JohnathanTurner(Lone Wanderer)



5 years, 9 months ago


Design is by me

Name: Jonathan "John" Turner, known by most people outside of DC as The Lone Wanderer. Goes by Lone after Fallout 3.

 Age: 19 during Fallout 3, 31 immediate post Fallout 4

 Faction sided with: Brotherhood of Steel 

Gender: Male

Relationship: Was in a relationship with an unammed woman Post F3/Pre-F4 that ended after raiders killed her. Enters relationship with a ghoul named Kyle in his mid thirties.

Sexuality: Apothisexual/bi-grayromantic

Birthday: July 13th

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:

Strength: 5

Perception: 5

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 8

Agility: 5

Luck: 3

Personality: At the start of his journey, Lone is very much against killing people, including non feral ghouls, and doesn't like anyone who tries to convince him to murder. As he travels and is finally forced to kill others to survive, Lone grows numb to it, much to his grief. Blames himself for a lot of things that doesn’t go well. Has Low self esteem and takes a while to build his confidence up. Tends to get too attached to people really fast. Worries a lot. Ironically is calm during difficult situations, keeps a cool head, only begins to panic once said event is over. Has trouble controlling emotions the more overwhelming they become. Nervous around strangers and doesn’t really know how to talk to people. Doesn’t like people who are picking on someone who can’t defend themself. Will try to talk his way out of things over fighting. Has a very helpful and kind nature and doesn’t back down from helping people for little to no reward. By the time he’s 30, Lone is full of grief and convinced he’s the root of most people’s problems, as they tend to get worse in his eyes when he’s around, and purposely isolated himself and becomes detached from people. He slwoly learns to allow himself to get close to others again, but it takes a very long time for him to do so. As he gets older he tries to make things better for others and lend a helping hand to those who needs it. He becomes a saint in a lot of small communities eyes and legends of him tend to spread via travelers- of that Lone Wanderer who came and made their lives a little brighter.

Story: Lone grew up in Vault 101 and left when he became targeted by the Vaults overseer. Lone went to look for his father, James, and ended up finding his way to Megaton as an incredibly lost traveler. He stayed at the communal lodge and ended up denying a job from Guy , who took Lone's disinterest to heart. Worse so when Lone deactivated the bomb Guy wanted Lone to set off instead, making Lone get put onto someones hit list so soon after leaving the Vault. As a reward, Lone is given a home and a house cleaner named Wadsworth. Lone decides to try his luck at Galaxy News to find his father but is ambushed by some assassins. Lone manages to evade them by hiding in a dumpster near a raider hideout but is then attacked by a Raider named Dandy and some other people from her group. Lone wakes up at an old mans camp, and is discouraged from trying his luck in the wasteland again. The old man takes Lone back to town.. He meets a townswoman named Moira who upgrades his suit to be tougher. As payment, Moira tasks him with helping her with her book. Lone does so and the two of them travel for a time, during which they end up meeting Dogmeat. Dogmeat joins them on their travels. Moira and Lone become good friends and manage to steal back Lone's stolen supplies from the group Dandy is a part of. After this adventure, Moira says she is done with the wasteland traveling for now. Now reinvigorated with new courage, Lone makes the decision to look for his dad again. Moira asks him to take more notes while he is away and Lone leaves her and Dogmeat at Megaton, once again on the hunt for his missing father.

Lone makes his journey and soon reaches DC proper. He runs straight into a battle between The Brotherhood of Steel and some Super Mutants. Lone then meets Sarah Lyons and gets a crush on her. Sarah tells Lone to stick with them as they are heading in the same direction. During the journey, the group gets attacked by a Behemoth and in the fight, Lone takes it down using a discarded Fat Man one of the BOS had dropped. The BOS are impressed and eventually get to Galaxy News Radio where Lone meets 3 Dog. 3 Dog tells Lone about Project Purity and points him into the direction of Rivett City. OOn his way to Rivett City, Lone finds the Underground and meets with the ghouls that live there. Lone buys Charon's contract and feels safer traveling through this devastated wasteland with someone whose a killing machine, though he becomes terrified of Charon after Charon kills his old boss. The title for Lone Wanderer comes up after Lone and Charon fix the satellite for 3 Dog's radio, but at the time Lone hated the name and preferred to go by John instead. They reach Rivett City and meet with Madison Li who is surprised to see Lone. She tells him how she first met Lone and about her work with James on Project Purity. She comes up with a plan for them to get inside Jefferson Memorial to find the purifier. Lone and Charon go inside to find James, but only find his notes on Vault 112. 

