Pacify's Comments

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Thank you aaaaa! Thank you so much

i seen this character around this site a lot lately, and I started to get curious about her. So I took a moment to read about Pacify and get to know her a bit better, and I freaking love her. ;-; 

You have a really cool character here, be proud of yourself! :3

Thank you so much aaaa!! I’m so glad you like her ;; I’ve tr ied my best to make her special and I’m glad that shines through!!

you are very welcome! And you have done a really good job of that! ;3

I read all of what you posted in my thread and I just

I’m just gonna 

(Hugs Pacify)

//sobs in pacifist// thank you, I really channeled my “feel like I am responsible for everything bad happening” angst into that one,,,,  she’s a good girl who I just. I love to torture

thx for the hug <333 she’s v thankful

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Aw!!thank you so much!!! I know that she certainly appreciates you!!


This pretty much sums up my feelings on her. She's absolutely lovely and seems like a great friend! I believe in you, Pacify!

!!!!!thank you so much!!!!! This means a lot to me omg,, She loves you too and would adore to be your friend!!

hello she's adorable... the world needs more kind and loving heroes, thank u for existing, Pacify

!!thank you so much!! I’m glad you like her! I feel the same way (and so does she)