Courier 6 (Becky Hurtz)



5 years, 6 months ago


Design is by me

Name: Rebecca "Becky" Hurtz (Goes by Courier or Six as that is what most of the world knows her by)

Gender: Female

Relationship: Has had many fling and short relationships, her longest being with a man named Malcolm who she has a child with before his death, and another, complicated one with Mobius.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 25

Faction sided with: Independent/ Yes Man

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:

Strength: 6

Perception: 5

Endurance: 8 

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 5 

Agility: 5 

Luck: 5 

Personality: Loud, angers easily, lonely. Not very open with her emotions and tend to try to keep the tough girl look, even when she is being emotionally strained. Can be flirtatious if she wants to. Hates assholes and stuck ups, tends to not like most people in positions of power. Although she is more likely to fight someone than talk things out rationally, she can be reasonable and talk her way through things when needed. Doesn’t regret interactions that could have been peaceful but came out as violent. Feels like she is missing something in her life but can’t figure out what it is. Sometimes she can’t explain her own actions. Tends to take things personally and get frustrated easily, but she also wants to have a good time and doesn't seek out fights, just tends to assume every altercation is one. She's not certain with what she wants in life and doesn't really know what direction she wants to take it, all she knows is that if it don't make her happy anymore, she doesn't want it. She's a wanderer at heart and hates to be still for too long. She hates restraints even more and the more rules that are forced onto her, the less she wants to do with them. Courier isn't a forgiving type and she knows the difference with right and wrong, even if she tends to pick the wrong options more times than not. She has accepted that she runs from her personal problems more than she actually faces them and is fine with that. She prefers the kinds of conflicts that could be solved with a bullet or a bar fight rather than the ones that take more emotional efforts as these tend to be rougher and she hates dealing with her emotions and doesn't really know how to healthily. Loves robotics, booze, and high places that show off the whole desert, almost as much as she likes the open road.

Story: Becky was born and raised outside of Nipton in the Mojave wasteland as a quiet child. She loved learning about the world past Nipton but her mother, Margarite, was a scared woman who still remembers how scared she was when the Enclave kidnapped her tribe before her father saved them, and expressed that fear to her child, but Becky still wanted to see the outside world and felt the call to wanderer. After one large fight with her mother when she was 16, Becky made her escape, leaving the farm for good. Becky travelled to New Reno and got a delivery job, temporarily, for Mr. Bishop, who she has no idea is her uncle. One fight at a bar got her in huge trouble and Mr. Bishop encouraged her to get out of New Reno and work as a travelling Courier instead. She obliges and heads off back to the Mojave.

She begins taking jobs with the Mojave Express, carrying across the Mojave. At one point, Becky decides to visit her parents, to make amends or because she misses them, she cannot say, but when she goes back to her farm, she finds it on fire, the burning bodies of her family inside, just short of running into a Legion patrol that had attacked Becky's childhood home. She gains a fear of the Legion after that, terrified that they could get her, and looks for jobs that take her out of the Mojave. She begins to deliver to settlements in the NCR, but the trek back was too long, and too expensive for one person barely the age of 18. Becky decides to take the shorter, yet highly dangerous path, through a place known as the Divide, and succeeds, using the path to quickly move back and forth from the Mojave and the NCR, inspiring other Couriers to take that path and for settlements to grow, including bases for the NCR and the Legion alike. During these trips, Becky becomes acquainted with another Courier named Ulysses and the two talk on a regular basis through their separate travels, always meeting up at the Divide, until Becky accidentally destroys the place with the package she delivered. 

Mourning the loss of the place she helped build, as well as the loss of someone she could have called a friend, Becky continues her courier work until she gets the job from Mr. House involving the platinum chip. She takes it, then is caught and shot by Benny and the group of Khans he had hired to help him. Becky makes a recover with much loss from her memories, including her name She decides to go by her title, Courier, and proceeds to help out the town of Goodsprings with their Powder Gangers problem before moving on back to Primm. At Primm, she meets ED-E, the broken eyebot she had seen at the Mojave Express before, and fixes him, inviting him on her travels. She saves the towns deputy and leaves Primm at the mercy of the convicts still there, wanting to catch up with Benny before he gets too far away. 

