


5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








January 20th


Silver Dragon


Reluctant adventurer, would rather be sleeping

DnD Class

Brawler, fights unarmed

Mother's Name

Dendu, Slayer of Red

Father's Name

Irvisidoir the Silent

Eldest Brother


Eldest Sister


Older Brother


Sexual Orientation

Demisexual, Homoromantic

Horded Items

Only the softest or fuzziest fabrics. His horde doubles as his bed and he only wishes to keep the best of furs around him.



Name Orvot
Pronouns He/Him They/Them
Age 153
Gender Male
Race Silver Dragon
Zodiac SignAquarius
Alignment True Neutral
Playlist Spotify Link

It is no secret that Silver dragons are friends to all humanoids, and Orvot - though unwilling at first - is no exception, Orvot is incredibly affectionate for his species. Despite his best efforts in his childhood, Orvot has not only managed to befriend humanoids, but has bonded to humanoids at an alarmingly fast pace.


  • Music, especially the string family
  • Blankets and furs, especially rabbit furs
  • Flying
  • Affection. He adores it above all else.


  • Water, especially rivers
  • The color red
  • Royalty
  • Lifespan Differences


Orvot is a Silver Dragon of a small clan known mostly of warriors and powerful mages. Despite this, he seems to be suffering from a rare condition for dragons, a disease that has yet to be recognized as such due to how uncommon this is.

Orvot cannot use magic outside of shape shifting and his breath weapons. Despite his best efforts, he cannot do a single cantrip. Due to how shameful such a thing can be, his family has hid this condition from other dragons and Orvot has made no attempt to interact with Silver dragons outside his family.


Orvot was born in the snowy nest with his siblings, Kudiet, Zyvre, and Ardim. As a hatchling, he was the last to crawl out of the snow and was twice as small as his siblings. A tiny, fragile, and confused little newborn, he cried out for his parents and was quickly met with the concern of his mother, Dendu.

Dendu was shocked to see how weak her youngest was and immediately focused on trying to get him stable enough to interact with his siblings. She spent those first ten years by his side, keeping anyone and everything away from her baby. She'd personally feed him, groom him, practically do everything for him in fear that he would be injured if he tried to do something on his own.

His father, Irvisidoir, understood the concern. However, he hardly treated Orvot in the same way. Irvisidoir encouraged him to play with his siblings, to explore Dendu's territory and to have his own adventures.

And so, Orvot followed his father's advice throughout his childhood. He would wander around the forested mountain, playing with any creature that was brave enough to come close to a wyrmling. He would climb anything he could to get high enough to glide, dunk his head into rivers to play with fish, roll around in mud and call it his armor. Because of his small size and his mother's overprotective nature, his siblings often avoided him and left him out of their games. While it was lonely at first, Orvot soon decided being on his own was far more fun.

Of course, that was until his last fishing adventure.

Winter was near it's end, the frozen forest was slowly coming back to life. Orvot's adventures led him to one off the rivers he had often visited during the colder days. Just as he had in the beginning of the season, Orvot trotted alongside the ice and made his way to one of his favorite fishing spots. The cold and the thawing water had made this far more slippery than Orvot had expected, and so he fell face first into the river. His wings dragged him down and he was far too weak to fight off the strong current. He was drowning, and in his panic, wasted his breath by trying to cry out for his parents. The world faded to black, and the next thing he could remember was waking up in the nest once more.

His mother, after saving his life, insisted that Orvot only leave the nest when being watched. She was determined to stop his dangerous adventures, and now Irvisidoir no longer protested against this.

Their family dynamic changed that day, with his father becoming more and more distant, his siblings now dedicating their time to their studies, and his mother keeping a close eye on his every move. The only break from this was their brief visits to the common nesting grounds where they would listen to stories from their elders. It was here that Orvot first heard tales of these ancient dragons fighting alongside humanoids and the bond they shared. It was also when he discovered the protective nature of his clan and the dangers of bonding with a creature with such a short lifespan.

Orvot just couldn't understand how his elders would risk their lives for these creatures, but then also be unable to tell the difference between a fallen human and said human's grandchild. It made no sense to him and Orvot decided that he would spend all four thousand years of his life far from humanoids. He wouldn't risk his life for them, and he certainly wouldn't let them anywhere near him. This is also where he decided to never learn how to speak, read, or write common. Of course, he was forced to learn how to speak it, but he often put up a protest and slowed his lessons.

His final few decades in the nest were dedicated to saying goodbye to his siblings. Their territorial instincts were starting to form, meaning the four were now fighting with one another. As per the agreement and treaty with the Xilos clan, Dendu and Irvisidoir put their children in the beginnings of the mentoring program. Tests were made on all four, asking them to show their intelligence and their talents. Unfortunately, Orvot scored rather low on many of these tests. He could not understand the way the Gold Dragons of Xilos phrased their questions, he did not possess magic aside from his breath weapons, and he certainly wanted nothing to do with anything involving humanoids.

This raised red flags to the Golden Elders, as they could not risk another Silver Dragon from this clan being tainted. They believed Orvot was at risk and decided he would be trouble. This hardly stopped their best student from rising to the task of becoming Orvot's mentor.

Orvot, thanks to his size, was the very last to leave the nest. The first to leave was his father, who then vanished. The next was his siblings though Dendu insisted she travel with each of her children for a short time before she returned. By the time Orvot left the nest, she traveled with him for a week. She did her best to avoid being too protective before she finally leaving him on his own.


