
5 years, 6 months ago



Caiden Brown



Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 22

R.O./S.O. Bisexual

Height 6'5"

Occupation Editor


Caiden is pretty much just a giant sweetheart. He just wants to help out everyone he can really. He tends to try and emphasize with people when they have problems, to try and get how they feel a little. From not being able to talk much, he turns to being a really good listener instead, trying to listen and problem solve for someone.

Because of this he can tend to try and see the good in everyone he comes across, even if it ends in a bit of detriment to him. He also tends to break up fights and try to be the reasonable one, even when unwanted. Yet he manages to have a good head, and doesn't lose his cool often about things, being easy to forgive.



Caiden always had some health problems growing up, stemming from his throat and vocal cords. After not being sure what was wrong with him, it came to the point where he couldn't talk much anymore. So while he can still talk some, he prefers to use sign to communicate. He was an adventurous kid though, and would often travel in the woods outside his home. Where he found a strange skull. He took it home and his dad helped clean it up and preserve it, where he procceeded to, put it on his head. And that's how he's wore his skull since.

Because of his inability to talk much, and some kids finding him weird by wearing the skull, he struggled to make friends in school much. Until he met a girl named Makayla, who actually knew sign, so he could talk to her. He very quickly grew close to her from that moment on.

Though after becoming an adult, Caiden found work in being a work from home editor, though he didn't feel satisfied. Remembering his adventures as a kid, he wanted to experience that again. So when a strange traveling magician came to his town, wanting to travel to the center of the world, he jumped on the opportunity instantly.

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Caiden lives in a world where a few hundred years ago the entirety of the world started being pulled together by a mysterious force. All the continents were pulled to be pressed up against each other into one giant island, a reverse Pangaea of sorts.

As the continents started getting pulled together, strange phenomena started occuring. At first, it was just changes to environments that weren't natural. Rain in deserts, lakes starting to dry up. Then it got weirder, chunks of land would start to just float, or there would be very large versions of plants that are normally not that large, just as examples.

People started to speculate that whatever was in the center pulling the world together was the cause of this. Especially as it started manifesting in people and animals, where people would get strange and unique abilities to themselves. But even though it's supsected to be coming from the center of the world, no one's been there to prove it. Or at least...has never been there and lived.


Caiden's ability seems to be having a bit of superhuman strength. His strength per muscle mass tends to be several times stronger than that of a normal human. And he uses this to his advantage by working out to keep himself pretty strong most of the time.


Yet somehow despite this grand strength, he seems to know how painful it can be, and has learned to be exceptionally gentle with fragile things. Though sometimes he still gives to strong of hugs that squeeze the recipient by accident.
