


5 years, 5 months ago


  • Madoka

  • 3143705?1546541224
  • Age 22
  • Gender female
  • Race angel cat
  • Role nurse
  • Alignment neutral good

"Are you alright?"

Madoka is a very responsible and studious individual. She has a very calm personality and usually has little to no trouble dealing with any problems thrown her way. She can appear un-approachable at times, but Madoka is actually very kind at heart and loves the people in her life as if they were her own family. When others around her are suffering, she will feel the pain as if it were her own and will do her very best to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Many consider her to be extremely reliable and will often come to her for life advice or other types of help. In her downtime, Madoka enjoys singing and knitting, oftentimes making custom clothes for herself and her friends. She also likes spending time with her best friend Dart.


DoB: February 20
Origin: angel cat land......
Height: '5"4
Build: thin and petite
Demeanor: Nice yet unapproachable
  • Knitting
  • Singing
  • Helping others
  • Cruelty
  • Salty food
  • Dangerous situations











Madoka was born as an only child into a lower-middle class household. Her parents were very adamant about raising Madoka to become extremely successful in her future, so she could have a more fortunate future than them. As a result, she spent most of her childhood indoors studying extra content assigned to her by her parents to prepare her for taking honors and AP classes in middle and high school. 

But one day when she was walking home from school, she found a little kindergartner being bullied by some older kids. She managed to chase them off, and found out the boy's name was Dart. He then followed her home, finding out that she lived in the same neighborhood as him. Since that day, Dart would visit Madoka's house and spend time there nearly every day while she was studying. As a result, they became very close friends.


Once Madoka entered high school, her workload became even more than it had been before. She was taking several AP and honors classes, giving her little to no time to herself. As a result, she became extremely stressed out. She didn't express this to her parents, as she didn't want to disappoint them after they had worked so hard to prepare her for this. She became quite depressed as a result of bottling up her feelings, and she ended up isolating herself, causing her to grow apart from her best friend Dart for the duration of her high school years. Despite how she was feeling, Madoka persevered and completed high school with stunning grades. But, this was at the cost of hardly speaking with Dart at all for a couple years and they had grown apart quite a bit.

Soon after she graduated high school and during the summer she was applying to high-tier colleges, a night came where she found Dart at her window with tears running down his face. She was very surprised because she hadn't seen him for over a year, and she also lived on the second floor of her house. Dart explained to her that his parents had been extremely abusive towards him for the duration of his freshmen year and they finally kicked him out after they discovered that he had failed the year. She didn't say much, but she invited him inside to spend the night. She explained to her parents everything that Dart had told her, and Madoka's parents decided to call the CPS on Dart's parents. Dart, having no other place to go, was offered a place to stay by Madoka's parents who had already considered him a half-son of sorts since he had spent so much time at their house for the duration of his childhood.

Though Dart lived with Madoka, she still was unable to spend much time with him after she was accepted into a very highly-regarded college where she continued her routine of vigorous studying.


During her college years, Madoka's work increased in difficulty and intensity. She didn't feel as lonely as she had before, because now Dart was back in her life and the sight of him invigorated her to become successful in order to help support him in his future. She worked not only to become successful to make her parents proud, but to be able to take care of Dart after she graduated and moved out of her childhood home. In her spare time, she would help Dart with his own studies so he could complete high school on time. Once she had graduated at the top of her class, Madoka was almost immediately offered a job in the field she had been studying and was able to move out with Dart soon after he had gotten his own job.

After moving out, she spends most of her time working but has been able to start discovering her own personal interests and has been able to pursue them. Madoka had lacked a personality for the longest time, so the feeling of indulging in her own self interests is quite new to her. She has a positive outlook on life and is excited to see where it will take her next.



[ best friend ] Madoka has always seen Dart as a type of little brother. He has way more energy than her, and he loves to take her to new places to get into all sorts of trouble. She is very protective over Dart and watches over him to make sure he doesn't get into any type of danger. She takes care of Dart and gives him guidance where he wasn't able to find any from his parents. They have been friends since childhood and are currently roommates in Madoka's apartment.



[ acquaintance ] Seoul was brought in to the hospital Madoka works at needing urgent treatment for a drug overdose. She was part of the team to attend to Seoul, and was present when Seoul became conscious again. Seoul's first words to her were: "You're pretty cute." 



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