On her way to Nipton she finds the ruins of her home, having forgotten of the place that stood there before, and remembers her terror of the Legion, soon meeting Vulpes Inculta at Goodsprings She is terrified of the frumentariis and he knows it, but lets her go anyway, insuring that she will tell the NCR what has happened in Nipton. Soe soldiers show up, and she and ED-E leave on their way to Novac where Courier gets the rest of her stitches removed and she meets Manny. She helps him with his ghoul and nightkin problem and he tells her that Benny had headed up to Boulder City to meet up and pay the Great Khans he had hired to help him. At Boulder City, Courier loses her temper at the Khans who had taken some NCR soldiers as hostages and kills them, threatening and killing the last surviving member from the group Benny hired. The NCR is shocked by her actions but make no move to stop her as she leaves, already sickened by what she did. She runs into Viktor outside the city and he leads her to New Vegas, where Benny is waiting. Viktor dies on the way there.

Courier is upset with the Securitrons at the gate who wouldn't let her into the Strip and grumpily makes her way through Freeside, pondering about how to get in. She gets attacked by some thugs and is saved by some members of the King's gang. She meets the King and he agrees to get her into the Strip if she helps him with some stuff first. She does and she gets a fake card to go inside, making her way straight to the Tops to confront Benny, who is surprised to see her there. He tricks her into going to the penthouse room to talk and sets an ambush, that fails. She goes looking for him and finds Yes Man, who tells her he had left but didn't say where. Frustrated, Courier leaves the Tops and immediately runs into Viktor, who had body hopped to another Securitron. He says Mr. House wants to talk to her and she follows him into the Lucky 38 where she talks to Mr. House. He berates her for a bit then concludes that Benny must have run off as he is not stupid to try to go to the Fort to use the platinum chip and must be waiting for things to cool down before he could attempt to use it.

Courier spends some time looking for him and soon meets the Crimson Caravan that is going through Zion to Ogden. Courier, hoping that maybe Benny left to Ogden to hide, agrees to go with the caravan as a body guard and is the only survivor when they are attacked in Zion. Courier meets Follows Chalk who takes her to Joshua Graham, who she is terrified of when she first meets him. Upon learning he isn't currently planning on hurting her, her fear becomes accompanied by anger and she berates the Mormon on any chance she gets for his crimes. Joshua deals with it, to a point, until her uncooperation finally gets on he=is nerves and the two have an incredibly heated argument  that not even Daniel could calm down. After a very very very very long time involving so much negotiation and other bs that takes too long to type, they finally start working together and plan their attack on the White Legs. Courier heavily disapproves Joshua and Daniels influence in both tribes they have allied themselves with and is vocal about it, but they don't pay her any mind. They attack the White Legs and Courier convinces Joshua not to kill Salt Upon Wounds as this fight to chase the White Legs out has turned into an unnecessary complete slaughter of a tribe. Joshua takes some of her worlds to heart and the two get along better-erish. Joshua gives Courier his bible and sends her on her way back to New Vegas, where she is upset that she still has not found Benny.

Mr. House informs her, some time later, that Benny indeed was an idiot and had tried to infiltrate the Fort and has failed because he is dumb. Courier ponders how she could infiltrate the base, but doesn't need to plan because Vulpes approaches her, again, and says Caesar wants to talk to her, giving her his mark and informing her that they both will travel to the Fort together. Courier tries to ditch him that night but he catches up with her at Cottonwood Cove and the two sail up to the Fort together where he leads her to Caesar's tent. Caesar has Benny there and he says he will let her kill him if she destroys whatever is under the Fort with the platinum chip. Courier obliges but rather than destroying the facility under the Fort, she upgrades the Securitrons, as part of both Benny and Mr. Houses plans, and goes back to the surface where Cesar says she could deal with Benny now. Benny encourages Courier to take New Vegas for herself before she kills him, but she is uncertain as she currently sees no reason to why Mr. House couldn't have it. Caesar tries to offer Courier a place in the Legion, but she declines, leaving the Fort and not knowing that Caesar has set Vulpes Inculta out to follow her for now o, to make sure she stays out of the Legions way.

