⚓ | Tsuki (月)



5 years, 5 months ago



Insane and alone, Tsuki's world turns around when he's forced ashore by his wounds, and found by Tadachi and Mizuko. Then he meets other people, and even learns what words are! Fascinating, given he's never interacted with anyone before.

Design notes

  • Larger than Shouta, but smaller than Ibutsu and Miko
  • His tail must be kept as terrarium
  • Large, moon jellyfish symbol on back
  • White scales/white hair/eyes/fish/algae can and do glow
  • Very strong, but not overly defined muscles

Wardrobe notes

  • Tooth necklace is a must!
  • May experiment with some of Shouta's clothing too.


  • Ocean / Underwater scenery = yes
  • Swimming up to a modern boat is good, but only if Tadachi is visible.
  • Same with beaches

"Is shark or fish? Yes. Kill."

"Is person? Yes. Do know person? No. Kill."

"If know person is yes, do know person name? No. Ignore.

If know person name is yes, say name and share recent kill."


  • Understands 0 languages, including general hand gestures.
  • He's pretty insane, and like cutting flesh.
  • He has two Megalodon tooth knives. A full tooth and a half tooth.
  • He also has a bunch of other tooth/fragment knives, feel free to make one for him.
  • He also owns a scarf Shouta made him, and pearl necklace Ibutsu made him, but they stay safe in his cave.


Tsuki has never known community. Never known anyone. He may have fuzzy memories of someone feeding him fish, but he's always been completely isolated.


With absolutely no one, but his knives around, Tsuki hunts. For food, for fun. He also takes to collecting sharp things: shells, teeth, human knives. It's not until a brutual battle with a shark leads him to tending his wounds above the water that his loneliness eases. Tadachi and Mizuko find him ashore in Tokyo, and wrangle him into their bathtub. Tadachi looks after him in this scary environment and quickly becomes the only parental figure he's ever known. ("Dada" has nothing to do with how he views Tadachi, and everything to do with Mizuko saying "Tada".)

Once he's healed and slightly (slightly) more friendly, Tsuki is taken from Tokyo to Iwami. Here, he and Tadachi spend a few days together in Tadachi's pod. He meets Shouta, cuts his eye, and Tadachi leaves Tsuki there. Abandons him. But Shouta won't let a almost blind eye stop him from making a new friend, and after a couple of weeks, Tsuki is calling for "Shou-a" too.


Tsuki seems to be able to sense when Tadachi is out on the water, and follows his instincts to Tadachi whenever he and Mizuko are out on the research boat. He drops by at night time for head pats, and to kill whatever sharks are roaming around. He has also been known to leave some of his kills as gifts, by tieing the bloodied corpses to the railings of the boat for them to find later. (Yes, this has caused issues.) After these trips, he goes back to Iwami where Shouta is waiting for him.

Tadachi "Dada"

Tadachi helped Tsuki calm down, and stayed home with him for a few days (in mer form too) to keep him company and clean his wounds.Tadachi started the head petting routine to get Tsuki to go to sleep. It didn't work at first, but when Tadachi is at sea, Tsuki finds him to get his affection quota.

Mizuko "..."

Tsuki doesn't like Mizuko. He's not Tadachi. (Mizuko did name him, but he doesn't care about that.) Mizuko is just glad that Tsuki doesn't try to kill him. Finding out that he likes music was such a life-saver. (Quite literally in this case.)

Shouta "Shou-a"

After Tadachi left him with his old school, Tsuki was looked after by the person closest to his age, Shouta. Though an early encounter between them led to Tsuki scarring Shouta eye, the two grew to be close!

Ibutsu "I-u-su"

After his social skills were slightly upgraded, he bonded with Ibutsu over a mutual like for exploring and collecting interesting shells. Sometimes Tsuki will gift shells/teeth/etc. to Ibutsu in return for a few head pats.

Miko "..."

Miko and Tsuki have very little to do with each other. They see each other around Shouta, but that's the extent of their relations; not bothering Shouta when the other is with them. However. Occassionally, Tsuki nods at her and asks "current?", after a quick fortune telling, Tsuki is off on another adventure.


Hover over the ribbons

Meta info

Profile Complete
Art Priority High
Gift Art Always
Art Content Blood ✔
Gore ✔
Nudity ✔

Designer Tachibana-Mizuko
Acquistion Created
Trade Status NEVER
Last Redesign Mar 2020
Creation 9th Nov 2018


  • Costs are the amount paid at the time.
  • All costs are in USD.
  • Last Updated: 10 Sep 2021
Artist Type Value Received as Date
@PARO / desii Initial MYO $00.00 Gift 18 Oct 2018

"S-ark, Dada."

Full name
Latinised Tsuki
Species Willow
Age 12 - 19
Birthday 9th Nov 2030
Sex Male
Gender Male
Orientation PURE
Occupation -
Birthplace Unknown
Residence Iwami Bay

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