The two of them make their way back to Megaton where they remeet with Moira. Moira asks Lone about what he has seen while he was out in the Capital Wasteland, and Lone fills her in on his next plans while saying hello to Dogmeat. While there, Lone finds the Outcasts signal and decides to go check it out. Lone and Charon find another battle where The Outcasts of Steel are fighting Super Mutants. Lone joins the fight and helps the Outcasts. They tell Lone of the simulation they're having trouble with and Lone agrees to go in for them. Lone is then transported to Operation Anchorage, and meets a man named Benjamin Montgomery. Lone goes through the simulation and eventually finds the camp he was instructed to go to. Lone is given a team of 3 men: Nate Ainsworth, Carter Bells, and Amanda Holt. They do another test and succeed. The test ends in Lone being invited to drinks at camp and Nate telling Lone about his spouse, Roxanne Ainsworth, and their son Shaun, who isn't born yet. Before the party, the simulation changes again to the next test. They are victorious and Holt and Bells kiss each other, but as the celebration starts again, Lone is teleported into a test where their commander, Chase, tells Lone that they are ready to go attack the main base at Anchorage. During the final fight, Ainsworth panics and Lone pulls him out of it, getting the man too  fight again despite not wanting to add to the bloodshed. Lone finishes the simulation and wakes up, betrayed by one of the other Outcasts. A fight ensures between the traitors and the rest of the group, and Lone and the Outcast survivors are victorious. Lone gets his Gauss Rifle. 

Lone and Charon scope out Vault 112 before going in. Lone enters Tranqulity Lane alone where he meets Doc thr dog and Betty. Betty talls Lone to make Ted cry and Lone does, becoming upset afterwards and tells Betty he won't do that anymore. With the help of an old woman, Lone finds the failsafe in the abandoned house, but is confronted by Betty. Betty reveals herself to be the Overseer, Braun, and tries to stab Lone, but is stopped by Doc. Lone activates the failsafe and everyone but Betty leaves. Lone leaves the memory pod and in another James, who is revealed to have been Doc, leaves as well. Father and son become reunited.

The trio go back to Megaton and James explains his plans to Lone. They get into an argument- Lone is mad James left and James is mad that Lone left. Lone leaves mid argument and Charon follows him. Lone tells him to go away and Lone goes home alone. Moira, accompanied with Charon and Dogmeat, goes to Lone's house and talks to Lone. James had headed back to Rivett City and Lone decides to go back and find him. On their way, they run into a man selling robots and offers to sell them RL-3. Lone obliges and the robot is added to the team. They meet Reily's Rangers and help them out. Reily offers to escort them to Rivett City and Lone agrees. Lone reunites with his father and the both of them talk and make up. They talk about Project Purity and James said he could probably find more people to help them clear out the super mutants in the building, but it's going to take time. Lone has no plans and doesn't know what to do with himself. 

Time passes and a woman eventually approaches Lone and asks him to help her find her daughter, Nadine at Point Lookout. Lone agrees and she leads him to a ferry Nadine had taken to get there. At the boardwalk, Lone meets a woman named Panda who points Lone towards a manor. There Lone saved a man named Desmond and is paid to find out why he was attacked. Lone meets the group that points him to a swamp where Lone experiences hallucinations about his father and mothers deaths. Lone wakes up and finds out he has had a lobotomy. He meets Nadine who he convinces to go with him to meet Desmond, and to leave the island and return home afterwards. Lone gets in the middle of Calvert and Desmond weird homoerotic tension. IDK I haven’t played the game in years but I know these two old weirdos suck and hate each other. Lone helps Desmond kill Calvert and Desmond leaves, like an asshole. 

Back in Rivett City, James says it is time to start Project Purity. Meeting with a member of the BOS named Cross, Lone along with his dad and Li clear out the Jefferson Memorial. Shortly afterwards, the Enclave attacks and James kills himself via radiation poisoning to kill Autumn. Lone is taken to the Citadel afterwards. Lone is devastated by James’s death. Lone is furious when he finds out that President Eden, the proclaimed leader of the Enclave, has taken credit for Project Purity. Lone is pointed to Vault 87 where the GECK the Enclave needs may be located.

At Little Lamplight, MacCready says he won’t let Lone into the vault unless he helps save their friends in Paradise Falls. Lone begrudgingly agrees and kills the slavers, knocking out Clove who tries to attack him. Charon kills Crimson and Lone is upset. He ends up firing Charon. Vault meets Fawkes in Vault 87 and with his help is able to retrieve the GECK. As they make their way out, however, they're ambushed and Lone is taken to Raven Rock. Lone is freed from his cell by President Eden. Autumn defies Eden and orders Lone to be shot. Eden reveals his plans to Lone about poisoning the water to wipe mutants from the world, killing humans in the process and letting the Enclave take over. Lone takes the GECK sample and leaves the base, to which it gets destroyed some time later. Lone joins in on the final assault on the Enclave with the BOS. Fawkes goes into the purifier and the Capital wasteland gets clean water.

