Himawari Koizumi



5 years, 5 months ago



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Himawari Koizumi

Himawari Koizumi
RomajiKoizumi Himawari
NicknamesHimacchi (ひまっち) (by Maki)
Hima-chan (ひまちゃん) (by Tomoe)
Hima-san (ひまさん) (student body)
Age15 (Corpse Party: Forbidden Rebirth)
18 (All other depictions)
Height4'10" / 148cm
Weight110lbs / 49.8kg
BirthdaySeptember 25th, 1993 (Libra)
Blood TypeB
SchoolMisato Municipal Brotherhood High
OccupationHigh School Student
ClubPoetry Club
StatusAlive (TRUE END)
Alive (BAD END)
Alive (GOOD END)

Alive (LOST END)
LikesReading and writing poetry, festival fireworks, taking naps, melon soda and cows
DislikesTomatoes and raisin bread
HobbiesFlower arranging, blogging, keeping a journal and collecting stationary
Future DreamTo live on her farm with the love of her life
FamilyMiyo Koizumi (Mother, 46)
Goro Koizumi (Father, 49)
Voice Actors
Japanese Voice ActorTakatsuki Kanako (Hanamaru Kunikida)
English Voice Actortbd

Himawari Koizumi (小泉向日葵 Koizumi Himawari) is a minor character in Corpse Party: Forbidden Rebirth. She is a student of Misato Municipal Brotherhood High's class 1-3.

She is a minor character in GOOD END and BAD END, and a main character in THE LOST CHAPTER.


Himawari is a teenage girl of below average height and stocky build, with turquoise green eyes, thin eyebrows, round cheeks and strawberry pink hair that reaches to her waist. At school, she keeps her hair tied up in a side ponytail with a blue elastic, and she also wears a matching blue ribbon tied around her head to keep her bangs in place.

Her fall school uniform consists of a prussian blue sailor fuku with a white tie and a matching pleated skirt that ends at her knees. With it, she wears a pair of black knee-high socks and brown loafers. She is usually seen carrying a yellow plaid spiral-bound notebook where she writes her poetry.

Her casual outfit consists of a yellow plaid blouse with a blue collar, brown buttons and a small sunflower embroidered on the left breast, as well as a brown plaid pleated skirt. Along with this, she wears yellow bobby socks with a matching sunflower embroidered on the sides, and a pair of brown loafers. Beneath the collar of the blouse, she wears a short green ribbon tied into a bow.

"Her style: Farmcore, cutesy, joshikousei, preppy, cheery. Lots of yellows, greens, blues, pinks, and browns. Cows, milk, sunflowers, lots of plaid and gingham patterns, bows. Gingham button-ups, cute sweater vests, comfy t-shirts, animal-themed sweaters, long denim overalls, plaid skirts, cute ankle socks, loafers, sturdy boots for work, small ribbons for accessories. Her style is a blend between traditional, preppy and cutesy. Similar to her own personality, she combines whatever she likes into an outfit and goes with the flow. Even her work clothing is cute, despite the fact it always gets dirty."


Himawari is a kind and dreamy girl from Misato Municipal Brotherhood High's class 1-3. Often called Hima by her classmates, she’s an optimist that always has her head in the clouds, and can disappear into her daydreams even when things are taking place right under her nose. Though she has a bad habit of falling asleep in class and her grades are less than stellar, her gentle nature and seemingly never-ending patience have earned her many friends among Misato Municipal, especially for only being a first year student.

She's the type of person who marches to the beat of her own drum, easily picking herself back up again when she falls down. She doesn't let the opinions of others affect her, and is practically immune to any sort of intimidation techniques. Because of this, she occasionally ends up involved in nasty situations, as groups of bullies will try to gang up on her and take advantage of her kindness. However, she’s fully capable of telling them off, even when she doesn’t realize she’s being intimidated - her simple “no thanks” or “maybe another time” responses are typically enough to throw them off their game and leave them more bewildered than angry.

Despite her small stature, Hima is much stronger than she looks - she was born and raised on her family’s farm, and has been caring for animals and handling chores since she was a child. Her weekends are often spent herding cattle, collecting eggs and milk and ensuring all the animals and crops have been tended to. Her airheaded personality often gives people the impression that she’s lazy, but make no mistake - she’s a hard worker capable of caring for large groups of livestock, and she prioritizes the jobs on her farm more than her schoolwork for the sake of her family’s business.