Courier works on cleaning up the Mojave for a bit, Mr. House telling Courier to take time to get to know the locals and to get them on hers, and by extension his, side so when the next battle finally does happen they will have the Mojave's support for Mr. House's rule. Courier befriends Arcade, Lily, Raul, Veronica, Rex, Boone, and Cass and has them as companions of hers, doing various missions across the Mojave. She clears up the Families, sending Mortimer running. Eventually, she gets back to Nipton and finds a projector showing an eye. She follows it as Vulpes is watching her and is whisked away to the Big MT. Vulpes goes back to the Fort to tell Caesar that he has witnessed her death.

Spine, heart, and brain now missing, Courier confronts the Think Tank who ask for her help to get rid of Mobius. Courier obliges and sets out to get the weapons and armor needed for the task, finding clues from a familiar voice about a story that is not hers, but one she can't help but feel she should know who this mysterious man is talking about. She finds out about Christine too, although she has no idea what the significance of that woman is yet. Courier meets Roxie and the two travel together. Courier eventually gets all the mods in her new room set up and proceeds to hunt down Mobius. She confronts him and gets the whole story, why he keeps the Think Tank trapped in the Big MT and why they want Courier's brain and body. Courier proceeds to put her brain back in her head and she confronts the Think Tank, convincing them that the brain in her head is Mobius and that she will not kill them if they cooperate with her. They oblige and she goes home.

Mr. House is not as surprised as everyone else to find out Courier is alive and tells her to be a better employee. Courier gets pissy with him and he says now is her time to get on other factions good side and to actually make an effort in things. Courier proceeds to befriend the groups in the Mojave, the Boomers, the Brotherhoods of Steel, the rest of the towns and settlements around, even the Enclave remainents. However, the Khans don't want anything to do with her, her slaughter at Boulder City destroying any chance at peace she could of had with them. She asks about helping the NCR but Mr. House says no. Courier does anyway, finding herself at Fort Forlorn Hope and decides to help them with a planned ambush, that ends up having her get caught by Vulpes. He demands to know how where she went and why she is still working for Mr. House even though she betrayed him. He wants to know what the Big MT is. Courier tells him to piss off and they get into a fight in that bunker. Courier notices Ulysses painted message, but can't do much more to ponder it when she and Vulpes are knocked out by gas.

Courier and Vulpes woke up in the Sierra Madre to Father Elijah demanding that they open the casino vault for him. Vulpes declines but Father Elijah makes it known that he knows he's Legion and he will kill them both if they don't cooperate. They go to get Dog, then Dean, who doesn't like Vulpes at all, and Christine, who doesn't trust Vulpes at all. Basically they all are ok with Courier but hate Vulpes's rancid vibes, as you should. They break into the hotel and are separated. Courier finds Vulpes hiding in the bar and they both go and get the others. Courier asks Christine about Ulysses and Vulpes gives them more info about the ex-frumentariis who went missing after his trip to Zion. Courier still doesn't remember him although she is mostly certain he knows her, somehow. Vulpes and Courier descend into the vault and Courier steals the gold for Dean, as she has promised. They kill Elijah and make a run for it, Courier almost falling back down the crumbling pit before Vulpes saves her. They exit the elevator and are reunited with Couriers new friends. None of them still don't give a shit about Vulpes. Courier and Vulpes leave and Vulpes tries to talk, civilly for once, about Couriers previous travels, but Courier hits him over the head and makes a run for it, ditching him in that bunker. 