With his fathers passion project complete, the full weight of everything Lone lost, from his vault to his father, hits him hard. Lone spends a lot of time in Megaton, either home alone or with Moira, or helping the less fortunate that he manages to find across the Capital Wasteland. At one point he runs into Dandy and the raiders she hangs out with and ends up killing all of them but Dandy when they attack him again. Mothership Zeta and The Pitt happen around this time, but I never played those DLCs so I don't have a summary of Lone's decisions through them, however, what happened at The Pitt messed Lone up enough he decided to leave the Capital Wasteland all together, deciding to never return.

Lone makes his way to Cincinati and finds a city called Arch City. He decides to stay there and eventually falls in love with someone he met there. Life seemed to be looking up and Lone feels like he could genuinely begin to heal from everything that has happened to him, until a raider attack killed his new love and destroyed most of the city. Lone leaves and heads east, until he makes his way to the Commonwealth. He stops in Goodneighbor and there he meets Courier, ED-E, and Sole, who are both curious with the vault dweller. Courier and Sole swap their stories between them, but Lone is uninterested, avoiding their questions and leaving, especially when Lone realizes that he has met Nate before and that this was the spouse he was told of in the simulation. At this point, Lone introduces himself as the Lone Wanderer. Lone leaves and meets a raider friend of Sole's named Red. Lone and Red hang out as Sole and Courier catch up to them. Sole manages to convince Lone to stick around and Lone decides why not, he has nowhere else to go. 

Lone is surprised with Maxson's rise to Elder of the BOS and grieves over Sarah's death. However, Lone hates what the BOS has become and tells Maxson just that. He finally tells Courier and Sole who he was in the Capital wasteland. Lone is even more surprised when he finds out now adult MacCready is living in the Commonwealth as well. MacCready convinces Lone to join him, Sole, ED-E, and Courier to the Capital Wasteland. Lone begrudgingly agrees to go. They stop in Appalachia before getting to DC. There, they meet Sentinel Withers who arrests Sole, takes ED-E, and kicks everyone else out of the Capital. Courier gets mad and she and MacCready leave Lone, who goes to Megaton. Lone meets with Moira again and she tells him Vault 101 has been ransacked by Sentinel Withers and her BOS. Lone and Moira go to Big Town and run into Butch and Amata. Lone has a breakdown but Amata and Butch don't blame him for what had happened in Vault 101. Lone reunites with Courier, MacCready, and now Duncan and sneak into the Citadel and rescue Sole and ED-E and, surprisingly and reluctantly, a trapped Eden. Lone realizes Withers is Dandy and she has been search for him trying to enact the same punishment he did to her years ago when he murdered her family, first by attacking Vault 101 then by trying to kill and dispose of Sole and ED-E. They manage to escape her and head back north to the Commonwealth. Maxson is furious with what had happened in the Capital wasteland and tells Sole they're not allowed to go there anymore. They give Eden to the Institute.

Sole and Lone go on a solo rescue mission when Courier was off having fun and meet Vulpes Inculta. They save him and go back to Goodneighbor where they run into Courier. Vulpes attacks Lone by smashing a bottle in his face, giving him his facial scar, and flees, Courier on his tail. Sole begs Courier not to kill him and she says fine, but she's pissed. Lone helps out with survaying Nuka World with Sole and Vulpes when they find out that it was now completely empty. Raiders from Libertaria and Nuka World, led by an ex-Legionary named Putoria, begin attacking the Minutemen hard, they are finally cornered at the Castle and Sole gives themself up to the raiders. Lone prepares himself to lose someone else he was close to again before the BOS come in and save the trapped Minutemen and their general. A final push takes the fight to Libertaria and although Putoria escapes, the raiders attacks have ended.

Courier reveals her plan to go back to the Mojave wasteland and takes Vulpes, ED-E, Lone, SOle, and Shaun with her. They get teleported from the Commonwealth to the Big MT where they meet the Think Tank. From there they go back to New Vegas. Lone sticks around exploring the city and helps Courier when Motimer tries to do a coup to overthrow her. The NCR approach Courier and Vulpes and tell them about their plan for getting rid of the incredibly weakened Legion. They go to Arizona and in the battle, Courier kills Vulpes, who turncoats after they get to Flagstaff. From there they go to New Caanan, given directions by the NCR for Courier to find whats left of her family in New Arroyo. They join a caravan where Lone meets a ghoul named Kyle. After arriving at New Arroyo, meeting Monroe the Chosen One, and attending his funeral, Lone decides he wants to make his own way from there and that he is leaving. During their travels, Lone and Kyle have grown incredibly close and Lone joins his caravan. Lone leaves his friends and for years travels with Kyle, the two of them fallen in love with each other, helping people who need it, before they settle down. Lone grows old and dies peacefully at an incredibly old age, happy and at peace.