Robin Cross



5 years, 7 months ago


Robin Cross


Name Robin Jamus Cross
RACE Human
Gender Cis male (he/him)
Age 26
DoB May 24th
Height 5ft 10in
SHIP STATUS Fatima Aydinlis


  • Has a collection of knives- they're mostly for show, but he does keep them well sharpened.
  • Prefers to wear simple clothing- anything ornate or eye catching makes him incredibly uncomfortable.
  • He wears his hair with a bunch of little beads and braids in it, most of them put there by Fatima.
  • His hands, back, and face all have faint carvings on them from the Shard that light up whenever he teleports.


  • Climbing
  • Scenic views
  • Apple cider 
  • Knives


  • Sweet foods
  • Empty streets
  • Knights
  • Aberrations










  • Sneak Attack. Robin tries to avoid facing a problem head-on if he can help it, and prefers to get the jump on his enemies before they know he's there. He's skilled in assassinations with dual wielding blades.
  • Sharpshooter. Robin has an uncanny eye for accuracy- he's very skilled with quick firing arrows from his bow.
  • Shardstrike. With powers granted to him by the Progenitor Crystal & the Shardmaster, Robin has the ability to warp to his kukris when he throws them, as well as other powers like creating a teleportation circle and storing weapons in an extra dimensional space.


  • Robin has no magical talent and has only tried casting once, which ended in his throat getting hurt by magic.


Robin has always been quiet- a man of the shadows, the one who becomes an ominous figure in the corner of a run-down tavern, keen on gathering information and staying hidden from view. He tries to pose as a lone wolf, putting up an ominous facade to hide his social ineptness and anxiety when talking to people. In truth, he's ever bit cut throat as that persona would be deserving of; he has the mind of an assassin, and a body that shows how many fights he's been in, the reputation of the Hawkeye mask precedes him as a renown bounty hunter.

Under the leather and the mask, is a man who is immensely soft and shy to his core. He has a clumsy tongue and a mind paranoid after years of hunting and being hunted, which has left him unable to forge meaningful bonds with people. He believes so little in himself when it comes to doing anything but fighting that he often puts himself down, or hurts himself by trying too hard to impress people that he shouldn't need to prove his worth to. These destructive tendencies have been put on blast since a resolution in Waterdeep freed himself from a three year long servitude under a man who was manipulating him, but he has a lot of healing to do before he'll finally be comfortable in his own skin. He wants with fervent urgency to spend time being happy and doing the things he wants to do- because he wants to do them, and not because anyone is controlling him and calling the shots.


Born to Aretheia & Locke Cross. Older brother of Morgan Cross.

Where Robin treads- misfortune seems to follow. Things were not always bad, but they were always never particularly good. He grew up in the sleepy village of Viator in Aurelia, and was known for being the quiet child. Anti social, a lone wolf, someone who kept to himself and rarely ever bothered others. He was content climbing alone in the woods, or spending time with his mother and father. He never sought out companionship in other children, and as a late bloomer he never really had the vocabulary to do it anyway. When Morgan was born, he became a good protector at a young age, conscious of his energetic little sister and guiding her often from harm. She grew up to be better than him in every way, but he never begrudged her for it. She was naturally gifted, and was all the more lucky for it.

As a teen he became something of an everyone's man- shot up from a growth spurt that made him even more gangly and awkward than his father, but fit and active, a welcome addition to any project that needed a helping hand. He was a farmhand during the harvest season, an apprentice carpenter, a forge worker- anything that needed a steady hand or a bit of muscle he was suitable for the job. The only thing he seemed more than proficient with was his marksmanship with a bow, which made him a remarkable hunter for the village. And yet even into his early adulthood, he never sought out a profession. Morgan was already studying in Waterdeep, and he had no talent for magic or healing like either of his parents, so he ended up joining the town guard out of necessity.

He was but twenty-one when misfortune took hold of him, and didn't let go. An unknown group, clad in black, swept through their small village, raising and burning everything in their sight. While his family ran from the smoke and flames, he stayed behind to try and save as many as he could- and only when things seemed absolutely dire did the town guard captain tell him to run. And so... He ran, with a half empty quiver and a bow on his back, he ran. Then... He was alone. Shy, quiet, without any skills aside of a good aim to help him survive.

At first he wandered from neighboring town to neighboring town, doing odd jobs for spare coin, but with no sign of his parents or sister, he started traveling north towards the capitol, assuming perhaps his family would have fled there after the fire. Work as a spare hand and a hunter was no good- and a constantly empty wallet left him a desperate man... So he turned towards unsavory work. A quiet demeanor made him hard to detect- and bounties posted on job boards were no different from stalking a deer in the forest. An unassuming face with a good shot... But getting into such work wasn't easy- his first hit as a bounty hunter was one he remembers with distaste. A no good drunken husband, a wife offering gold for anyone who could get rid of him. It seemed just at the time, but once faced with the prospect of killing a person... The deed was done, but the man's cries own a place forever in Robin's mind. He never collected the coin for the job.