Courier returns to Mr. House who is annoyed with her and they fight. Courier decides to do Yes Man's suggestion and takes Benny's plan, killing Mr. House and inserting Yes Man into the computer instead. Courier is confronted by the NCR of Mr. Houses death and her rise as leader of New Vegas but she waves them off. Boone is pissed and stops being her companion, Courier gets ready to initiate the rest of the plan to get rid of the NCR and the Legion, after some time of being head of New Vegas, but then receives a message from Ulysses to meet him at the Divide. Courier goes, travelling through the ruined land with the other ED-E there, before she finally learns the truth about what she had done. She confronts Ulysses and convinces him not to launch the nukes. He listens and they leave after they talk. He warns her about what's to come with the war and the result of it and she agrees to that, leaving him behind to go start her plan.

The Second Battle of Hoover Dam starts. Courier goes through the bloodshed as the Legion rips apart the NCR before they are ripped apart by the Securitrons Courier sets loose. She runs into Vulpes who gets into another fight with her, and loses, demanding Courier to kill him before she spares him, just as he had saved her in the Sierra Madre. She leaves him in his shame and makes her way to Caesar's tent in the Fort where she executes Caesar. She finally meets Legate Lanius and slays him too, a vicious battle that leaves her victorious against the monster of the east. Courier finally makes it to Hoover Dam, where the NCR's general is not complying to the Securitrons demands. Courier has Yes Man kill him and throw him off of the Dam. Courier lets the captured NCR and Khans go and watches as both groups leave the Mojave wasteland. 

Years go by and Courier rebuilds and remodels the Mojave, making trade better and the lives of smaller settlements better with the help of Ulysses advice and Arcade's help. Courier finally gets to slack off, but she isn't happy with her life in New Vegas anymore and doesn't know what to do as she feels like she isn't a really great leader and is just playing around until everything falls apart and she runs away again like she did with her parents and the Divide. She vents this to Ulysses and he suggests she goes out, sees someplace and thinks. She hears of the Capital wasteland and decides to go there, leaving Uylesses and Arcade to watch The Mojave as she goes with ED-E east. 

They make their way up through Tennessee and to Cincinnati where they hear about the conflicts in the Commonwealth. Curious, Courier goes to Boston, finding a Commonwealth wasteland that's slowly recovering from a time where it was terrorized constantly by the Institute thanks to a mysterious person called the Sole Survivor. Courier is curious to meet this Sole Survivor, and this General of the Minutemen person she's been hearing about too, when she makes it to Goodneighbor, meeting a small cute person at the Third Rail. She also becomes acquainted with a taller man named Lone and finds out the smaller person is both the Sole Survivor and the General of the Minutemen. Courier and Sole swap their stories, but when trying to get Lone to tell them his, he declines and leaves. Courier and Sole follow him where they watch him get taken by raiders Sole is friends with, who knew that they were following him. They go to Red's camp and stay the night, Sole offering to take the two around to different places in the Commonwealth as they check up on the settlements around. Courier meets Doctor Li and asks her to do a side project for her...

They spend time in the Commonwealth until Maccready expresses that he wants to go to the Capital Wasteland to bring his son, Duncan, to the Commonwealth. Courier says she would go with him as 2 guns (three counting ED-E) is better than one. Sole then suggests that they ask the BOS to let them take a vertibird to the Capital wasteland, as they know the BOS have stongholds in both the Capital Wasteland and Appalachia. They go meet with Elder Maxson who wishes to speak to Courier privately and warns her that he was told who she is and is very well aware of her reputation and to not start shit. Courier grumpily agrees and is a smart ass. 

The five of them (ED-E not Maxson) go to Appalachia where, that night, Sole goes missing. Courier panicks but they soon return, talking about having met Mothman. Courier says she doesn't believe them until they leave the next night and she sees a shadowy, red eyed monster in the distant cliffs...

