Jamie Matthews



5 years, 5 months ago


That new chic in 204

  •  Name   Jamie Rae Matthews 
  •  Age   16-18 
  •  Gender   Female 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"I... really appreciate you walking me home."


Jamie is a gentle soul, one who enjoys taking care of others like sick friends, or her sister. She respects other's wishes greatly, even trying to eat with a blindfold for someone who didn't want to be seen. Despite her outward kindness, she suffers from severe anxiety and stress, attempting to live up to high expectations from her parents. She bottles up her emotions a lot, including telling people how she feels about them. Due to moving frequently, Jamie usually feels out of place, and doesn't make new friends easily. She's constantly afraid of being annoying to people, and will go along with things she normally doesn't like doing in order to fit in. She's smart and tries to use that to get closer to people who need help with schoolwork.


Jamie is a 5'2 brunette with a slender build. Normally dressed in professional looking sweaters and skirts, when out she wears loose fitting shirts and leggings. Her hair is slightly past shoulder length, and often worn down, but occassionally will wear them up in buns or pigtails. Her ears are pierced, but the only earrings she has are small black stars. She is incredibly pale due to rarely going outside, and often has bags from staying up late studying.

  •  Ethnicity   Caucasian 
  •  Residence   Nockfell 
  •  Job   Writer/Student 
  •  Sexuality   Straight 
  • ● Incredibly skilled with SFX makeup.
  • ● Favourite pass time is reading.
  • ● Really likes space themed items.
  • ● Amazing storyteller.
  • ● A big fan of macabre works.
  • ● Scares easily.
  • Gore
  • Stars
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Cuddling
  • Unicorns
  • Sleep
  • Ghosts
  • Airplanes
  • Cartoons
  • Metal
  • Tests
  • Crowds


Jamie comes from a very protective household that moves around frequently due to her father's job. Her mother was once a teacher, and therefore homeschools both Jamie and her younger sister. Despite originally transfering schools, due to an accident that broke her nose in second grade, her mother decided that it was safer to keep her at home, where she is under strict supervision to ensure she completes her studies. Her parents both want the young girl to go into education like her mother, putting a lot of pressure on Jamie to be as good as she can in order to keep them pleased. She moves into Addison Apts No. 204 in what would be her sophomore year of highschool.

Two years after moving in, her family decided that it was best for the family to get out of Nockfell when yet another better job opprotunity presented itself. In that time though, Jamie had finally begun coming out of her shell, being invited to school dances by Sal as his plus one, going out and exploring the sleepy old town, and opening up about her inner thoughts more. The news of moving was crushing, and she spent her last night in Nockfell with Sal in his apartment.


Sal The first friend that Jamie's made since leaving school, she grew somewhat attached to him. She spends most of her time hanging out with him, and has developed a large crush. Both parties treat him as a female around her parents.

Janey Jamie's younger sister, the two are very close. She's often the subject of Jamie's makeup experiments, something she enjoys a lot too. The siblings often watch horror movies together. She's protective of her big sister and isn't afraid to harm someone who might hurt her.

Lincoln The sweet boy who lives in the apartments. He and Jamie grew to be close friends, her often being there to calm him down or tell him a story, something that became his favourite activity.

profile html by Hukiolukio