


5 years, 4 months ago


Rahru Sae’diekha
Neutral Good

Rahru is a young looking necromancer who used to be a licensed and accomplished doctor. That is, until he decided there's no such thing as "too late" when saving a patient. Now he adventures from town to town as a travelling doctor (with a revoked license, not that anyone checks in rural areas heh), and researches the different uses and applications of necromancy.


Rahru’s parents died before he could remember, and he lived his early childhood with his uncle and his uncle’s wife, who both treated him as their own. But years down the road they ended up dying as well, and Rahru lived on his own as an orphan. He became fascinated by magic, and through that, learned about the existence of necromancy. All of the death around him made him question the roles of life and death, and why people die. At first, he did learn all he could in order to bring his family back. But it wasn’t long until he was distracted. The emotions may have kickstarted his interest, but they no longer mattered the longer he delved into it and searched for answers on the meaning of existence. What was death like? Was there an afterlife? Did ghosts exists? Was it possible to talk to people of the past and learn about their lives? Because of his fascination of life and death, he also pursued another close career- becoming a doctor. Even more than necromancers, they dealt with life and death on the daily, and could be said to reverse fate with their practices. Life and death were two sides of the same coin, so along with learning about undeath, why not learn how to save life? At a young age, he became an apprentice to a doctor and learned under them as much as he could. He took classes, trained further, and was given a legal license that could work in multiple countries. Though this took a lot of time and dedication, it in no way distracted him from his learning and experimentations in necromancy.

In his early adulthood (17~23), he was hired as a doctor/researcher on a secretive project about prolonging life. He wasn’t told much, but he did run a few experiments to find flaws in the systems and ways to fix or improve the project. Then for a majority of the time, he watched over a tester. Basically, sat by a pod, kept a log on vitals and appearance, and made sure the tester stayed healthy while undergoing the experimental process. After a few years, he overheard his boss, a faun, talking with a supposed higher boss about the project. Turns out, it was a vampire-run experiment on creating immortal livestock, called the Blood Eater Project. Rahru continued to overhear conversations, now seeking them out, and learned a lot more about these vampires and the basis for their research- some kind of natural process where the pureblood could make immortal vampires out of any other race. Rahru began to experiment on the information he learned about, testing out his own ideas and mixing it with theirs. The higher up eventually caught wind of this and ordered a hit on him. He was killed, and written off as dealt with. But due to his research and experience, he had figured out a way of restarting the body’s systems and healing wounds by drawing the magic onto his body. It was still a work in progress, and obviously not used in a relevant scenario so testing was minimal, but it revived him and healed up his wounds. The shock of death still left a scar on his internal workings, and the healing wasn’t entirely perfect, so he was left with dysfunctional organs that had to be healed constantly. He also gained colder skin, a weaker immune system, and his wounds healed at a rate much slower than normal. Regardless, he got back up and skedaddled on outta there. He was perfectly fine staying far away from the project and the vampires, thanks.

After that experience, he moved around a lot as a traveling doctor (though eventually lost his license due to necromancy practice on patients), continuing to experiment and find more ways to perform necromancy. His main aims were to bring a soul back into a really old body, bring a soul into a body that wasn’t theirs, and revitalize a corpse back to peak body condition no matter how degraded- and make it that way permanently. Though that last one was a long ways away. His own research had gotten him far enough to bring autonomy back to corpses for a little while (and magically controlling it as long as he wants). The vampire magic made it possible for him to heal to the point of complete body recovery only as long as he’s willing it, and bring recently dead back to life much like he did to himself- but with a much better process, of course.



Necromancin' Dancin' by Bear Ghost

Cascade by The Dear Hunter

Willow Tree March by The Paper Kites

The Flame (Is Gone) by The Dear Hunter

Everything Moves by Bronze Radio Return

Sleep Is For The Weak by The Dreadnoughts


Nature, unexpected encounters, trying new things
Breaking bones, deep water, rules
Prone to using his hands as distractions or to show expression, has a hard time collecting his thoughts and notes following any kind of order, bases a lot of his magic and experiments on what he 'feels' rather than factual memory or text

So basically he’s self-taught in magic from childhood bc magic rules and guidelines are for CHUMPS.

Rahru is a mess who messes up chants and rituals and magic in his experimentation a lot, and that leads to disaster quite often.

He's so numb to the ideas of life and death, he makes all the jokes he wants and isn't phased by death, often times coming off as rude and disrespectful because of how he acts around corpses.

Honestly believes his family is happier in death and they would be lost if brought back to life, so has no thoughts about reviving them now.



[ Temporary Companion ]

Has an interest in him due to his vampire nature, and enjoys the company


[ Former Employer ]

Used to work for Rhie, and would probably run for his life if he saw him again


[ relationship ]

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