They arrive to the Capital Wasteland and are greeted by Sentinel Withers who immediately places Sole under arrest for treason regarding their co-operation with a pro-synth group (Obviously the Railroad). Courier is enraged, and even more so when Lone insists that Sole should be fine. Courier, Maccready and ED-E ditch Lone to go to where Duncan is and stay there for a while. Courier calms down and she and Maccready talk and they return to Lone, who was now with Moira. Lone and Courier piece their information together and realize that Sentinel Withers was Dandy Withers, an ex-raider Lone had a terrible run in with before. Moira leaves them to go back to Megaton. They break into the Citadel and save Sole, who insists on bringing the now much smaller ai of President Eden with them. They escape on the vertibird they took to get there, going back to the Commonwealth.

President Eden handed off to the Institute remainents, the group enjoys some down time until Sole and Lone wander off to help the Minutemen and Courier spends some time with a woman named Angelina. Courier reunites with the group at the Third Rail and is surprised, and angered, to see them with Vulpes Inculta. Vulpes makes a run fr it, smashing a bottle to Lone's face, and Courier goes after him, attempting to kill him. Sole stops her from doing so and, betrayed, Courier leaves, Lone going away with her. Courier eventually comes back, to keep an eye on Vulpes, but decides not to kill him so long as Sole wants him around. Courier accidentally helps Sole realize they like Cait and Hancock.

Putoria unites the raiders of the Commonwealth in a series of attacks on the Minutemen. The BOS decline to help. Soon, Sole, Lone, Preston, and others are held up at the Castle. Courier and Vulpes beg Maxson to help, in which he finally does, stopping the ex-frumentariis from executing Sole. Putoria retreats.

Eventually, Courier decides to go home. Vulpes requests to go with her and Courier reveals her secret project, using technology from that portal making gun she has (fuck man IDK what its called the one that lets you go to the Big MT) they could use the old Institute entrance teleporter to go from the Commonwealth to the Big MT. Sole and Lone and Shaun want to go with them and Courier instructs DR.Li to destroy the teleporter as soon as they're gone and that they will try to get into contact with them again soon. They get to the Big MT where the Think Tank express a great interest in Shaun (since he's not human) and Courier insists they leave as soon as possible. Vulpes is angry she didn't tell him this is where she had disappeared to years ago.

At New Vegas, Arcade is angry that Courier kept Vulpes around but doesn't make more of a fuss after that (no he's not nice to Vulpes who would be). Mortimer attempts a coup with one of the big families and fails. The NCR get in contact with Courier, requesting her and Securitron help to finally take down the Legion, along with using any knowledge Vulpes may have. In return, they will allow her safe access through NCR territory (as in she won't get seized and arrested for war crimes). When asked why she would want to go into NCR territory, they reveal that her grandfather, the Chosen One, is in New Arroyo and if she wanted to see her surviving family, she needs to be able to go through NCR territory. Courier agrees and they make the trip east. Vulpes disappears and the NCR group teams up with Oizys and Cordelia's groups, taking Flagstaff from the Legion. Vulpes confronts Courier during the fight and they fight each other, Vulpes dying by Courier's hands.

Time later, Courier and the others meet up with a new group from the Crimson Caravan and go up to Arroyo. They stop in Ogden and reunite with Joshua for a bit before continuing their way.

Courier meets with her granfather, Monroe, and her cousin, who is next in line to rule. She and her cousin get into arguments as he feels she is there to steal his place, but she doesn't want to rule Arroyo and they become friends after that. Monroe passes and Courier returns home. Sole and Lone wish to go their separate ways as well. Courier gives Monroe's car to Sole and Shaun and Lone goes with Kyle and the rest of the Crimson Caravan. Courier returns to New Vegas.

Courier builds up New Vegas as a new beacon in the wasteland and trade between all neighboring factions are, mostly, peaceful. Courier meets a trader named Malcolm and they have a child named Garret. Malcolm is murdered by a thief in Freeside and Courier leaves New Vegas, leaving Garret in the care of Arcade, Yes Man, and Uylesses. She goes to the Big MT and lives with Dr. Mobius. The two grow a complicated (romantic????????) bond. Years later, Garret finds Courier in the Big MT and the two reconnect. Courier's body dies 50 years before her brain withers and wastes away.