It got easier from there- Robin made a point to only hunt criminals, to wear a mask and shield himself from the horrors he had to commit. The pay was good enough to ignore the rest. Until one job did not go off without a hitch- a bounty on a well known rogue, one who moved as if teleporting by magic. Robin was well suited for the job- and took them down with shocking ease, but he only had a moment to ponder the strange weapons they carried and the stranger markings they bore on their arms before he was confronted. One Soren Dahl, an Elven man who wore black and purple. A Spire for a secret organization known as the Shard. And Robin had just killed one of his agents- the debt which would be his own life, or an exchange for his skills.

Robin chose his skills, and so began a three year long partnership between him and Soren, and the mysterious entity known as the Shard. Soren called all the shots from then on- telling Robin who to kill and where to go, and it was just before sending him to Waterdeep that Robin was given a reward. A carving, from the Shard, which gave him the power to teleport like the rogue he had killed so long ago. 


Waterdeep was the beginning of the end of all this misfortune.

Robin traveled on orders from Soren to the city- remembering it once as the place where Morgan studied magic, but now as a promising foothold for the Shard, Robin was tasked with doing all of the grunt work. While in Waterdeep, Robin found friends in a certain Triton, a Tiefling bard, and a strange blonde rogue. In under the course of a month, Robin assisted Notch in saving Waterdeep from his tyrant sister, helped Fatima find freedom from her ex-husband, and found freedom himself in finally standing up to Soren, discovering the truth of his life debt to the Shard. In truth, it was no life debt at all- the Shardmaster had recruited him, but Soren's personal vendetta against the Shard drove him to use Robin as a pawn to try and topple it.

Waterdeep held another surprise for them- a legend known as the Dragon Vault. After facing down the Xanathar guild, run by the Beholder of the same name, Robin & his friends discovered the vault deep under the city, and split the gold evenly among themselves. After, Robin took control of the tavern they had co-owned up until that point and made it his home. After discovering Morgan was alive, well, and without memories in a city south of Waterdeep, he and Fatima set off to go find her and bring her home. Since, Robin has been happily making a name for the New Lief, as well as taking long journeys to travel to other countries.

While there was bad blood between him and the Shard, he has since forgiven Shardmaster Elara for Soren's actions, and rejoined the Shard as an official member. Due to outstanding skill, Elara entrusted him with Soren's old position as Spire, on the terms that the Shard will never hold such a dominion over his life ever again.



Aretheia Cross


Similar in demeanor and social awkwardness, Robin is quite fond of his mother. They understand each other very deeply with little need for discussion- and that is more valuable to him than anything else in the world. He inherited a lot of her bad traits, though doesn't seem to mind it very much.


Locke Cross


Robin knows quite a bit of his nervousness seemingly comes from his father- they have the same tics, hair pulling, clumsy feet while watched. He knows in some ways he has let his father down, in being anxious and afraid of his own shadow, but he hopes he can make up with it for being dependable. Locke is, at the end of the day, the person Robin trusts most to go to for advice.


Morgana Cross

Little sister

Robin can and will do anything for her. No length is too far if it means she's safe, happy, and healthy. He comes off as a stern older brother while he's taking care of her- but really, he's a big softie, and more importantly he trusts her to be making her own decisions and fighting most of her own battles. He worries ceaselessly for her, especially after she lost her memories of him and their family. As long as she's happy, he won't scold her for much.


Fatima Aydinlis

Partner, girlfriend

Robin has always had two different kinds of love- the kind he would kill for, and the kind he would die for. Fatima became a third- the sort of love that made him want to live for her, and live to the fullest to see her happy. After so long of not having a home, he found it in her arms, and found every challenge easier to surmount with her by his side. Though he is quiet and shy about it, he loves her unlike anything or anyone else in the world, and he'll never stop trying to be the man she deserves.


"Notch" Lumino


Notch was something Robin hadn't realized he'd needed- a friend, a true to god friend who had no ulterior motives. Luckily, that's exactly what their relationship turned out to be. Robin would gladly do anything for Notch, but that won't stop him from being an absolute bitch to the young King's face in his own throne room.



Friend, allies

"Dandy" was a simple fence met by chance- but it turned out to be the luckiest chance meeting in the world. They've been thick as thieves for a while, exchanging favors for each other under the guise that everything is just business, but really neither wants to admit how much the other means to them. Robin owes him a debt for watching over Morgan and taking care of her in his absence.


Elara Neve


After the ordeal with Soren, Elara and Robin made amends with one another. Robin agreed to work with the Shard so long as it never dictated where he had to go, and Elara agreed to give him free reign so long as he fulfilled his Spire duties with vigor. He doesn't mind her very much- she's terrifying for the power she holds, but he's... Confident he is too useful to her to be easily disposed of.



Friend, fellow Spire

Robin thinks Mock is... Weird. And not because they're a Changeling, but because they have such a streak of mischief in them, and yet still they're a high ranking member of the Shard. Regardless, Mock is a frequent of the tavern, and a friend of Morgan's, so Robin has little qualms with them. It's nice to have someone cut from the same cloth around, and they're much less intimidating than Elara and Eirwen are.