Gabriel (Ruby)



5 years, 4 days ago


8 months
German Shepard Dog


Ruby is Gabriel's best friend and trusted service dog. When she had been bred and trained to be a service dog from a puppy. When she was five months old, she was assigned to Gabriel as his service dog. Gabriel suffers from very severe anxiety, and is prone to having anxiety and panic attacks in public, even from small amounts of stress. Because of this, he was recommended by his doctor to get a service dog. This is when he got Ruby.

Ruby is extremely protective of Gabriel, and will go almost everywhere with him. She helps keep him calm in situations, and is trained to help him out if he were to start having an anxiety or panic attack. She also helps him out with other things she is trained to do, even small household tasks. Gabriel absolutely adores her, and spoils her whenever she's not on duty, as he believes she really helps him go out in the world and be better in social situations.


Ruby is strangely more intelligent than other dogs. This is an ability her bloodline ended up developing, and an actual good breeder used that trait, and bred more German Shepards with that higher intelligence, to use specifically as service dogs. With this intelligence, Ruby seems to understand human speech a lot easier than most dogs, and despite not being able to speak herself, can respond to questions in her own way. She understands that her duty is to help Gabriel out, and loves and cares about him a ton, taking her job very seriously even for her young age.


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