Cael Whitefang



Name Cael Whitefang

Called Commandant Whitefang, Cael, Polly

Age 111 years old

Gender Male

Gender Male

Orientation Homosexual

Height 6'7"/200.66 cm

Weight 180.4 lbs/81.8 kg

Species Bestia (Raptor Bird)

Role The Guide

Occupation Commandant of Ferox Continent

Branch Alignment Animus

Home Town City of Grimhelm

Canon Voice Akio Ōtsuka



Attentive • Proper • Kind • Patient

When you first meet Cael, you will initially assume that he's a lawful good man based on his position. It's a fact that's not quite correct. While he does believe fully in the law and the good inherent in people, he is mindful of how the laws can be used to harm those innocent and can help create a system that only benefits those in power. It is something he sees in the system built by the Empire in the other continent that he strives to prevent. While he may be the type to look at the larger problems, he is not the type to turn a blind a eye to the littles ones as there are times they can help take care of the bigger issues. He has no problem being blunt to those who outranked him and speaking his mind if he feels whatever they do is harming people. To him, he put the needs of others over the needs of his superiors as the people are what keep Ferox going. Meeting him, Cael can be best as being the embodiment of a perfect, noble knight. He's a patient man that is capable of dealing with the rash nature of Fenrir and settling disagreements with the kingdoms. Alongside that, he is methodical, thoughtful, and polite to almost all he meets. Combined with his kindness and laidback attitude, he can come off as being quite friendly to most he meets. The only times you will see this man slip into a more sarcastic, snarky tone is whenever he's with Fenrir.

In battle, he is described as being a fierce and attentive foe. Each strike he makes has a purpose, and he is very considerate of whatever attack he uses. He is rarely the type to have a temper unless he deals with Fenrir. Apparently, Fenir always finds a way to piss him off and get him to slip into a pattern of immature bickering or trash-talk that would make anyone who wasn't aware of their friendship blink.








On August 5th XXX, a young boy was born within the Rikras Kingdom and left at the steps of the Grimhelm Orphanage. It is unclear what happened to the boy's parents and who brought him there. The only thing that we know is the fact that the boy was apparently named "Cael". It was a name that remains with the boy till this day. For around four years of his life, Cael was raised by the many workers that worked within it. Of course, they were kind and caring as a good chunk had previously worked at Spiritwall's Orphanage. However, Cael never felt as if he truly fit in, and has his own fears of never being adopted. That's why one day he wandered off and somehow ended up in the gardens of the Blackwell's family home. It is there that he met Cassandra, who ended up raising the boy as if he was her own due to wanting to give her eldest son (Dante/Fenrir) a friend and admiring his talents of somehow managing to slip past the knights to enter the gardens.

The Rise to Knighthood

It was clear to most that Cael was a prodigy from his occasional spars with the knights and how knowledgeable he was when it came to battles. This would be amplified when he would awaken his guardian spirit (Pluma) in the middle of the night. With Pluma's arrival, the avian would teach him what he knew about fighting. However, it wouldn't be till Cael was a young adult where Cass introduced the idea of knighthood to the young man. By that time, Cael was able to truly think about whether he wanted to embrace the role of being a soldier of the Blackwell family. He would decide to become one to be able to protect Fenrir at all cost. In a short amount of time, he would rise in ranks and reach the status of being a captain and the personal bodyguard of Fenrir. This would continue for many years with Cael eventually involving himself into the affairs of the kingdom when it called for and taking down things that could lead to a potential war. He became a face people became familiar with and the most respected knight.

Then the time came where he would become the commandant of the Ferox Continent. In honesty, it was something that was considered for decades at this point that Cael purposely avoided giving an answer as he knew doing so would cut the amount of time he spent with Fenrir. However, that changed when Fenrir would leave Ferox in favor of avoiding an arranged marriage. Realizing that being a commandant meant he had the freedom to see Fenrir outside the kingdom and he could take the position he sought for, he would immediately become a commandant. The last decade or so has been him settling into his new role while establishing the goal of ensuring there's balance between each kingdom.

He finds himself happy that Fenrir isn't shackled to being the prince that he was forced to be as he always strives to ensure that his best friend is happy with his life.

  • Cael's character is meant to be an exploration of Flynn's character taken into a different direction. The focus on Cael is to make a character that doesn't strive to be a people pleaser and doesn't hesitate to put his foot down.
  • In honesty, Cael is more lawful neutral than anything. He may lean towards lawful good at times...but most of the time he's lawful neutral.
  • Darling is often a nickname that Cael often uses for those he meet (though mostly Fenrir).
  • Cael did take time to figure out the species of since I wanted to go for something that was a bit atypical.
  • Cael and Fenrir relationship is a FOIL to Flynn's and Yuri's.

Fenrir HróðvitnirBest Friend
Fenrir and Cael are stupidly close. The level of trust between the two goes beyond friendship and enters a level that can be mistaken for romance. While there was a time they loved each other romantically, that melted away and became a strong platonic bond.


PlumaPartner/Guardian Spirit
Pluma is the closest thing that Cael has to a sibling and cherishes every little moment they have together. The two of them seem to carry the similar mindset when it comes to things leading to them being more in sync when it comes to their tasks.


Hati HróðvitnirBest Friend Son/Godson
Other than his mother, Fenrir trusts no one besides his best friend to watch over his son in case something were to happen to him. Cael looks at Hati as being a son to him and is the one that taught him how to use his guardian spirit due to being of the same branch.


RemiGodson Guardian Spirit
Remi is a complicated creature. At least in Cael's opinion. This is the first time he ever heard of a spirit capable of fusing into another...and honestly it's quite curious. Nevertheless, Cael has no issues with Remi and is largely unbothered by how protective he can be of Hati.