Maki Kotobuki



5 years, 5 months ago



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Maki Kotobuki

Maki Kotobuki
RomajiKotobuki Maki
Age17 (Corpse Party: Forbidden Rebirth)
21 (All other depictions)
Height5’4” / 162cm
Weight124lbs / 56.2kg
BirthdaySeptember 9th, 1991 (Virgo)
Blood TypeO+
SchoolMisato Municipal Brotherhood High
OccupationHigh School Student
ClubPhotography Club
StatusAlive (TRUE END)
Alive (BAD END)
Alive (GOOD END)

Alive (LOST END)
LikesLoud rock music, 2000s fashion, reptiles, cemeteries and roller coasters
DislikesMale otaku and strategy games
HobbiesPhotography, practicing the clarinet, figure skating, keeping up with celebrity gossip and making her own jewelry
Future DreamTo become a professional photographer
FamilyRanka Kotobuki (Mother, 44)
Ryuji Kotobuki (Father, 43)
Voice Actors
Japanese Voice ActorKobayashi Aika (Yoshiko Tsushima, Love Live! Sunshine!!)
English Voice ActorKristen Schaal (Sarah Lynn, Bojack Horseman)

Maki Kotobuki (寿真希 Kotobuki Maki) is a minor character in Corpse Party: Forbidden Rebirth. She is a student of Misato Municipal Brotherhood High's class 2-4, and acts as the assistant manager/promotional team for Electric Dreams.

She is a minor character in GOOD END and BAD END, and the main protagonist of THE LOST CHAPTER.


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Maki is an assertive, hardworking girl from Misato Municipal Brotherhood High’s class 2-4. Popular for the “Maki’s Gossip Corner” section of the school newspaper and her charismatic personality, she’s well-known to every student at school - though their opinion of her varies from person to person. Despite her sharp tongue and tendency for sarcasm, she’s friendly to all of her classmates, but she doesn’t shy away from holding a grudge when someone has wronged her.

Maki is a natural born leader, and is always keeping up with the latest trends, if she’s not starting them herself. Her information gathering skills are superior to any other student at Misato Municipal, and she always has the latest scoop on whatever gossip is going around, whether it’s within the school grounds or about popular celebrities. Despite this, her true passion is photography, and she specializes in photos of people above all else. This hobby is inadvertently what started her “Gossip Corner” - after secretly grabbing a picture of two of the school’s most popular students together, she was recruited by the Newspaper Club to publish her own articles once a week. In addition to her work for the club, she runs her own blog where she posts additional gossip she’s caught wind of, which has given her almost complete control of the narrative around school.

Maki’s affection for punk gothic streetwear have landed her in tons of articles about street fashion, and she’s been offered multiple chances to model for magazines and act as the public face for some large companies. However, she routinely turns them down, as she much prefers being behind the camera than modeling for it.

Though not fully involved in the band, Maki is also the photographer and one of the managers of Electric Dreams, sharing the responsibility with 
Mikio Fukuhara. The two dated in their third year of junior high, though Maki broke up with him shortly after they began high school and has continuously shot down his attempts to get back together. Despite them often butting heads and arguing over which direction to take the band, Maki continues to manage them out of a sense of obligation, as she knows Mikio would lose his head if he were to manage the band alone.

Despite all of this, the public face that Maki presents to everyone is a complete farce. Secretly, she’s a huge otaku who has been collecting anime figures and setting high scores in new video games since she was in elementary school. This was much more obvious when she was in junior high, where she was an open chuunibyou who believed she was a half-vampire demon from hell, inspired by her favourite anime at the time. In the present day, Maki denies any sort of knowledge about video games and anime, presenting herself as a cool and fun girl who obsesses over the latest trends and celebrities like anyone else. To this day though, she still exclusively wears gold jewelry, after convincing herself that silver would kill a half-vampire like herself in junior high.


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  • TBA


  • Though initially only a one-off background character created in September of 2015, Maki's design was revamped in July of 2021, where she was given the role of assistant manager of Electric Dreams and a more updated look to match.
  • She has had multiple name changes over the years. Her initial 'beta' name was Sayuri in early 2015, which was later changed to Ranka in late 2015, and she was officially known as Ranka Kuchinashi (梔子蘭華 Kuchinashi Ranka) until July 2021.
  • Her mother's name is a nod to her previous beta name.

Profile by Erandia