Morgana Cross



5 years, 6 months ago


Morgan Cross


Name Morgana Violette Cross
RACE Human
Gender Cis female (she/her)
Age 20
DoB September 18th
Height 5ft 1in
SHIP STATUS Cordelia Vilderan
VOICE CLAIM Karen Strassman


  • Has a talent for singing- often claims she "sings with the weave", and sometimes the weave sings back.
  • Collects sea glass to make into wind chimes and window ornaments.
  • Loves window shopping.
  • She loves to prank the others at the New Lief- unfortunately, she is not particularly sneaky at all.


  • Bunnies
  • Singing, dancing
  • Studying
  • Sweets


  • Blizzards
  • Durians
  • Homework
  • "Past" Morgan










  • Morgan has no physical skills when it comes to combat.


  • Divination. Morgan's maternal line is very well versed in divination and chronurgy spells. She has a natural proficiency with both. When she sees glimpses of the future, she tries to change it for the better.
  • Wild Magic. Due to an unfortunate head injury, Morgan's connection to the weave is rather... Fragile. Her magic sometimes explodes in marvelous ways, or causes effects that otherwise were unintended.
  • Wellspring. Morgan has a unique connection to the ley lines of the world, and can draw power directly from them or find them with ease.


Once upon a time, or according to those who knew her, Morgan was quite a character. A prodigal wizard with magic unmatched in her class and her school- who soaked in everything that was taught to her with affluence and ease. She was a star pupil, well and set on becoming a master wizard at a very young age. Her overall reputation never included the accounts of the mischievous little sister who always spooked her already started brother, or the romantic who sought to find love as easily as she found a career in magic. Her reputation also never mentioned how often she'd overwork herself- insisting even against her own health that her studies and making everyone around her proud was more important.

The Morgan of now is the same, and yet... Different.
With her memory loss came an interesting sense of naivety- a natural curiosity to figure out how and why things worked. She encounters everything as if she is experiencing it for the first time again- and in a literal sense, she might as well be. While she has no memories of any of her previous life, she is still the same prodigal wizard- magic comes naturally to her, though not without a bang in most cases. Morgan still takes to learning new things very easily- and wants to become more than the shadow she stands in now.
She is influenced easily by people around her, and worried about her sense of self she seeks to conform to whoever she is around to appease them and keep them close to her. She feels... Incomplete, as if she is just a stranger wearing the face of the once prodigy Morgan Cross. She is both afraid of living in this shadow forever and never living up to the name, and determined to beat her past self in her studies and become a better wizard for it. Her habit of overworking herself comes back twofold- not in the guise of making people proud, but as an effort to try and beat the laughing face she sees in paintings of her old life.

Amnesiac Extraordinaire

Born to Aretheia & Locke Cross. Younger sister of Robin Cross.

Morgan had the ideal childhood- one spent in the peaceful village of Viator in Aurelia with her small, tight knit family. She was always somewhat eccentric, be it in the games she played or the company she kept. She was bright, bubbly, outgoing, and beloved by the people she touched and the company she kept. Her eccentricities didn't end with her personality, as she inherited power from her maternal line- the ability to peek into the future, and to change the outcome of it as a result of knowledge. 

It began with a strange dream, one with her and her brother walking in the woods, taking a familiar path over the creek. The wood, having been rotting over the many years, finally gave out from underneath them. Not by any means a dire situation, but still one that frightened her awake. Later, while out in the woods with her brother, they came upon the bridge, and in a confusing moment of deja vu, she stopped, and wondered out loud if it were safe. A moment of inspection revealed the rotten infrastructure, and so they found a way around it. Such similar dreams continued- dreams of the day ahead, of evens she found she could change- some for good, but some unfortunately for ill. It wasn't until the year of her thirteenth birthday when she finally got an explanation from her mother- that she, and all the Cross women before her, could peek behind the curtains, to gaze at fate from where it stretched from horizon to horizon. Such power was something to be envied- it made them valuable Seers. 

