


5 years, 7 months ago




Full Name Gabriel Mason
Gender Male
Age 23
Species Human


A kindhearted, gentle man, he really wants to help people out. He's really intelligent, and knows many things about the world, but constantly wants to learn more. He has a lot of book smarts, and can usually solve problems fairly easily on his own. Despite all this going for him...he's got extremely bad anxiety and panic disorder. He always ends up thinking the worst in every situation, and freaks out over having to just talk to people. He'll end up getting anxiety attacks in stressful situations, so he doesn't handle stress very well. He also doesn't do well in public situations, sometimes he gets moments so bad he can't even go to the grocery store. Despite his anxiety issues, he constantly tries to overcome it, though usually that overcoming involves people talking to him first.


Growing up Gabriel never really knew his parents. As a baby he was found left in the yard of a different young couple, who ended up taking him in. They were good to him, but they never really wanted a child, and didn't really claim him as their son. Gabriel never felt any ill will about them for that, as it wasn't their fault he got abandoned. But because of this, he always thought he had been unwanted by his parents, which didn't help his anxiety any, and just made him feel no one would ever want him.

To help with his anxiety as an adult and keep him from anxiety attacks, he ended up getting a service dog. A German Shepard named Ruby. Ruby helps him be more comfortable out in public and helps him if he ever feels himself having an attack. While she hasn't been with him long, Gabriel trusts her completely and relies on her a ton.

At some point soon after getting Ruby, Gabriel ended up meeting his brother. While the two didn't realize it at first, they managed to compare how similar they were to each other, and a DNA test later showed they were related. From his brother, Gabriel eventually learned his separation was an accident, and that he was actually wanted by his family after all. After knowing this information, Gabriel started to feel a bit better about himself. At least enough to deal with three others, as he joins them on a journey to the center of the reverse Pangea like world.


Birthday:March 9
Weight:155 lbs
Alignment:Lawful Good
RO/SO:Asexual Heteromantic

  • Science
  • Reading
  • Dog care


Ice powers

Gabriel has very slight ice powers. He can make ice in his hands and can manipulate water a small bit, but he can't do it very much. His body temperature is lower than a normal person because of that. Anything too hot can burn him much easier than it would another person, and he prefers colder weather. It's possible for Gabriel to learn more complex things with his powers, but because he never practices and doesn't have someone to teach him, he doesn't know how.

From another world...?

While this point isn't relevant to his story, Gabriel seems to be from a different world than the one he resides in. An accident from his mother and her psychic powers sent him to the one he grew up in, which accidentally led him to believe he was abandoned. Gabriel then later in life met his brother, who also had a strange ability to hop through universes, where Gabriel infered and later had confirmation that he was brought to this universe by accident. Despite this, Gabriel grew up in the world he resides in, and he decided he'd rather live here, than go back to the one he was born in.







[ Crush (later Girlfriend) ] Gabriel thought Kristen was cute the moment he first saw her, but because of his anxiety, he had a hard time expressing any feelings towards her, despite the two traveling together for a bit. While the two got closer and really cared about each other he felt like she deserved someone better than him, and never expressed his feelings towards her. He even continued to struggle with his self worth even after it started to become obvious that she liked him, but eventually he learned to accept and be receptive of her feelings



[ Friend ] Caiden has always been nice and understanding to Gabriel's troubles, and was always willing to lend a helping hand to him if he needs it. Gabriel appreciates all the help Caiden gives him, even with trying to help him come out of his shell, and he tries really hard to do better because of that, even if it's still really hard for him to do.



[ Friend ] These two aren't the closest friends to each other, but they don't mind a whole lot. The two have never really been hard on each other or mean, so they were just kinda neutral for a bit. Even still they do help each other with different tasks, and are willing to do favors for one another, knowing they can trust the other.



[ Brother ] Gabriel grew up thinking he was abandoned and unwanted by his family. That is until he met Armani. Armani seems to have the odd ability to hop between worlds, and he found himself in the presence of Gabriel, where they figured out that they are brothers by blood. Gabriel figured out from him after that that him getting abandoned was an accident, and he ended up in this world from the one he was born in. After the two brothers finally figured out they were related, the two wanted to do everything to get to know each other, and love each other despite not knowing each other long. (character belongs to ElisDead)