Orvot found himself being assigned to Xilos' finest; Tygeo the Magnificent. It was a rather rough start for the two. Tygeo was often wrapped up in his own assignments, but still insisted on spending time with Orvot and actually teaching him the same lessons a Gold Dragon would typically go through. Despite his best efforts, Orvot refused to learn. The two would often argue over such things and their personalities just seemed to be too incompatible.

Things did start to take a turn for the better after a severe storm. The sounds of the rain made Orvot panic, being reminded of the time he almost drowned. His fear was far too great to take care of himself, and Tygeo soon took notice of his apprentice skipping their lessons. Upon finding him, Tygeo kept an eye out for him, made sure he was eating, and stayed by his side until the the storm had passed. It felt oddly nostalgic, and the two began to bond.

Of course, this only improved things on a small scale. Tygeo's career often brought nobles and humans in power. These humans would seek out Tygeo for advice or offer him gifts to try and bribe him for a glimpse into the future. Thanks to Tygeo constantly being away from his lair, these people would often make their way to Orvot's lair instead. They'd offer him some of these gifts in exchange for information on Tygeo, or constantly tell him how lucky he was to have someone so "perfect" as his mentor. It was rather insulting, and Orvot often turned these people - along with anyone - away.


It started as a typical visit. An odd humanoid arrived at Orvot's lair, bringing him a gift and asking to know of Tygeo. The person refused to leave despite Orvot being rather straightforward with it. His comments were only met with the phrase of "You'd better watch what you say, little one".

The conversation turned to this person asking Orvot if he planned on being exactly like Tygeo, and how he should consider himself lucky. This infuriated him, and soon Orvot went on and on with various insults to this human. The human soon revealed themselves to be a powerful magic user, stating that Orvot needed to learn his lesson on respecting humanoids. A curse was placed on him, light soon shimmering around his lair and blinding him.

When he awoke, the magic user had vanished and he was now in a human form. He couldn't process what was happening at first and panicked.

Now Orvot is off on a search to find a way to break this curse and return to his true form. Along this mission, he has encountered a few humanoids (Such as a rather annoying bard named Bart). While it's all still confusing to him, Orvot is starting to understand what his elders were trying to tell him.


After Tygeo and Bart had discovered him on a distant mountain, starting to lose himself to tarnishing, Orvot decided that he must do whatever it takes to keep his companions safe. They had saved his life, and Bart had somehow managed to snap him out of the dangerous thoughts that tried to alter his very being.

At first, Orvot believed that traveling with the two would be a breeze. He couldn't have been more wrong as he quickly discovered that his stubborn yet gorgeous mentor, Tygeo, and his reckless yet loyal friend, Bart, would cause him so much trouble. What their major issue seemed to be was that the two had so much in common yet refused to admit it - causing tension and arguments at every turn. Of course, the two could come together and work well if they made the attempt...

Orvot soon found his place in the trio as the muscle, along with becoming the voice of reason between his dear companions.

As they went along, Orvot took the opportunity to ask Bart all about humanoid customs and answering all of Bart's questions about dragons. It was during these conversations that Orvot discovered just how important Bart had become to him. He desired to protect him at any cost. At first, he had no idea why these feelings were so strong, but he soon came to terms and understood what it all meant.

Currently, the three are on their latest quest to save the world from the threat of Tiamat. After their victory against Cyric, this task doesn't seem to be as intimidating, but Orvot cannot help but feel that the three of them are making a huge mistake



Bart  [ Boyfriend ]

It's an unlikely pair, but somehow this odd and impulsive bard managed to get Orvot's attention. While Orvot does try his best to keep Bart's reckless behavior at bay, the two are able to jut chat and enjoy each other's company. Orvot has found himself getting lost in Bart's stories, songs, and just about any conversation. He doesn't know how this bard has such an effect on him, but he's starting to believe there's something between them that he absolutely needs.


Tygeo  [ Love Interest ]

What started as a frustrating tutoring has quickly shifted to an awkward friendship. Orvot has always found it odd that someone who is only a mere twenty years older than him is his instructor and sitter. However, there's no denying that Tygeo is a wonderful teacher. He is skilled in almost everything, but his ego is an annoyance Orvot would rather avoid. Orvot is unaware that his mentor has feelings for him and is rather oblivious to any flirtatious actions. That's not to say that there's a chance for something more to come of this, but it will take time.


Kichiro  [ Close Friend ]

As the centuries pass, Kichiro and Orvot met by chance. An attempted theft changed to a conversation, though Orvot had no idea he was speaking to a kitsune and not a regular fox. All Orvot knew was that a fox with a broken leg was desperate enough to trust him, so he did his best to heal the animal and share his food. He was surprised to see the fox stay by him, so he began to speak for the first time in decades. He told the fox whatever was on his mind, sharing his tales about his departed friends, his lover who had passed thousands of years ago. When Kichiro revealed himself, it was a surprise. Orvot was happy to have someone to speak with again, but he was terrified at the thought of growing close to someone else only to watch them die of old age.


Janky  [ Friend ]

Janky seems to be the voice of reason when it comes to the party and their choices. Overall, Orvot views Janky as someone he can trust. At the very least, he is positive that Janky is the most honest in comparison to both Bart and himself.

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