


5 years, 5 months ago





Jules' life wasn't all that chaotic, the only thing he ever had to worry about was how to make money. He was a very weak witch who could only manage the simpler spells so he couldn't make a living off of magic in the way most other witches did. His family ran a little shop but he wanted the exciting life and this was the roaring 20's! So he ran off and became an entrepreneur in his 20's, faking being psychic to all the normal people and making bank. He's incredibly charismatic and can use just enough magic to be highly convincing so his business did really nice for a few years. He started livin the spicy life and hanging out in the cool kid's speakeasies for tasty drinks and potential customers. This is where he met Bastion, the owner of one of these speakeasies. The guy definitely knew Jules was faking most of his readings and trying to swindle money out of people but he went along with it like a champ. They had a low key flirty romance going on that eventually became not so low key. Eventually they hook up and Jules finds out there's a LOT to unpack with this guy but he doesn't really mind! Bastion's the first person he's stuck around with for an extended period of time and despite the vampirism he still wants to be with him. Jules found him adorably charming and inspiring, Bastion had the type of determination to do whatever he wanted and actually succeed.

The saddest part Jules tried not to think about was eventually he would get old and die while Bastion would stay the same over the years. He didn't really want to be a vampire and surprisingly Bastion was okay with all of this. Their agreement on this all goes down the drain when someone else turns Jules to try and one-up Bastion, who ends up brutally murdering them. At first Jules is upset but after he gets used to it he's having a great time as a vampire. Stay good looking forever, hard to kill, and not like he had much magic to miss anyway. He can move fast enough with his vampire speed to do basically the same sort of tricks he did before. As a turned vampire he's just a basic, regular vampire. Heightened senses, speed, needs blood to live, all that stuff. Turned vampires aren't burned by the sunlight and no vampires need to consume regular food. They can if they want to for taste, Jules eats out all the time. Buy him a tasty burger and suddenly you're best buddies.

Since eternity is long Jules and Bastion end up having an open relationship of sorts. Either one can go off and date someone else if they want to as long as they don't force the other into the relationship. Bastion didn't venture out much with this but Jules had a few flings with others. The most special one being Jax, a demigod. A cute college student who stole his heart as a worker at Target, the ideal life. It was a struggle getting Bastion to be nice around Jax since he's got a thing against anyone with god blood but eventually he gets past that and they all become buddies. Unexpectedly, Bastion ends up romancing with Jax too. Works out for Jules, his two favorite people together with him! Truly the ideal life for this guy.


a bit muscular (twunk)
Hair color
Hair style
messy undercut
  • Loves wearing patterned button down shirts half buttoned.
  • Has many ear piercings, usually matches them up with his outfit of the day.
  • Does he ever brush his hair? Nobody knows, it always looks a bit wild.
  • Skinny jeans are a staple. Crop tops are a close second to the button down shirts.



  • ultra charimatic
  • playful
  • high energy
  • content


  • food
  • magic world
  • guys
  • children


  • seafood
  • content
  • content
  • content

"What were the 20's like? Dude I barely remember last week"

Very charismatic, happy go lucky type of person. He's a bit childish but in the playful, poking fun at friends kind. Also kinda has the attention span of a small child. He's definitely more likely to run around playing with children than sit around and chat with the adults. He would absolutely love to babysit most of those kids at his mansion if all the witches didn't hate his husband with a passion. Babies aren't his thing though, he's not quite sure how to handle them.

Somehow he managed to get an entire coven of witches who hate vampires to love him and want him around, he's that charismatic and fun to hang around. Even though he can't do magic anymore and couldn't really do it when he was alive, he's super interested in the magic side of the world and pokes his nose in all the witchy business. He helps the coven out with some things and runs some errands for them so they let him.

Food is his PASSION. Bastion loves to cook and bake stuff during the day so when Jules comes home he's ready for a feast. The only thing he won't eat is seafood! He gets to taste a lot of fancy food with his lifestyle but his top favorite will always be a good burger and fries.


Strength 75%

Stamina 75%

Magic 75%

Resistance 75%

Accuracy 75%

Courage 75%

Strategy 75%

Luck 75%

Skill name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Skill name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Skill name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.



Lost City Skye

Jules isn't from Skye so he finds all the local witch history fascinating, especially the Lost City.

