Zerp Zerl




zerl_outfit_openback_crop_hah_th_by_sylaZerp "Zerl"

She changed her name to Zerl after Bas mispoke cus she's like that.




Occupation: Soldier, Intelligence Operative(? maybe?), Assistant, Guard, Drifter

Eye Color: Orange


Prominent Character Traits:

  • Zany
  • Playful
  • Serious (when it matters)
  • Energetic
  • Mocking
  • Perceptive (Eidetic Memory)
  • Misleading
  • Particular


Character made collaboratively by @Sarenderpity, myself, and Modelmanntastic

She's the Spice of the Future!!!! Zerl is a fictional spice existing in the world of Out of Orbit, used in teas and to season food, potentially Sus meat. It is caffeinated. 

Basil made her some brand spankin' new robotic limbs and she's a total badass!!!

Before getting a generous rework from Basil, she had some self-esteem issues. Living life with clunky, poorly designed, badly installed prosthetic limbs was a bit aggravating for Zerp.  Having others remind her and take notice of her limbs when she herself disliked them so... It just became something she wanted to avoid. She wore large baggy formless clothing that covered anything below her neck. It helped make her seem more intimidating which was great for the job she had as a guard for a Materials Supplier on a space-station. The job went south when there was an attack on her place of work but she found a temporary assignment with the members of the Spice Rack, as part of the guard on board. 

She's a free spirit and is very expressive. Although mostly keeping to the same undercut, Zerl changes her hair color as soon as she starts to get used to it. So veryyy often. She's not one to worry about what other people think.

Her tattoos partially cover battle-scars but also scars from bad installation practice of her original limbs. She loves her tattoos!!!!

She realizes other people don't have as perfect as a memory as her but is often surprised when others can't follow, what is to her, simple instruction.

She does what she wants. That includes constantly testing the limits of her robotic limbs. She doesn't necessarily expect Basil to keep fixing them every time she breaks something, but neither of them can help themselves...

She might have some ulterior motives to helping out Basil and the spices (tm) but maybe not... we shall see.