And to her mother's horror, her life's dream was realized- to become a court mage for the Aurelian government, a life Aretheia had lived once before and since given up. Regardless of her ambitions, Aretheia sought to teach her the ways of divination and chronurgy as passed down the Cross family line for generations.

Morgan grew into the model wizard- affluent in everything she did, a sponge that wanted nothing more than to taste new magic. She eventually outgrew the home teachings Aretheia had to offer, ate through what limited magic her father could teach her, and made a decision- to go study magic in the city of Waterdeep, in western Aurelia. It would be the first time she'd ever left home alone, but it was a challenge she was ready to undertake. School life was stressful, but she proved herself a model student, praised and hailed for her amazing attunement to the weave and skill in magic thus far. She loved the praise, keeping her head up with her gaze aimed high at the court. A dream she would never be able to realize.

It happened one summer while she was in between semesters, taking a vacation back home with her family who missed her. An unknown group cloaked in black swept through their town, setting fire to homesteads and seeking her mother's head. While Robin stayed behind to help others out, always the underspoken hero, Aretheia and Locke cut their losses and fled, heading west through Aurelia, seeking refuge in Waterdeep where the Cross family was well known. They traveled on foot, with nothing else to their names for quite some time before Aretheia turned back, seeking to tie lose ends. Leaving Locke and Morgan to fend for themselves. 

Even that did not last long- the same blacked cloaked individuals chased them down, separating the two as if systematically, until Morgan was left face to face with a lone man, diamonds carved into his face, with a smile that didn't reach his eye.

...And often enough, that smile haunts her dreams, as she no longer remembers the rest.

Her memory begins where she woke swinging, swaying in the grasp of a snare trap. Disoriented, confused, it was only by the nature of her good luck that someone came across her and let her down. The rogue without a name might have taken advantage of her, stolen her wallet and backpack and left had it not been already raided. But instead, strings pulled from a secret heart of gold, he took her with him to a city just south of Waterdeep, and found her somewhere to stay.

It was here that her new life began- the adopted daughter of a Tiefling and a Half-Orc, a novice with magic that exploded uncontrollably, but she was quite happy despite the gnawing feeling that something was... Missing. She found quick friends in the few people who visited her, enjoyed what the city had to offer, until one day, the auntie her adoptive mother told her about returned home with a strange man. Garbed in black, with deep blue eyes... A man who claimed to be her brother.

It was hard news to swallow at first- but with her memory missing, and photographic evidence that they knew one another, she couldn't help but trust him. Eventually, the three together bid farewell to her adoptive home and returned to Waterdeep, where she resumed her studies and promised herself; she would become even better, aim even higher than the girl with long hair in all their photographs.



Aretheia Cross


Aretheia was once Morgan's mentor in magic and divination, though now that Morgan has lost her memories, Aretheia has decided not to pick up the mantle again, and instead has left the teaching to actual teachers. Morgan likes her quite a deal, mostly for her quiet doting attitude and dry sense of humor!


Locke Cross


Locke is very mild mannered and patient with her, and Morgan couldn't be happier with it! He tells such fun stories and spoils her a little more than the rest of their small family, so he's a natural favourite. Whenever she needs real advice, or someone to share her worries with, he's the first one she goes to.


Robin Cross

Older brother

Morgan originally had a difficult time accepting Robin as her brother- they seemed so... Vastly different, but some part of her soul ached so badly when they first met that she knew she couldn't leave him again. He's incredibly fun to prank.




Morgan has long clung to him, seeing as he was the first thing she knew when her memory started. He's something of a stand-in guardian for her, and she's long teased that maybe he is her true father. Whenever she wants comfort, she goes to him even knowing she'll get his sharp tongue instead. Even that's better than nothing.




Morgan only knows Mock briefly as one of Robin's good looking rogue friends- but they've been nice to her all the same, so she is very cordial back!




Ignis is definitely among Morgan's favourite people to be around- as her first post-amnesia friend, and what she considers her current best friend, he's very close to her heart. She likes getting into trouble with him, even if Robin frequently scolds both of them for it.

Plus Luna likes him, and that's an easy win for Morgan.