAD END)
Alive (GOOD END)

Alive (LOST END)
LikesEarl grey tea, cheesecake, citrus oils, sweet alcoholic drinks, J-dramas and fireplaces
DislikesLightning, public bathrooms and doctor's appointments
HobbiesGoing out for drinks, taking long baths, interior design and tutoring high school students
Future DreamTo become a high school teacher
FamilyChika Hagiwara (Mother, 45)
Akito Hagiwara (Father, 47)
Kain Hagiwara (Younger sister, 16)
Voice Actors
Japanese Voice Actortbd
English Voice Actortbd

Shinju Hagiwara (萩原真珠 Hagiwara Shinju) is a minor character in Corpse Party: Forbidden Rebirth. She is a student of Sakuyou University, and Kain Hagiwara's older sister.

She is a minor character in TRUE END and GOOD END, as well as a main character in THE LOST CHAPTER.


Shinju is a young woman of average height with deep blue eyes and long, tawny grey hair that reaches midway down her back. She keeps a small portion of her hair tied back with a deep blue coloured ribbon.

Her typical school uniform is the standard Sakuyou attire, consisting of a white button-up shirt with a navy blue blazer featuring the Sakuyou emblem on the breast pocket, a blue and navy striped necktie and a blue plaid skirt. With it, she wears a pair of white stockings with navy blue loafers. The uniform is not mandatory for attending Sakuyou University, but Shinju chooses to wear it.


Shinju is a gentle and considerate young woman who attends Sakuyou University, a sprawling university campus located in Tokyo, where she’s studying to become a high school teacher. With her warm smile and soft voice, she’s a soothing presence that’s able to light up any room, and is known for being both a great listener and an amazing teacher. She cares deeply for the students she tutors and she’s always eager to learn new ways of communicating with them, as she wants everyone to be able to learn and succeed, no matter what their learning style is.

She’s a very mature person, and has been ever since she was young - with her parents often traveling all over the world for business, it was ultimately up to Shinju to maintain the household, manage their finances back home, and help care for her younger sister Kain. She often tells herself she’s grateful to have grown up so fast, as it gave her valuable experience with managing responsibilities while also helping and caring for a child, almost like a head start for her teaching career. However, she knows just how lonely and lost this left her feeling deep down, and secretly wishes her parents would have been just a bit more involved in their lives.

She’s extremely perceptive, especially when it comes to picking out troubled students from a crowd. Though her major is education, she’s minoring in psychology and has spent hundreds of hours studying identifying traits in children and teens on the spectrum or suffering from abuse. Thanks to her keen eye and high grades, she often acts as a representative for her university, attending college fairs and local events in the hopes of recruiting potential students. She’s made it her life’s goal to change the lives of as many teens as she can, and to try and see everyone through to graduation, no matter what they might be going through.

Though she’s much better at masking them, Shinju shares a few quirks with her little sister, one of which being her tendency to hide her intense emotions behind a smile. While Kain’s facade often breaks, Shinju has perfected the art of hiding her embarrassment until she’s alone, at which point she screeches into her hands and becomes extremely flustered. Considering she’s dealt with her own negative emotions alone throughout her entire life, she never shares any of her sadness or pain with anyone, though she doesn’t bottle these emotions up as her sister does - she’s figured out alternative ways of releasing her stress on her own time.

Despite the fact that she’s known for her kindness and warm personality, Shinju hasn’t always been that way. She was much more timid when she was in high school, and this only got worse following a traumatic incident where she was sexually assaulted in her third year. Following this event, Shinju became extremely cold and emotionally broken, locking herself in her room for the remainder of her final year and isolating herself from everyone around her. Due to her absence from school, she was forced to redo her third year around eight months after the incident. By that time, the offending parties had already graduated, and so she quietly returned to class and worked to build up her self-esteem again. To this day, she hasn’t told anyone about the incident, not even her little sister.

Shinju has a habit of drinking a fair amount of alcohol each night, whether she’s going out for drinks with her friends or simply drinking at home. Part of this is for her own personal enjoyment, but the other half is to forget the trauma she went through in high school. While she never gets blackout drunk, she’s not afraid to push her limits and her typical consumption is considered unhealthy. Thankfully, she isn’t the type of person to become belligerent or angry when she’s drunk, and instead becomes more affectionate and emotional the more she drinks.


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