Having grown up on the farm in a traditional household her whole life, Hima isn’t very good with technology, and she doesn’t even own a cellphone of her own. Her only experiences with the Internet are through her childhood friend, Maki Kotobuki, who recently got her set up on a blogging website that she’s still figuring out how to use. Even though her home computer is quite an old model with a CRT screen, she’s had tons of fun learning about emoticons and internet speak, even if her blog formatting hasn’t been all that great so far.

Hima is very vocal about her love for poetry, and is a prominent member of Misato Municipal’s Poetry Club, with a dream to become the club’s president in her third year. She helps to host a poetry competition each week among the club members, and collaborates with Maki to publish the winning piece in each new edition of Misato’s school newspaper. Unbeknownst to him, it was actually Hima who secretly published one of Hatto Sudo’s poems in the paper, and she’s been nagging him to join the Poetry club since she first entered high school, much to his dismay.

She rarely thinks about the past or the future, preferring to enjoy the moment and prefers to ignore future issues until she gets to that point. As such, a lot of her poems are written based on what she feels right in that moment, the world around her and whatever is on her mind at that time. Because of this, a lot of her poetry is happy and cheery, since she likes writing whenever she’s in a good mood or experiencing something amazing. That being said, she certainly isn’t incapable of writing sad poems, and many of her pieces have a melancholic tinge to them that’s difficult to place - her poems are based on moments she never wants to end, after all.


Nullam a imperdiet nunc, et dictum eros. Etiam porttitor tortor non aliquam iaculis. Pellentesque non lectus eu magna vehicula cursus quis in turpis. Mauris iaculis turpis nec enim efficitur porttitor. Aenean non dolor nunc. Aliquam sit amet tortor lectus. Ut finibus malesuada interdum. Maecenas eget metus sed purus tincidunt eleifend a at enim. Donec molestie malesuada volutpat. Sed vel tellus odio. Suspendisse finibus lacinia ex luctus rutrum. Donec convallis dictum mollis. Etiam lacinia mollis pretium. Fusce vel sem sit amet eros tincidunt tempor. Ut ipsum tellus, scelerisque pharetra vestibulum et, consequat a tellus. Duis iaculis rhoncus sodales.


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  • Ut habeo scaevola inciderint eum, at illud minim eruditi mei. Ne clita pericula euripidis mel, no nec paulo omnium. An aperiam nusquam commune nam, eos probatus expetendis philosophia ei. Tale minimum iracundia mea ad. Purto wisi id mei.
  • Mazim aeque meliore cum ne, ea sit stet delectus, mei eu laboramus mediocritatem. Ea nec populo adolescens abhorreant, ex alii autem decore nam, tota clita et duo. Ius atomorum necessitatibus in, usu posse voluptaria signiferumque et. Voluptua vituperatoribus qui ne, eum porro libris eu, sed ne dico atqui qualisque..
  • Mei in soluta intellegam, has habemus intellegat instructior no. Tota iriure ad pro. Appareat tractatos vel ea, qui unum sensibus in. Atomorum elaboraret qui ne, cu est elit habeo, saepe sapientem has te.
  • TBA


  • Her favourite colour is bright yellow.
  • Her favourite foods are yakiniku, honeydew, watermelon, grilled corn, omelette, and shaved ice.
    • She has a deep love for Japanese festival foods - August is her favourite time of year, and she tries to eat one of everything from all the stalls set up at Misato’s shrine. Besides this, she loves the melons that grow on her family’s farm, and makes herself omelettes every morning with eggs from their chickens.
  • Her favourite drink is a melon soda float.
    • She loves anything melon-flavoured, but melon soda floats are a special summertime treat, and therefore are more important to her.
  • Her least favourite foods are tomatoes and raisin bread.
    • In both cases, it’s not the taste that she doesn’t like, but the texture. She still enjoys foods like ketchup and pizza - so long as it doesn’t have the texture of tomatoes, she likes it.
  • She uses the personal pronoun "watashi" when referring to herself.
  • She has autism and ADHD.

Profile by Erandia