Modern day Skye is built on what witch historians believe to be where the ancient city once stood. There are artifacts of the lost city clustered in this area more than anywhere else. According to legend, the original Skye was an underground magic city with a large stone of pure magic powering the city and making the inhabitants very powerful witches with the energy it leaked out. Once a citizen became of age, they had the choice of wandering out into the world and bringing their magic to witches outside of their city, along with bringing new magic back to their own when they returned. Some chose to continue to live their lives in the outside world. Skye was first created as a safe haven for witches, only beings with magic could open the gates.

One day the gates sealed and moved location without explanation, trapping all the skylians who traveled out of their city for knowledge and trapping everyone else within. This is where the more powerful founding witch families of modern Skye originate from. Because nobody can find any concrete evidence, many believe the lost city of Skye to be a fairy tale. These people believe the modern Skye was the only one, not some magical underground city.

Skylian is a dead language lost to time but with the dedication of many anthropologist witches over the centuries, they've begun to put together the alphabet and grammar rules. A rumor of a vampire who was an ancient skylian has been floating around for centuries but nobody's been able to figure out who it could be. Researchers are hoping to find more clues in ancient skylian writings as they begin to understand more. They're also still trying to figure out how to use many skylian magic artifacts, especially the traveler's stones each skylian who left the city had. They don't know how they function but the stones hold strong magic.


In the city of Skye, the witches celebrate the founding families. These are the powerful witches who came together and created the coven that still stands strong today. It is rumored these families all come from the lost city of Skye, for those who believe in it. They have heightened magical abilities passed down through the family lines compared to other witches.

There are eight founding families, all of which stem from a powerful bloodline of pure witches. Pure witches are significantly more powerful than any modern witch but fortunately they're long gone in the past so nobody has to deal with that. Over the years, the bloodlines have become a bit watered down but these families still hold more power than other witch families. In order from most powerful: Everly, Lancaster, Oakes, Hayes, Dryden, Carlyle, Ceran, Dryden. The Everly line is the only line that can be easily identified by a vaguely bird-shaped birthmark on the left inner arm. They also have a significant downside for all their power: for generations the first born children never survive. A curse from the gods caused them to be born with too much magical energy for their bodies to handle and usually ended up burning out and dying at a very young age. The myth begins with a goddess named Everly being cast down from the celestial realm and cursed to live a mortal life. Not many know the full tale but everyone knows that unless a god steps in, the firstborn will die. Gods haven't meddled with humanity for thousands of years so firstborns dying is just an accepted part of life for this family.

Famous witches

Bastion Everly is by far the most famous witch in the history of Skye, and possibly further across the world. He created an insane amount of spells, most of which are common practice in modern days, and nobody knows why. Nobody even knows what happened to him, he disappeared as a young adult without a trace. His grimoire is also a mystery, the witches have it on display but nobody has been able to open it. It has a sealing spell on it and researchers are still trying to figure out the conditions of the spell. Creating so many spells in such a short time, was it desperation or just being a genius? The fact he's left such an imprint after around two thousand years and the sheer amount of spells they have without ever opening his grimoire is impressive.

Alexander Oakes appears in the 18th century with a very unique look on magic. He was considered a prodigy and his skill drastically increased in his young adult years. He also lead a very secretive life in his mansion, especially in his later years before he died of old age. Suddenly he went from gracious host to refusing to let people inside his home, instead meeting people anywhere else. His grimoire was entrusted to a mystery person at his death, along with all of his belongings. Currently, a vampire lives in his mansion. Many supernatural historians speculate this vampire manipulated him but nothing is proven, nobody wants to mess with this vampire for a multitude of reasons. (This vampire is Bastion. Jules knows Alex was the only other person Bastion was really close to before he came around. They stuck together til Alex died of old age, kinda sad but also sweet.)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.





He really enjoys the time they spend together, even after around 80 years together. Bastion's a handful to deal with sometimes because of the aftermath of all his traumas but there isn't anyone Jules would rather spend his life with. There isn't anyone else he would trust his life with.




Ah yes, the Target worker who stole his heart. Dating a demigod is pretty cool and useful but of course, that's not why they're together. He's a really smart, talented witch who's also really laid back and fun to be around, especially for someone as high energy as Jules.


'Cause you're a natural, a beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold to make it in this world