
5 years, 6 months ago




Full Name Project Emotion Named "Eve"
Gender Agender; She/They/It
Age None
Species Robot


When Eve was first created, she didn't have any emotions at first, and not much of a personality either, mainly just standing around until someone told her what to do. Later, she did get emotions in her, as that was the point of her project. At first they were super overwhelming to her, and she struggled to handle them, often just shutting down into her less emotional self. As she grew used to them, she became more sweet, acting more like an innocent child. She often asks a ton of questions as she just wants to know more about the world. She will often just listen to what someone tells her, and will do what someone commands her to do, which can lead to some bad situations for her or others.


Eve was created by Professor Sampson Welts as a project, one to create a robot with human emotions. While the robot part of her was finished, the emotions didn't work at first, and she was left being emotionless, and kinda just felt kinda dull.

Eventually, Welts found a way to code in a sort of artificial emotions into her, so she can learn to have them herself, even if they were overwhelming to her at first, with her suddenly being able to feel everything, shutting herself off occasionally, or having emotional breakdowns for seemingly no reason at all.

Over time, Eve learned to handle the emotions better, and even grew to appreciate having them. She is grateful to Welts for him giving them to her, as she doesn't want to go back to the way she was, being totally emotionless like before. But what both of them didn't know, was that by giving her these emotions, her system was put on a bit of a strain, giving her a sort of "lifespan" of sorts, where her robot self will eventually break down after about the time of a normal human life.


Creation Date:January 16
Weight:78 lbs
Alignment:Neutral Good
RO/SO:Asexual Aromantic

  • Learning/Studying
  • Watching movies with others
  • Reading



Since Eve is a robot, she has functions that a normal human couldn't do, including her own personal search system, where she could figure out basic definitions of different various words and phrases. She has a self defense system built into her, though she rarely ever uses it, if at all, as she was built to not use it if she could help it. Other than that, she works a lot like a normal person, if nothing else but some different mannerisms just from her not being perfect.






Professor Welts

[ creator/father ] Professor Welts is Eve's creator. When she was first created, she mostly just followed and listened to him because she was programmed to be loyal to him. But after she obtained her emotions, she started to care about him more, and even saw him as more of a father than just her creator.



[ Best Friend ] Cocoa didn't meet Eve until after she had obtained her emotions, so he didn't get to see what she was like before him. Even still, he seemed pretty fascinated by her, a robot who seemed human, despite not having a soul, so he wanted to know more about her. And soon the two became very good friends, with Eve taking Cocoa almost anywhere she goes.



[ Friend ] At first, Eve and Terrence didn't really care about each other, and mostly avoided each other. But when Eve got her emotions, she did enjoy his company, and found Terrence pretty cute. So she would play or cuddle Terrence whenever Professor Welts is busy, so the two could find enjoyment even without him around.



[ Mother? ] Eve didn't meet Amanda until after her and Welts were dating. But even then the two became pretty interest in each other fairly quickly. Amanda was fascinated with how she was built, and wanted to know more about her. Even if she doesn't act the most motherly towards her, Eve still considers her like a mom, and does care about her.



[ Sister ] Catherine is Amanda's adopted daughter, and as such, was left to babysit Eve a lot of the time when Welts and Amanda went out together. Through this, the two started to get fairly close to each other, and enjoyed each other's company. Enough so that they're happy to call each other sisters.